2020-08-15 本文已影响0人
11.1-beyoud feelings-errors of expression-contradiction
One of the fundamental principles of logic is the principle of contradiction, which states that no statement can be bothe true and flase at the same time in the same way.
- 一个逻辑的基本原理是(自相)矛盾原理,
- 它声明没有任何一个命题可以在同时既是真也是假。
The best way to see its correctness is to try to contruct a statement that disproves it.
- 看它是否正确的最好方法是试着构造一个命题来反驳它。
Test the principle of contradiction with statements of your own, if you wish, but don't be disappointed when you fail to disprove it.
- 用你自己的陈述来检验矛盾原理,如果你愿意,但不要当不能证明它的时候失望
When exactly does contradiction occur?
When a person says one thing now and the opposite latter.
- 自相矛盾到底是什么时候发生的?
- 当一个人现在说一件事情,不久后又说相反的话的时候;
Relatiists argue that everyone created his or her own truth and no view is more worthy than any other, and then they contradict themselves by castigating people who disagree with them.
- 相对主义者认为,每个人都创造了自己的真理;
- 没有什么观点比这个更有价值;
- 然后他们通过严厉批评与他们意见相左的人来自相矛盾;
To overcome contradiction, monitor what you say and write.
- The moment you detect any inconsistency, examine it carefully.
- Decide whether it is explainable or whether is constitutes a contradiction.
- If it proves to be a contradiction, reexamine the issue and take a view that is both consistent and reasonable.
- 要克服(自相)矛盾,要监督你说的和你写的;
- 一旦发现任何不一致的,就要仔细检查;
- 判断它是可解释的还是构成了(自相)矛盾;
- 如果它被证明了是自相矛盾,重新审视这个问题,并给出一个一致的和合理的观点。