
2018-08-11  本文已影响0人  EdwardMa
  1. What is Deep Learning?

Deep learning is an area of machine learning focus on using deep (containing more than one hidden layer) artificial neural networks, which are loosely inspired by the brain. The idea dates back to the mid 1960s, Alexey Grigorevich Ivakhnenko published the first general, working deep learning network. Deep learning is applicable over a range of fields such as computer vision, speech recognition, natural language processing.

  1. What is a Neural Network? Why are deep networks better than shallow ones?


Both shallow and deep networks are capable of approximating any function. For the same level of accuracy, deeper networks can be much more efficient in terms of computation and number of parameters. Deeper networks are able to create deep representations, at every layer, the network learns a new, more abstract representation of the input.

  1. What is a Multilayer Perceptron (MLP)?

  1. What is Data Normalization and why do we need it?


Data normalization is a very important preprocessing step, used to rescale values to fit in a specific range to assure better convergence during backpropagation. In general, it boils down to subtracting the mean of each data point and dividing by its standard deviation.

  1. What is a Boltzmann Machine?

  1. What is the role of Activation Functions in neural network?

The goal of an activation function is to introduce non-linearity into the neural network so that it can learn more complex function. Without it, the neural network would be only able to learn function which is a linear combination of its input data.

  1. What is a cost function?

Cost function tells us how well the neural network is performing. Our goal during training is to find parameters that minimize the cost function.

  1. What is the Gradient Descent?
    Gradient descent is an optimization algorithm used in machine learning to learn values of parameters that minimize the cost function. It’s an iterative algorithm, in every iteration, we compute the gradient of the cost function with respect to each parameter and update the parameters of the function via the following.
    $\Theta := \Theta – \alpha\frac{d}{\partial\Theta}J(\Theta)$
  1. What do you understand by Backpropagation?
    Backpropagation is a training algorithm used for a multilayer neural networks. It moves the error information from the end of the network to all the weights inside the network and thus allows for efficient computation of the gradient.

The backpropagation algorithm can be divided into several steps:

  1. What is the difference between Feedforward Neural Network and Recurrent Neural Network?

  1. What are some applications of Recurrent Neural Network?
  2. What are the Softmax and ReLU functions?

  1. What are hyperparameters?
    Hyperparameters as opposed to model parameters can’t be learned from the data, they are set before the training phase.
  1. What will happen if learning rate is set too low or too high?

  1. What is Dropout and Batch Normalization?

Dropout is a regularization technique for reducing overfitting in neural networks. At each training step we randomly drop out (set to zero) set of nodes, thus we create a different model for each training case, all of these models share weights. It’s a form of model averaging.

Batch normalize
  1. What is the difference between Batch Gradient Descent and Stochastic Gradient Descent?

  1. Explain Overfitting and Underfitting and how to combat them.

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  1. How are weights initialized in a network?

Weight initialization is a very important step. Bad weight initialization can prevent a network from learning. Good initialization can lead to quicker convergence and better overall error. Biases can be generally initialized to zero. The general rule for setting the weights is to be close to zero without being too small.

不要全0初始化! As a result of setting weights in the network to zero, all the neurons at each layer are producing the same output and the same gradients during backpropagation.
The network can’t learn at all because there is no source of asymmetry between neurons. That is why we need to add randomness to weight initialization process.

  1. What are the different layers in CNN?

  1. What is Pooling in CNN and how does it work?

  1. Explain the following three variants of gradient descent: batch, stochastic and mini-batch?
  1. What are the benefits of mini-batch gradient descent?
  1. What is a model capacity?
    Ability to approximate any given function. The higher model capacity is the larger amount of information that can be stored in the network.

  2. What is a convolutional neural network?

Convolutional neural networks, also known as CNN, are a type of feedforward neural networks that use convolution in at least one of their layers. The convolutional layer consists of a set of filter (kernels). This filter is sliding across the entire input image, computing dot product between the weights of the filter and the input image. As a result of training, the network learns filters that can detect specific features.

  1. What is an autoencoder?

Autoencoder is artificial neural networks able to learn representation for a set of data (encoding), without any supervision. The network learns by copying its input to the output, typically internal representation has smaller dimensions than input vector so that they can learn efficient ways of representing data. Autoencoder consist of two parts, an encoder tries to fit the inputs to an internal representation and decoder converts the internal state to the outputs.

  1. What are some limitations of deep learning?
image.png image.png image.png image.png image.png image.png 计算图 image.png 什么是bagging? 什么是boosting?
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