
2017-08-12  本文已影响0人  luhu

You are who you choose to be. You want to be a good parent,you want to be a good worker, you will.

We have many choices to make in our life .what to wear,what to eat,what to learn, which school to attend,what kind of job to take,which house to choose,what kind of car to buy,what kind of people you want to communicate,also who you choose as a husband or wife.

life is a matter of choice.

The meaning of life is to give life meaning . This is the best answer I have heard from a philosophist .

when you was a young child, you gave your life meaning by playing, running and laughing.

When you was a student, you gave your life meaning by learning.

When you grow up you gradually found life meaning is not superficially helping others.

Life is not easy,to be successful, you must refine your decisions. You have to make your choices by you sincerely understanding and caring for people.

In tough situations,it would cost a lot by making incorrect choices. You should think independently not just followed what others said. You can choose this road and you can choose that road. You can choose to do this and you can choose to do that. It depends on the way how you think about it. You can't complain about the environment where you live and others who living around you. You have your own brain and should be responsible for your actions not complaining about others. But you can discuss with others to make your choices better in the end.

Because life is without regret.

You should prepare for your life by accumulating your experiences.

Don't hold the things you don't need.

Throw the things you own far away which you don't need.

Don't be abbssed to the unnecessary things.

Keep a space for your freedom .

Truth is truth.

Be ture, be honest

You have a job you enjoy

You have good relationships by spending your time to maintain

You are being away from the jail.

These are three rules for living a good life.

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