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3. Hive Table Operations

3.1 Load
3.1.1 filepath
3.1.2 LOCAL
  1. load data from local files. Data is located at HS2(node1), equal to hadoop fs -put
LOAD DATA LOCAL INPATH '/root/hivedata/students.txt' INTO TABLE student_local;
  1. Load data from HDFS to partition and a specified partition. The data is in the root of the HDFS file system.
hadoop fs -put /root/hivedata/students.txt
LOAD DATA INPATH '/students.txt' INTO TABLE student_HDFS_p partition(country="China")

3.1.4 hive 3.0 new characters
  1. create a table
CREATE TABLE if not exists tab1 (col1 int, col2 int)
row format delimited fields terminated by ',';
  1. before 3.0, loading data
LOAD DATA LOCAL INPATH '/root/hivedata/xxx.txt' INTO TABLE tab1 partition(col3="1");
  1. After 3.0
LOAD DATA LOCAL INPATH '/root/hivedata/tab1.txt' INTO TABLE tab1;
3.2 insert

Using insert like the sql in the hive will take a long time. So you can use it in
insert+select makes you insert the data which you selected.

insert into table student_from_insert 
select num, name from student
3.2.1 multiple insert
insert into student_insert1
select num  from student;

insert into student_insert2
select name  from student;
--多重插入  一次扫描 多次插入
from student
insert overwrite table student_insert1
select num
insert overwrite table student_insert2
select name;
3.3 export data
insert overwrite directory '/tmp/hive_export/e1' select num,name,age from student limit 10;
insert overwrite local directory '/root/hive_export/e1' select * from student
insert overwrite directory '/tmp/hive_export/e2' row format delimited fields terminated by ','
select * from student
3.4 Select
3.4.1 Covid data exercise
drop table if exists t_usa_covid19;
CREATE TABLE t_usa_covid19(
       count_date string,
       county string,
       state string,
       fips int,
       cases int,
       deaths int)
row format delimited fields terminated by ",";
load data local inpath '/root/hivedata/us-covid19-counties.dat' into table t_usa_covid19;

select * from t_usa_covid19;
CREATE TABLE if not exists t_usa_covid19_p(
     county string,
     fips int,
     cases int,
     deaths int)
partitioned by(count_date string,state string)
row format delimited fields terminated by ",";
set hive.exec.dynamic.partition.mode = nonstrict;

insert into table t_usa_covid19_p partition (count_date,state)
select county,fips,cases,deaths,count_date,state from t_usa_covid19;
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