Batterystats collects battery data from your device.
Batterystats is part of the Android framework.
A mobile device with Developer Options enabled running Android 5.0 or higher.
1、Download the open-source Battery Historion Python script from GitHub (https://github.com/google/battery-historian).
2、Unzip the file to extract the Battery Historian folder. Inside the folder, find the historian.py file and move it to the Desktop or another writable directory.
3、Connect your mobile device to your computer.
4、On your computer, open a Terminal window.
5、Change to the directory where you've saved historian.py,
for example: cd ~/Desktop
6、Shut down your running adb server.
> adb kill-server
7、Restart adb and check for connected devices.
> adb devices
> adb shell dumpsys batterystats --enable full-wake-history
8、Reset battery data gathering.
> adb shell dumpsys batterystats --reset
Resetting erases old battery collection data; otherewise, the output will be huge.
9、Disconnect your device from your computer so that you are only drawing current from the device's battery.
10、Play with your app for a short time.
11、Reconnect your phone.
12、Make sure your phone is recognized: > adb devices
13、Dump all battery data. This can take a while:
> adb shell dumpsys batterystats > batterystats.txt
> adb shell dumpsys batterystats --disable full-wake-history
14、Create a HTML version of the data dump for Battery Historian:
> python historian.py batterystats.txt > batterystats.html
15、Open the batterystats.html file in your browser.