
005---Cut In Line
A: I can't believe it took us two hours to get here. The traffic in New Yorkis unbelievable.
B: Yeah, but just relax honey, we're here and we're going on vacation. In a few hours we'll be in Hawaii, and you'll be on the golf course.
A: Oh no! Look at that line! It must be a mile long! There's no way I'm waiting for another two hours.
B: Honey... don't...
C: Hey man, the end of the line is over there.
A: Yeah...
C: No seriously, I was here first, and you can't cut in line like this.
A: Says who?
C: I do!
A: So sue me!
C: Alright...that's it....
1. unbelievable (amazing/uncredible) 令人难以置信的
2. We'll be in ... and you'll be in ....用来表示计划,未来将要发生的事
3. a mile long 一英里长
类似的表达还有:three meters high /five years old
4. There is no way ... ……不可能
= It is impossible ...
eg: There is no way for us to have a baby now.
5. cut in line 插队= jump the queue
stand in line 排队,站队
line up站成一排,排队等候
6. sue me 你去告我呀
006---Road Trip
A: So, are we all ready to go?
B: Yup, I think so. The car's packed; we have munchies and music, and the map's in the car.
A: Did you get the camera?
B:Got it! Did you fill up the tank?
A: Yup, it's all set.
B: You're sure we're not forgetting anything?
A: I'm sure... we've got all our bases covered.
B: Well.. let's get going then! I love road trips!
B: Um... do you think we can make a pit stop?
A: But we've only been on the road for ten minutes.
B: I know, but I forgot to go to the bathroom before we left.
1. road trip公路旅行(类似于自驾游,但又不是完全一样的)
2. The car is packed. 车已经整装待发了。
3. munchies = snacks 小吃
4. fill up the tank 加满油
5. a pit stop 中途休息
6. We've got all our bases covered. 所有的东西都准备好了。
(We have got all prepared/ready.)
7. Let's get going. 我们出发吧。
(Let's start/ go.)
8. It's all set. 都准备好了、都搞定了。
A: Oh great! This stupid computer froze again! Thats the third time today! Hey Samuel, can you come take a look at my PC? It's acting up again. It must have a virus or something.
B: Just give me a second; I'll be right up.
B: I ran a virus scan on your computer, and it turns out that you have a lot of infected files!
A: But I'm quite careful when I'm browsing the internet, I have no idea how I could have picked up a virus.
B: Well, you have to make sure that your anti-virus software is updated regularly;yours wasn't up to date, that's probably what was causing your problems.
A: Ok. Anything else?
B: Yeah, try not to kick or hit the computer!
A: Um yeah... Sorry about that.
1. virus 病毒
2. froze (stop working, 原形为freeze) 坏了
eg: My computer/TV froze.
3. a lot of infected files 很多文件感染了病毒
4. up to date 最新的
5. I'll be right up/there/down/out. 我马上来/去/下来/出去。
6. It turns out that ... 结果是……
7. It's acting up again. 又出现问题了
8. pick up a virus 感染病毒
(pick up means get)
9. browse 浏览,翻阅
008---What's your name again?
A: Nick! How's it going?
B: Oh, hey...
A: What are you doing in this neighbourhood? Do you live around here?
B: Actually, my office is right around the corner.
A: It was great to meet you last week at the conference. I really enjoyed our conversation about foreign investment.
B: Yeah, yeah, it was really interesting. You know, I'm in a bit of a hurry, but here's my card. We should definitely meet up again and continue our discussion.
A: Sure, you still have my contact details, right?
B: You know what, this is really embarrassing, but your name has just slipped my mind. Can you remind me?
A: Sure, my name is Ana Ferris. Don't worry about it; it happens to me all the time. I'm terrible with names too.
1. in a bit of a hurry (=in a rush) 匆忙
2. contect details 联系方式(比如电话、邮箱等)
3. slip my mind (=forget) 忘了
eg: Your address slipped my mind.
4. around here/there/the corner
5. be terrible with ...(= be bad at) 不擅长,……不好
eg: I'm terrible with numbers/ faces/ directions.
6. How's it going?
常用的熟人打招呼用语,相当于How are you doing? 你好吗?最近怎么样?(可以回答得稍微具体一点或者反问对方,以免产生尬聊~)
009---Silence please
A: Those people in front of us are making so much noise. It's so inconsiderate!
B: Dont worry about it; it's not such a big deal.
A: Oh... I can't hear a thing! Excuse me, can you keep it down?
C: Sure, sorry 'bout that!
A: Someone's phone is ringing!
B: Honey, I think it's your phone. Did you forget to switch it off?
A: Oh, no! You're right. That's so embarrassing!
C: Do you mind keeping it down? I'm trying to watch a movie here!
1. inconsiderate 不考虑别人的
considerate 考虑周全的
2. keep it down 小声点(be quiet)
3. It's not such a big deal. 这不是什么大事儿。
4. switch it off 关掉
反义词:switch it on 打开
eg: switch it off/ switch off the TV/ switch the TV off
5. can't hear a thing 听不见
6. Do/Would you mind doing ... 你介意……吗?
010---Driving sales
A: All right, people. We're holding this meeting today because we've got to do something about our sales, and we need to do it NOW! I want concrete solutions. How do you intend to drive sales... Roger?
B: Well, in fact, we're the most expensive in the market, so maybe we need to lower our prices to match the competitors?
A: Lower our prices? Not very creative. It'll never fly with Swan. What kind of thinking is that? Geez. Anybody else have a better plan? Natalie?
C: Um, perhaps, um, a sales promotion. Maybe a two-for-one offer, or something like that!
A: What? That's the same thing. Bad idea. Really bad idea. Dammit people come on! Think! The CEO will be here any minute.
D: Do we have any ideas yet?
C: Yes Mr. Swan, we were kind of considering a two-for-one offer to get more competitive.
D: A two-for-one promotion?Hmm. I kind of like the sound of that. It sounds like something we should consider.
A: Yeah, exactly. Just what I was thinking! In fact, that's a brilliant idea! I'm glad we thought of that. Very creative.
1. drive sales 增加销售(= increase sales)
2. a two-for-one promotion 买一送一促销
3. match the competitors 和竞争对手同一水平
to become as good as or better than other competitors
4. in the market 在市场上( in the industry)
5. It will never fly with sb. 不行,不会采纳的
It won't work.
6. The CEO will be here any minute. ……马上就到、随时会来
7. consider 思考,考虑( think)
8. brilliant idea 很赞/非常棒的想法
brilliant here means great