PMBOK指南知识点 - 第八章
第八章 项目质量管理 Chapter 8 - Project Quality Management
8.0 Processes 3大过程
8.1 Plan Quality Mgmt.(P) - Identifying quality requirements and documenting how to comply with them.
8.1 规划质量管理 - 识别质量需求并用文档记录如何满足这些需求。
8.2 Manage Quality(E) - Converting the quality mgmt. plan into actionable quality activities.
8.2 管理质量 - 将质量管理计划变为可执行的质量管理活动。
8.3 Control Quality(M) - Monitoring outcomes of quality activities to evaluate performance.
8.3 控制质量 - 监督质量管理活动的成果来衡量绩效。
Trends in Quality Management 质量管理发展趋势
Customer Satisfaction - Meeting requirements and fitness for use(satisfies the real need).
客户满意 - 满足客户需求,更易用(满足实际使用需要)。
Continual Improvement - Using the PDCA(plan-do-check-act) cycle to improve our processes.
持续改进 - 使用PDCA循环改进项目的过程。
Management Responsibility - Management is responsible for providing the necessary resources.
管理层的责任 - 管理层对提供项目必须的资源负有责任。
Mutually Beneficial Partnerships with Suppliers - Build long-term relationships with suppliers.
与供应商的互利合作关系 - 与供应商建立长期的伙伴关系。
Cost of Quality - "Quality Planning" 质量成本 - “质量规划”
Cost of Quality - Efforts to ensure good quality and address cases of poor quality.
质量成本 - 为了确保产品质量而付出的成本,且包含失败成本
Cost of Conformance - Money spend to avoid failures during the project.
一致性成本 - 项目过程中为避免失败所付出的成本(预防成本、评估成本)。
- Prevention - Design and build quality products (e.g. training, equipment, and process documents).
- 预防成本 - 为了设计打造高质量产品(比如:培训、设备和过程文档等)。
- Appraisal - Assess quality (e.g. inspection and testing).
- 评估成本 - 为了评估质量(比如:检查和测试)。
Cost of Non-Conformance - Money spent to fix failures.
非一致性成本 - 为了修正失败而付出的成本 。
- Internal Failure - Errors found by the project team (e.g. rework and scrap).
- 内部失败成本 - 由项目组内部发现的质量问题所引发(比如:返工、报废)。
- External Failure - Errors found by the customer (e.g. warranties, recalls, and lost business).
- 外部失败成本 - 由客户发现的质量问题所引发(比如:保修、召回、失去业务)。
"Plan Quality Management" - Key Outputs 8.1 规划质量管理 主要输出
Quality Management Plan - Describes how an organization's quality policies will be implemented.
质量管理计划 - 描述组织的质量政策将如何落实。
Quality Metrics - Description of a project or product attribute and how to measure it.
质量测量指标 - 描述项目或产品属性,以及如何测量这些属性。
A Selection of Quality Management Tools 部分质量管理工具
Data Representation 数据表现
- Affinity Diagram - A mind-mapping technique used to organize causes of defects into categories.
- 亲和图 - 用来将引起质量失败的原因进行分类。
- Cause and Effect Diagram - Helps to organize and display the origins of a quality problem.
- 因果图 - 将一个质量问题的原因进行整理和显示。
- Flowchart - Depicts the sequence of process steps that results in a defect.
- 流程图 - 绘制引发缺陷的一系列步骤。
- Logical Data Model - Shows how data flows in a company; helps diagnose data quality issues.
- 逻辑数据模型 - 展示在一个公司内数据时如何流动的;帮助识别数据质量问题。
- Histogram - Displays data about defects in a statistical distribution.
- 直方图 - 展示缺陷相关数据的统计学分布。
- Matrix Diagram - Shows the strength of relationships that exist between variables.
- 矩阵图 - 展示不同因素之间关系的强弱。
- Scatter Diagrams - Displays how the amount of defects are related to other variables.
- 散点图 - 展示要素与质量缺陷间的关系。
- Control Chart - Displays process data over time and against control limits (+/-3 std. deviations).
- 控制图 - 随着时间变化显示过程数据以及与控制界线之间的比较(通常控制界线为 +/-3标准差的位置)。
Data Gathering 数据收集
- Benchmarking - Comparing our organization with others to identify areas for improvement.
- 标杆对照 - 与其他组织对照来识别可以提升的地方。
- Check Sheets - Used for counting ("tallying") when gathering data about quality problems.
- 核查表 - 将发生的质量问题的数据记录在册。
- Statistical Sampling - Collecting data about a portion of the population for use in quality analysis.
- 统计抽样 - 在质量分析中通过收集整体中的部分的信息来进行测量控制和确认质量。
- Questionnaires/Surveys - Used to gather feedback about customer satisfaction.
- 问卷调查 - 获取客户回馈和满意度调查。
Data Analysis 数据分析
- Cost of Quality - Efforts to ensure good quality and address cases of poor quality.
- 质量成本 - 为了确保产品质量而付出的成本,且包含失败成本。
- Cost-Benefit Analysis - Compares the cost of quality against the benefit (e.g. less rework).
- 成本效益分析 - 将质量成本和效益做对比分析(如:减少返工)。
- Root Cause Analysis (RCA) - Working to determine the underlying causes of an issue.
- 根本原因分析RCA - 设法确定一个质量问题的根本原因。
- Process Analysis - Identify opportunities for process improvements.
- 过程分析 - 发现过程优化的机会。
Audits - Checking if the project is following policy/process; usually performed by external team.
审计 - 检查整个项目是否遵循组织政策/过程要求;通常由外部团队执行。
Design for X (DfX) - Optimizing a specific aspect of a product's design (e.g. reliability, safety, etc.).
面向X的设计 - 优化产品设计的某个特定方面(如:可靠性、安全性等)。
Inspection - Determining if work conforms to documented standards.
检查 - 检验工作产品,确定是否符合书面标准
Testing & Product Evaluations - Testing a product to find errors or defects.
测试/产品评估 - 测试产品来发现问题和缺陷。