赖世雄美语从头学初级篇(上)Lesson 029 Poor Di

2018-05-21  本文已影响0人  UncleBryan
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I. Reading 阅读

There are holes in Dick's shoes. He needs new shoes. Dick doesn't want cheap shoes. He wants expensive shoes, but he doesn't have any money. He needs a job. He is looking for one, but he isn't having any luck. No one wants to give him a job, because his shoes have holes in them. Poor, Dick!


II. Vocabulary&Idioms 单词短语注解

  1. hole [hol] n.破洞;小洞
  2. shoe [ʃu] n.鞋子
    a pair of shoes 鞋
    例: I want to buy a pair of black leather shoes.
  3. need [nid] vt.需要
    例: Do you need any help?
  4. want [wɔ:nt; wɔnt] vt. 想要
    例: I want to study abroad.
  5. cheap [tʃip] a.便宜的,廉价的
    例: Most vegetables are cheap in the summer.
  6. expensive [ɪk'spɛnsɪv] a.昂贵的
    例: This diamond ring is very expensive.
  7. any ['ɛni] a.任何的
  8. money ['mʌni] n.钱
  9. job [dʒab] n. 工作
    例: Do you have a full-time job?
  10. look [luk] vi.寻找(与介词for并用)
    look for... 寻找·····
    例: What is she looking for?
  11. Iuck [lʌk] n. 幸运
  12. poor [pʊər; pʊr] a.可怜的
    例: Poor Billy has a terrible cold.

III. Grammar Points 语法重点


  1. He wants expensive shoes, but he doesn't have any money.
    = He wants expensive shoes, but he **has no **money.
    I have not money. ( X )
    →I have no money. ( O )
    a. no是形容词,表示“没有一个”,而not则是副词,表示“不”的意思。
    b. no就等于not any(没有任何一个)。换言之,no之后可直接置名词,而not则须先接形容词any,才可接名词。
    例: I have not any money.(可)
    =I have no money.(佳,no比not any更简洁)
    例: he not has any money.( X )
    →He does not have any money. ( O )
    =He doesn't have any money.
    =He has no money.
  2. He wants expensive shoes, but he doesn't have any money.
    He is looking for one, but he isn't having any luck.
  3. He needs a job. He is looking for one, but he isn't having any luck.
    a. 上列第二句中的one是代词,代替前面的名词a job。原句实为:
    He needs a job. He is looking for a job,but...
    但a job重覆了一次,就修辞而言应予避免,故用one代替。这个one专用来代替其前提过之单数可数名词。
    例: I need a good English dictionary, but I can't afford a good English dictionary now. ( 劣 )
    → I need a good English dictionary, but I can't afford one now. ( 佳 )
    b. one亦可与形容词并用。
    例: I don't like this red pen. Give me a yellow pen. ( 劣 )
    =l don't like this red pen. Give me a yellow one. ( 佳 )
  4. No one wants to give him a job because his shoes have holes in them.
    例: Because he is knowledgeable, he has my respect.
    =He has my respect because he is knowledgeable.
    例: Although he is rich, I don't envy him.
    =I don't envy him although he is rich.
    If I have time, I will do it.
    =I will do it if I have time.

IV. Substitution 替换

  1. He wants expensive shoes, but he doesn't have any money.
    The food is good, but I have no appetite.
    The bike is great, but it's too expensive.
  2. No one wants to give him a job because his shoes have holes in them.
    No one likes him because he is lazy.
    He has no friends because he is selfish.


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