
2018-12-24  本文已影响0人  Wuhouxxxx






1. 复习资料建议


2. 复习规划和时间安排

  1. 肖秀荣4套卷逻辑框架
  2. 陆寓丰小册子中的分析题点睛

3. 复习总结


1. 复习资料建议


2. 复习规划

  1. 作文框架,倒背如流的程度
  2. 熟悉“同义词替换”的做题思路

3. 复习总结

4. 模板提供


Introduction, purpose.

Background. Thus, transition. At the very beginning,.../Furthermore, ..../Last but not least, ....

Thanks. Reply.

(apology / appreciation / consulting / invitation / recommendation / introduction / resignation / inquiry / complaint)


Dear Sir or Madam,

As a local resident in this beloved city/It’s been a while since we met last time, I am writing this letter with my full heart ( for the purpose of conveying that ... / to state my (opinion / concern) over sth ... )

It is universally acknowledged that [background]. Thus, it is high time for sb to do sth / my suggestions over this issue are as follows.

At the very beginning, ... Furthermore, .... Last but not least, ....

Thanks a lot for your attention to this letter, and I am looking forward to your reply at your earliest convenience.

Yours sincerely, 换行 Li Ming.


  1. Only in this way can we bring ... under control

  2. ... pose a threat to

  3. However, ... doesn’t benefit, because in the long run, ... will suffer a big loss.

  4. It is hard to place the blameon ... , but .... should share responsibility.

  5. We should attach great importance to ...

  6. I will endeavor to help you.

  7. ... lay more / great emphasis on ...

  8. ... serves as a key factor for getting ahead.



The line chart above clearly demonstrates that some remarkable changes have taken place in the past several years in terms of ...(表头)

Based on the data provided, we notice that

①升降:the number / percentage of ... ( increase / decrease) ( greatly / steadily / slightly ) from num1 in year1 to num2 to year2.

②平稳或震荡:while this figure ( remain stable / fluctuate around num3 )

**第一段:饼图表头描述+数据描述What **(占比:occupy, account for, take up)

The pie char above reflects xxx(表头)

Based on the data provided, we notice that A ranks first with the highest percentage of a%, followed by B b% and C b% ,and Z occupies smallest proportion with only z%.


综述:We are very likely to ask what may account for this universal yet prominent phenomenon. From my perspective, there are many shaping factors that impose their influence upon this issue.


At the very beginning, with the rapid developmentof modern society which led by economy, ... has turned out to be trend that anyone can not evade.

What's more, people lay more emphasis on ... in order to ...

Last but not least, the phenomenon is related to a series of improvement policies about ... implemented by government.


综上:Considering what has been argued so far, we can safely come to the conclusion that the tendency is normal ( and positive).

展望:And I firmly believed that it is bound to continue in the years to come./

Hopefully, ( more / some ) positive changes happen in the foreseen future.


1. 复习资料建议

2. 复习规划和时间安排

3. 复习总结


个人复习背景:7年前的大一学过Visual Basic,发现编程挺有趣;了解到python之美,去年自学了入门级别python(自学瓶颈太大)

1. 复习资料建议(零基础跨考)

2. 跨考理想复习规划和时间安排

3. 复习总结


  1. 整体从5月下来,复习还算有序,期间也因为畏难而产生了对专业课的懈怠;但12月一整个月是紧张有序,基本月计划和周计划都合理安排和完成,把工作和复习的冲突降到了最低
  2. 备考初试告一段落,无论结果怎么样吧,1月开始就要先着手准备复试的内容;假如考上了就要在4.5月开始准备把软件本科和研究生的课给补补
  3. 对于未来,现在也看不清走向。并不知道明年会怎么样,也不期望生活能给予多少善待。
  4. 借党的一句话:栉风沐雨,不忘初心,砥砺前行。
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