2021-05-05 It’s called SIMPLE

2021-05-05  本文已影响0人  春生阁

Since we’re just getting started, we thought the best way to explain what SIMPLE is would be to tell you what SIMPLE isn’t.

SIMPLE isn’t a “publication” in the traditional sense of the word. It’s more of a collaboration of a few writers who like to explore similar spaces but come at it from different angles.

SIMPLE isn’t about “self-help” in the traditional sense of the word either. It’s a place where our primary goal is to support each other by sharing what’s working and what’s not in our own lives.

Lastly, SIMPLE isn’t about “growth” in the traditional sense of the word. In fact, it’s the opposite as everyone involved with SIMPLE believes the best things happen when you make your world small. Opting out of how the current big online game is being played is our way of going all-in for years to come.

So I guess when you invert SIMPLE — you’ve got something new that’s always been here. A place where words matter more than numbers. A quiet corner you can trust when you need a break from the noise, written by people who identify as learners and teachers and not online content creators.


