2.6 雅思全程班口语

2018-02-06  本文已影响0人  想睡觉的胖胖

Why do people like to buy expensive furniture?

Part 2 物品类 


step 1

step2:   who gave it to you?

step 2

keep doing sth 

jump for joy 

identical to real


step 3: What it was like?

step 4: How you feel about the toy? 

Describe a piece of furniture 

running out of  用尽

step 1. What this furniture is? 

   curl up in your own comfort 

   king size bed 大号床

    mattress 床垫     wardrobe衣柜  

     residential  hall    

      table lamp   

      toilet 马桶 

       wash  stand


     dressing table

Step 2  What does it look like? 

  大小 颜色 材质 设计风格

 step 3   



step 4  How or why did you buy/love it?

Difference  过去与现在的对比

Do people trust others as much as they used in the past?

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