
2021-07-02  本文已影响0人  走过分叉路

# like 模糊查询 前模糊或者 全模糊不走索引
explain select * from users u where u.name like '%mysql测试' 
# or 条件不走索引,只要有一个条件字段没有添加索引,都不走,如果条件都添加的索引,也不一定,测试
explain select * from users u where u.name = 'mysql测试' or u.password ='JspStudy'
# or 条件都是同一个索引字段,走索引
explain  select * from users u where u.name= 'mysql测试' or u.name='333'
# 使用 union all 代替 or 这样的话有索引例的就会走索引
select * from users u where u.name = 'mysql测试' 
union all
select * from users u where u.password = 'JspStudy'
# in 走索引
explain select * from users u where u.name in ('mysql测试','JspStudy')
# not in 不走索引
explain select * from users u where u.name not in ('mysql测试','JspStudy')
# is null 走索引
explain select * from users u where u.name is null 
# is not null  不走索引
explain select * from users u where u.name is not null 
# !=、<> 不走索引
explain select * from users u where u.name <> 'mysql测试'
# 隐式转换-不走索引(name 字段为 string类型,这里123为数值类型,进行了类型转换,所以不走索引,改为 '123' 则走索引)
explain select * from users u where u.name = 123
# 函数运算-不走索引
explain select *  from users u where  date_format(upTime,'%Y-%m-%d') = '2019-07-01'
# and 语句,多条件字段,最多只能用到一个索引,如果需要,可以建组合索引
explain select * from users where id='4' and username ='JspStudy' 
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