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Cardone University
Maste the art of bussiness and commerce 商业的艺术
fundamentals of sales 销售基础
become a master sales person 成为销售大师
understanding buyer personalities 了解买家的个性
the perfect sales process 完美的销售流程
getting past the gate keeper 越过守门员
improving customer experience 改善客户体验
branding and marketing 品牌和营销
social media 社交媒体
theory of closing the sale 闭环销售的理论
master the art of the close 掌握关闭的艺术
cold callig made simple 冷召唤变得简单
handing incoming calls 处理来电
internet conversion 互联网转换
prospecting & networking 探矿与网络
100 ways to stay motivated 100种保持动力的方法
personal finance 个人财务
follow up sold bussiness 跟进销售业务
follow up unsold bussiness 跟进未售出业务
Recommended Reads:
The 10X Rule by Grant Cardone
The Art of the Deal by Donald Trump
The Closers Survival Guide by Grant Cardone
The Intelligent Investor by Benjamin Graham
The Problems of Work by L. Ron Hubbard
The Richest Man in Babylon by George S. Classons
The Science of Getting Rich by Wallace D. Wattles
Sell or Be Sold by Grant Cardone
The Warren Buffet Way by Robert B. Hagstrom
Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill