
【ROS-I wiki翻译(四)】ROS-I教程(节译)

2018-09-18  本文已影响8人  十月石榴2013

原网页: Industrial -Tutorials

1. ROS-Industral 教程概述

ROS-Industrial 包括很多软件包,软件包可以分为两类:通用软件包供应商特定软件包。通过软件包的wiki链接可以找到软件包的介绍。
如果你对这个教程有疑问或者建议,可以在论坛ROS-Industrial category上留言联系我们。
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2. 通用 ROS-Industrial

接下来介绍 ROS-Industrial 的通用功能、库、消息,等等。

2.1 训练课程

推荐 ROS 和 ROS-Industrial 的新手用一下训练课程。
开发者基础训练课程——ROS-I课程,适用于从基本Linux开始的C ++程序员,并以支持视觉的拾取和放置项目结束。 包括幻灯片,分步练习和测试代码。

2.2 通用

以下教程涵盖了各种 ROS-I 的主题。教程没有特定的顺序。

  1. 创建一个工业机器人的URDF模型

  2. 创建一个工业机器人的MoveIt包
    逐步为工业机器人创建MoveIt包。 MoveIt包为机器人提供了碰撞感知路径规划。

  3. ROS-I 机器人支持包

  4. 使用TCP套接字库创建关节位置流接口
    使用ROS-Industrial TCP套接字库在工业控制器上创建联合位置流接口。 该界面适用于基本运动和概念验证集成。

  5. 使用IK Fast创建运动学解决方案

2.3 工业标定工具箱

  1. 固有摄像机校准(过程校准)

    This tutorial shows how to use the intrinsic camera calibration package to compute the camera intrinsic parameters using a rail guide and calibration target. The procedure uses a slightly different cost function than OpenCV and Matlab. It relies on knowing the distance the camera is moved between successive images. When performed precisely, the routine is both quicker because it requires fewer images and more accurate because the parameters have lower co-variance.

  2. 有目标的多相机外参校准

    This tutorial explains how to perform an extrinsic calibration of a network of cameras, through two examples. You will learn how to write and run a calibration script which defines the cameras, the targets, and a series of observations. You will also learn how to modify an existing Xacro or Urdf model to provide a seamless interface for installing the calibration results. You will also be introduced to the concept of a cost function. One significant contribution of this library is the variety of cost functions it contains.

  3. 连接机器人的 David SLS-2 外参校准

    This tutorial shows how to perform the extrinsic calibration of a David SLS-2 3D sensor on an industrial Fanuc robot.

  4. 固定目标(Static Target)的相机外参校准(已弃用)

    This tutorial will explain how to use the industrial_extrinsic_cal package to calibrate one or two cameras to a checkerboard or circle grid target. If using two cameras, they both should have the same target in their field of view. If using the unchanged repository provided yaml files for parameters, then you will need at least one Asus/Kinect cameras and a checkerboard (12x12 square checkerboard (11x11 points)) or circle grid (5x7 circles).

  5. 网络摄像头校准

    Simple example for industrial extrinsic calibration using a webcam

2.4 工业 MoveIt

工业 MoveIt 软件包包含MoveIt运动规划库的工业附件。

  1. Creating Custom IK Solver with constrained_ik
  2. Adding constrained_ik to MoveIt kinematics

2.5 工业轨迹滤波器

Industrial Trajectory Filters包中包含trajectory_msgs/JointTrajectory消息的过滤器。
以下是Industrial Trajectory Filter的教程:
The following are Industrial Trajectory Filter specific tutorials:

  1. Converting arm navigation trajectory filters into MoveIt Planning Request Adapters
    This tutorial describes how to convert an Arm Navigation Trajectory Filter Plugin into a MoveIt Planning Request Adapter that can be compiled in a catkin package. (<=Groovy)
  2. Developing a Planning Request Adapter
    This tutorial is a step by step development of a planning request adapter using a simple smoothing filter as an example
  3. Using a planning adapter inside of MoveIt.
    This tutorial will show you how to use a planning request adapter with MoveIt.
    Tutorials for using trajectory filters with Arm Navigation (deprecated in Groovy, unsupported in Hydro and later):
  4. Utilizing Trajectory Filters with a Generated Arm Navigation Package
    Gives an overview of the common industrial trajectory filters and shows how to apply them to an auto-generated arm navigation package

