我为什么决定投靠'简书'?Why do I de
I am a teacher of English by profession... English has already become part of my life and my blood like my native tongue... When it comes to writing, I have found it is even more natural for me to use English... Of course I know both my Chinese and English still need improving... But writing itself is a good way of upgrading my language level, isn't it?...
I have been recording life with words in English for over two years and a half in my own way on the Wechat... At first I did not know for how long I would insist on writing publicly... After quite some while I found that it seemed OK for me to continue to write in English... If I could write for two years, I know I have no reason why I cannot continue to write another twenty years... On the Wechat the readers are mainly your friends and acquaintances who do not necessarily feel interested in English writing, so gradually I want to reach a wider reading community where more people will read my words and will be able to share interesting ideas in life with me... Then I think of other social networks...
I try Microblog first... Yet it is then already the sheer world of big 'V's... It is impossible for a nobody like me to catch the attention of more audience...
Next I go to 'Toutiao'... Still a failure... Worse... Because in here even people who have '关注'了 me cannot find me at all... My husband can never read me unless he select me on purpose... Certainly it is even harder for my fans to reach me... Then I know I have come to the wrong place again...
I know one reason that I am 'invisible' on these social networks is that I write in English... Yet think of the fact that too many people want to learn English well in this country... If so, I should have many prospective readers... I always wonder why English learners don't make English part of their lives?... Why don't they try writing often so they train their thinking in English often?... Strangely, in this country, everyone is learning English, but only a few are using it...
I would like to try '简书' after my husband told me about it last night... I think probably in here I may reach more like-minded people... I want to share with more English readers my original thoughts about life and learning... Even though I can still communicate with only a small group of readers relatively speaking, it's all right... At least this is a community which encourages originality and ingenuity... I like this wonderful idea...