

2020-02-10  本文已影响0人  Wendy的书单

bow  /baʊ/   v  bows, bowing, bowed, bowed


[ ~ (down) (to/before sb/sth)

to move your head or the top half of your body forwards and downwards as a sign of respect or to say hello or goodbye鞠躬;点头

•He bowed low to the assembled crowd.他向集结的人群深深地鞠了一躬。

•The people all bowed down before the Emperor.所有人都给皇帝鞠躬。 


 to move your head forwards and downwards低(头);垂(首)

•She bowed her head in shame.她羞愧地低下了头。

•They stood in silence with their heads bowed.他们默默地垂头而立。 


to bend or make sth bend(使)弯曲

•The pines bowed in the wind.松树被风吹弯了。 

•Their backs were bowed 

bow  /bəʊ/  n    bows


a weapon used for shooting arrows, consisting of a long curved piece of wood with a tight string joining its ends弓

•He was armed with a bow and arrow .他佩带着弓箭。


a knot with two loops and two loose ends which is used for decoration on clothes, in hair, etc. or for tying shoes蝴蝶结

•to tie your shoelaces in a bow把鞋带打成蝴蝶结

•Her hair was tied back in a neat bow.她的头发扎在脑后打了个整齐的蝴蝶结。 


a long thin piece of wood with thin string stretched along it, used for playing musical instruments such as the violin琴弓

bowl    /bəʊl/  -s


a deep round dish with a wide open top, used especially for holding food or liquid 碗;钵;盆

•a salad/fruit/sugar, etc. bowl色拉碗、水果盆、糖钵等

•a washing-up bowl洗碗碟盆

bridge  /brɪdʒ/  bridges

1. a structure that is built over a road, railway/railroad, river, etc. so that people or vehicles can cross from one side to the other桥

•We crossed the bridge over the river Windrush.我们穿过了温德拉什河上的桥。 


a thing that provides a connection or contact between two different things起联系作用的事物;桥梁;纽带

•Cultural exchanges are a way of building bridges between countries.文化交流是各国之间建立联系的纽带。


the ~ of sb's nose   the hard part at the top of the nose, between the eyes鼻梁

bring     v. /brɪŋ/   brings, bringing, brought , brought  / brɔːt/ 


~ sb/sth (with you)

~ sth (for sb)

~ (sb) sth

to come to a place with sb/sth带…到某处;带来;取来

•Don't forget to bring your books with you.别忘了把书带来。 

•She brought her boyfriend to the party.她带着男朋友去参加聚会。 

•Bring a present for Helen.给海伦带件礼物来。 

•Bring Helen a present.给海伦带件礼物来。 


~ sb/sth sth

~ sth to sb/sth

to provide sb/sth with sth提供;供给

•His writing brings him $10 000 a year.写作每年为他赚1万元。

•The team's new manager brings ten years' experience to the job.该队的新经理到任时已有十年的相关经验。 


to cause sth导致;引起

•The revolution brought many changes.这场革命导致很多变化。 

•The news brought tears to his eyes (= made him cry) .这个消息使他不禁流下泪来。

•Retirement usually brings with it a massive drop in income.收入通常随着退休而大大减少。

ˌbring sth←→about      

to make sth happen导致;引起

•What brought about the change in his attitude?是什么使他改变了态度?

build   /bɪld/   builds, building, built, built   /bɪlt/ 


~ sth (of/in/from sth)

~ sth (for sb)

~ sb sth

to make sth, especially a building, by putting parts together建筑;建造

•They have permission to build 200 new houses.他们得到建200座新房的许可。 

•Robins build nests almost anywhere.知更鸟几乎随处筑巢。 

•a house built of stone用石头建造的房子

•They had a house built for them.他们让人给他们建了一栋房子。 

•David built us a shed in the back yard.戴维帮我们在后院搭了个棚子。 

•They're going to build on the site of the old power station.他们要在老发电站那里盖房子。 


 to create or develop sth创建;开发

•She's built a new career for herself.她为自己开辟了一条新的谋生之路。 

•We want to build a better life.我们想创造更美好的生活。 

•This information will help us build a picture of his attacker.这条信息将有助于描画出袭击他的人的相貌。 


[ V] ( of a feeling感觉 ) to become gradually stronger 逐渐增强

•The tension and excitement built gradually all day.整个一天中,紧张与兴奋的气氛越来越浓。 

by  prep   /baɪ/ 


near sb/sth; at the side of sb/sth; beside sb/sth靠近;在…旁边

•a house by the river 河边的一所房子

•The telephone is by the window. 电话在窗户旁边。 

•Come and sit by me. 过来挨着我坐。 


used, usually after a passive verb, to show who or what does, creates or causes sth(常置于表示被动的动词后,表示使为者)

•He was knocked down by a bus. 他被公共汽车撞倒了。 

•a play by Ibsen 易卜生写的剧本

•Who's that book by? 谁是那本书的作者? 