3. 供应商特定软件包教程

ROS-Industrial 提供许多供应商平台的支持软件。每个平台的ROS-I的设置和配置步骤都是不同的。

3.1 ABB


  1. 安装 ABB ROS Server
  2. 运行 the ROS Server
    本教程介绍如何运行ABB ROS服务器,以便机器人执行从ROS客户端节点发送的动作命令。

下面教程介绍了怎么使用 ABB Robot Studio:
在Robot StudioUsing 中用仿真机器人
本教程介绍如何设置ABB RobotStudio模拟器以与ROS-Industrial驱动程序一起使用。

3.2 发那科(Fanuc)



  1. 在发那科控制器上安装 ROS-Industrial
  2. 发那科控制器上配置 ROS-Industrial
    本教程将指导您完成控制器上ROS-Industrial Fanuc组件的配置。
  3. 发那科机器人上运行 ROS-Industrial 工程



3.3 安川


  1. 使用Arm Warehouse Viewer在模拟中执行路径规划
    Gives instructions for launching the arm warehouse viewer for the motoman sia10D robot.

下面教程是使用 dx100 包的专用教程(<= ROS Groovy):

  1. Creating a DX100 Server Application(<=Groovy)
    This tutorial walks through the steps of creating a server application for the dx100 controller. The server application runs on the controller and allows communications with ROS nodes.

下面是使用 motoman_driver 的教程(>=ROS Hydro). 此包支持 DX100, DX200, 和 FS100 控制器驱动:

  1. Installing the Motoman ROS Server (Indigo)
    This tutorial walks through the steps of installing the ROS server code on the FS, DX, and YRC robot controllers
  2. Using the Motoman FS/DX/YRC ROS Interface
    This tutorial walks through the steps of using the DX/FS/YRC interface
  3. Creating a Dual-Arm System (Indigo+)
    This tutorial is related to the setup and configuration for a Dual-Arm system(Multi-Groups) using the Motoman driver

3.4 Robotiq

Robotiq 软件包包含Robotiq adaptive grippers的驱动和支持包.

  1. 使用 Modbus TCP 协议控制S-Modle抓手
    本教程介绍如何使用“robotiq_s_model_control”和“robotiq_modbus_tcp”软件包来控制配置了Modbus TCP协议的S-Model Gripper。 有关Robotiq自适应机器人抓手的更多信息,请访问该网站 Adaptive Robot Grippers.

  2. 无题
    本教程介绍如何使用 ROS-I Robotiq packages 软件包通过modbus RTU协议控制Robotiq 的C-model抓手

3.5 优傲机器人

优傲(Universal Robot)的软件包包括驱动和优傲工业机器人的支持包。

  1. 优傲机器人与 ROS-Industrial入门
    本教程将指导您完成ROS-Industrial与Universal Robot控制器之间建立首次联系的过程。

4 外部包教程


4.1 MoveIt

MoveIt MoveIt包是ROS-Industrial的核心臂规划库。 教程在这里.

5 Implementation Notes

以下教程仅包括实施说明。 它们可能会也可能不会成为完整的教程。 它们包括在这里,因为其中的信息在其他任何地方都找不到。

  1. Improving ROS-Industrial motion on an Industrial Robot (Implementation Notes)
    This tutorial gives some background information and hint/tips/tricks to achieve faster and smoother motion when using ROS-Industrial
  2. Porting from Google Code to Github (Implementation Notes)
    Short instructions for moving a package from Google code to Github
  3. Create a simple EtherCAT IO network (Implementation Notes)
  4. ROS-Industrial Pull Request Review Process
    Outline of the ROS-Industrial core repository pull request review process.
  5. Verifying a new robot package (Implementation Notes)
  6. Porting Arm Navigation Package from Fuerte to Groovy (Implementation Notes)
  7. Installing PCL Plugin in ParaView (Implementation Notes)
  8. File and directory layout for robot support repositories (Implementation Notes)
    How to organise files and directories within a robot support repository

6 Coming Soon Tutorials

Tutorials for the following packages are coming soon.

6.1 Adept

The Adept software package contains drivers and supporting packages for Adept industrial robots.
Coming Soon

6.2 Industrial Core

The Industrial Core software package contains core functionality for ROS-Industrial.
Coming Soon

7 弃用

以下教程已被弃用,因为它们不适用于当前版本的ROS-Industrial。The description indicates the last ROS-Industrial version in which they applied.
1. Create an Arm Navigation Package for and Industrial Robot(<=Groovy)
This tutorial describes how to create and arm navigation package.


