

2018-03-03  本文已影响0人  浅蓝色艾米鱼




          进到教室后,铺好瑜伽垫,平躺着,闭着眼睛,静静地,慢慢地听见了自己的呼吸声。随着课友陆陆续续进来,声音窸窸窣窣,最终瑜伽老师Jade的问候声让大家默契的做好了上课的准备。课程中,我位置在第三排,看着第一排的大牛们轻松做着upward facing dog, downward facing dong, backbend, headstand。我吃力地,努力地跟上节奏,跟自己死磕一般,守住自己仅有的那点平衡感和柔韧度。没有对比,也就没有伤害。出于自知之明和好强心,一直洗脑自己别人能做到,我也能做到。

          在接下来的一周里只要课程时间是在上班前或是周末,我都去上课了,大概一周练五次吧。这过程中,下课后,一有机会就问老师我要怎么样才能做好backbend, Jade语重心长地叫我慢慢来,说身体力道和柔韧度是需要练习的。自己想想也是,为什么要急于求成,给自己那么大压力,又没有人要考试。



yoga school lobby

I am just into you, Yoga

Journal is the way to show my positive attitude to life and a dialogue to myself.

In the past few months, I was so upset in my life. I was so stressed out for my new job, and my family was in trouble. My mind could not handle all the situation. I did not like myself with those negative things. I wanted to step out and tried something new that can help me to be more positive. I made a decision to go to a yoga class. The first day at school, the receptionist greeted me with a big smile in the lobby and the scent of sandalwood and the soothing music brought me into a silent world. After enrollment, I followed a classmate and went to the change room, got ready for the yoga class.

In the classroom, I put my yoga mat flat and lay down . I closed my eyes, calmed my body down and focused on my breath. With more people coming in the classroom, the noise was getting louder. With teacher Jade’s greeting, the whole classroom was getting quiet and everybody was ready for yoga. During the class, I observed that in the first row classmates were so talented and did well in all the postures, like upward facing dog, downward facing dog, backbend and headstand, etc. However, I was struggling to catch up the class and tried my best to do balancing and make my body flexible.

I knew I still had a long way to go to be my classmates’ level. I wanted to be better, so after classes, I asked Jade for help. She told me that I should slow down, because to get good balance and flexibility of body took time and I needed more practice. I was wondering, thinking and asking myself, why I was so rash to do those postures and I should relax and take it easy. After adjusting my mood, in the next few weeks, I reminded myself to slow down and enjoyed the classes. The more practice I did, the better balance and flexibility in my body. One day, I was so proud of myself and excited that I could do backbend, which motivated me to do more practice and loved yoga more.

One month, two months gone, even though I still had some fat around my belly, my back was getting muscle and my legs were more skinny. Most Importantly, I became more positive because yoga had a positive effect on my life. I did not procrastinate to get up. I started to enjoy yoga classes in the early mornings. I loved the feeling of calm and relax after yoga classes. I thought positively that my life is getting better and my body will be fit. After doing meditation in the yoga classes,I let the unhappiness go and be more calm. I notice that yoga is a journey and also a result. I am still on the way to be better with yoga. I am so glad to be a yogi. I would like to be an ambassador of yoga and welcome all of you to join me. I am just into yoga. Love life and be free because you only live once. YOLO!

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