•I was frightened by the noise. 我被那响声吓坏了。 


used for showing how or in what way sth is done(表示方式)

•The house is heated by gas. 这房子是煤气供暖的。 

•May I pay by cheque? 我能用支票付款吗? 

•I will contact you by letter. 我会给你写信联系的。 

•to travel by boat/bus/car/plane 乘船╱公共汽车╱轿车╱飞机

•to travel by air/land/sea 坐飞机;经陆路╱海路

•Switch it on by pressing this button. 按下这个开关启动它。 


used before particular nouns without the , to say that sth happens as a result of sth(置于不带the的名词前,表示原因)由于

•They met by chance. 他们不期而遇。 

•I did it by mistake. 我误做了这事。 

•The coroner's verdict was ‘death by misadventure’. 验尸官判定是“意外致死”。


not later than the time mentioned; before不迟于;在…之前

•Can you finish the work by five o'clock? 你五点钟前能完成工作吗? 

•I'll have it done by tomorrow. 我将于明天之前让人做完这件事。 

•By this time next week we'll be in New York. 下星期的这个时候我们将在纽约。 

•He ought to have arrived by now/by this time . 他现在应该已经到了。

•By the time (that) this letter reaches you I will have left the country. 你收到这封信时,我已离开这个国家了。


past sb/sth经过

•He walked by me without speaking. 他一言不发地从我身边走过。 


during sth; in a particular situation在…期间;处于某种状况

•to travel by day/night 白天╱夜间旅行

•We had to work by candlelight. 我们不得不借助烛光工作。 


used to show the degree or amount of sth(表示程度、数量)

•The bullet missed him by two inches. 子弹只差两英寸就击中他了。 

•House prices went up by 10%. 房价上涨了10%。

•It would be better by far (= much better) to... 那比…好得多。


from what sth shows or says; according to sth从…看;依;按照

•By my watch it is two o'clock. 我的表是两点钟。 

•I could tell by the look on her face that something terrible had happened. 从她的脸色我可以看出,发生了可怕的事情。 

•By law, you are a child until you are 18. 按照法律规定,18岁之前是未成年人。 


used to show the part of sb/sth that sb touches, holds, etc.(表示触及或抓住的人或物的部分)

•I took him by the hand. 我拉着他的手。 

•She seized her by the hair. 她揪住她的头发。 

•Pick it up by the handle! 抓着手柄把它提起来! 


used with the to show the period or quantity used for buying, selling or measuring sth(与the连用,表示时间或量度单位)

•We rented the car by the day. 我们按日租用汽车。 

•They're paid by the hour. 他们的报酬是按小时计算的。 

•We only sell it by the metre. 我们只按米出售。 


used to state the rate at which sth happens(表示速率)

•They're improving day by day. 他们在一天天地改进。 

•We'll do it bit by bit. 我们会一点一点地做。 

•It was getting worse by the minute (= very fast) . 情况急速恶化。 

•The children came in two by two (= in groups of two) . 孩子们一对一对地走了进来。 


used for giving more information about where sb comes from, what sb does, etc.(补充有关出生地、职业等的信息)

•He's German by birth. 他是德国血统的。 

•They're both doctors by profession. 他们两人的职业都是医生。 


used when swearing to mean‘in the name of’ (起誓时用)以…的名义

•I swear by Almighty God... 我以全能上帝之名发誓…


used to show the measurements of sth(表示尺寸时用)

•The room measures fifteen feet by twenty feet. 房间15英尺宽20英尺长。 


used when multiplying or dividing(用于乘除运算)

•6 multiplied by 2 equals 12. 6乘以2等于12。

•6 divided by 2 equals 3. 6除以2等于3。

by   adv

past  经过

•Just drive by. Don't stop.直接开过去。别停车。

•He hurried by without speaking to me.他没和我说话就匆匆过去了。 

•Excuse me, I can't get by.劳驾,请让开点路。 

•Time goes by so quickly.时光飞逝。 

camera    n.    -s     /ˈkæmərə/ 

a piece of equipment for taking photographs, moving pictures or television pictures照相机;(电影)摄影机;(电视)摄像机

• Just point the camera and press the button.只要把照相机对准,然后按动快门就可以了。

• Cameras started clicking as soon as she stepped out of the car.她一跨出汽车,照相机就开始咔嚓咔嚓地响成一片。

• a TV/video camera电视摄像机;摄像机

• a camera crew摄制组

camp    /kæmp/   -s /s/


a place where people live temporarily in tents or temporary buildings营地

•Let's return to camp.咱们回营地吧。 

•to pitch/make camp (= put up tents)扎营;搭帐篷

•to break camp (= to take down tents)拔营


 a place where young people go on holiday/vacation and take part in various activities or a particular activity度假营

•a tennis camp网球度假营

•He spent two weeks at camp this summer.他今年夏天在度假营玩了两个星期。 

•summer camp夏令营


[ C] ( used in compounds用于构成复合词 ) a place where people are kept in temporary buildings or tents, especially by a government and often for long periods (尤指政府让人长时间住宿的)营房,营帐

•a refugee camp难民营

•a camp guard拘留营看守

go camping   去野营

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