TGG weekly note 3

2017-12-24  本文已影响0人  _红糖姜茶_

Central questions

Chapter 11

Q: What is the relationship between Su Tungpo and monks? What is the relationship between Su Tungpo and courtesans?

A: ①In Hangchow, disapproved by new regime, Su escaped to nature. He usually climbed to the mountains to chat with monks, sometimes borrowed their couch and moved it to a selected place under the near-by bamboo groove.②As a judge, Su had once to adjudicate a case involving a monk.③One of Su’s best friends is a monk called Foyin, with whom had many stories of clever repartee with Su.

A: ①In the life of the times of Su Tungpo, mixing with courtesans at wine dinners and official functions was a part of an official’s life.②Su took a more humorous view of sex. He took part at courtesan’s dinners and wrote poems for them by request of the entertainers③Su mastered the new form of poetry, the tse, which had been popularized by courtesans.④Su persuaded a courtesan to become a nun and married a courtesan called Chaoyun.

Chapter 12

Q: What is the variety of the style of Su’s poetry?

A: ①When he was in Hangchow, he wrote joyous poems with a spirit of sorrow and fear underlying it.②When his friends who were opposite to the new regime kept their opinions to themselves, he insisted on expressing his feelings regardless of consequences for himself.③But after he was transferred to Michow, he reached complete maturity as a poet, for the anger and the bitterness were gone and there was only peace and resignation.

Chapter 13

Q: During Su Tungpo’s Suchow period, what did he do as a magistrate?

A: First, he came out personally to supervise the defense work against the flood.Second, he visited the prisons and cared about their health.Third, he found a problem of a system which made soldiers become bandits, so he had this system corrected.

Chapter 14

Q: How was Su’s trial going on?

A: In March 1079, Su was transferred to Huchow, he wrote a letter of thanks to the Emperor which used the phrase “young upstarts” that made those remaining at the court unhappy. Then in June 1079, a censor took up the four sentences in the letter and impeached him for casting a slur on the government. A few days later, Sudan took up some of his previous poems to show that Su was disloyal to the Emperor. Leeding, followed with another impeachment showing four reasons why Su should pay with his life for such impertinence.

  Then Su was relieved of his office and brought to the capital for trial. It was a long trail, lasting six or seven weeks. While he was in jail, he wrote two poems by which he had the Emperor touched that let him off with a comparatively easy sentence.

  Meanwhile, Su’s friends Chang Fangping and Fan Chen was trying to save him.

  The trail began on August 20. At first Su acknowledged responsibility only for those poems he had written near Hangchow, but on the thirtieth of August he decided to plead guilty. On the thirtieth of October the judges made a summary of the case, however, on account of the funeral for the Empress, the case hung fire for a long time. During this period, Sudan and the others still tried their best to persuade the Emperor to put Su to death, but the Emperor had his own decision. At last, Su was sent to Huangchow, given a low rank, with the nominal office of a lieutenant in an army training crops.

  Su was let out of prison on New Year’s Eve, after detention for four months and twelve days.

Chapter 15

Q: after Su went to his place of confinement at Huangchow, what was his life like?

A: ①He became religious.②He began to budget his expenditures to make sure his big family could be feeded.③He obtained a grant of land and became a real farmer.④He took Chaoyun as his concubine and had another son.⑤He cared about the local’s life, making contributions as much as he can.

Chapter 16

Q: what’s the name of Su’s four best pieces?

A:① “The Great River Flows Eastward”②Two sketches to “the red cliff”③“A Night Promenade at Chengtien”

What I learned from reading in this week



if you are enchanted by someone or something, they cause you to have feelings of great delight or pleasure. 使陶醉


Today the Su Embankment stretching across the lake, the reflections in water of the enchanted isle, called “Three Ponds Reflecting the Same Moon,” and the willow-fringed shore line ,bear testimony to his skill as a landscape architect.(P180)

They can see their own shadows on the ground and when they lift up their heads to look at the moon, they feel thoroughly enchanted with the evening and begin to sing by turns, each singing one stanza.(P287)

Su Tungpo now lived an enchanted life.(P280)


When I watched the CCTV program“国家宝藏”,I felt thoroughly enchanted with the painting, created by a genius guy at the age of 18,the pigment of which was extracted from jewel.


[N-UNCOUNT] If you say that one thing is testimony to another, you mean that it shows clearly that the second thing has a particular quality. 明证 [also 'a' N, usu N 'to' n]


Curiously, this fable was used as testimony at his court trial.(P205)

Today the Su Embankment stretching…, bear testimony to his skill as a landscape architect.(P180)

In the testimony, Tseyu had not been charged with receiving any seriously slanderous poems from his brother, but on account of the family connection he was degraded and sent to kao-an. (P254)


We need to provide testimony to bear our opinion that the machine’s breakdown is not our fault.


[N-COUNT] A feast is a large and special meal. 盛宴

[V-I] If you feast on a particular food, you eat a large amount of it with great enjoyment. 尽情地吃


His poetic spirit feasted upon the beauties of the neighborhood.(P183)


At that time I dated with my EX, I felt nervous that I couldn’t feast upon the tasty food before me.


[N-UNCOUNT] Gaiety is a feeling, attitude, or atmosphere of liveliness and fun. 欢乐,庆祝活动


The people had the gaiety of the south, with its songs and its women, and they loved this young famous poet just as poet, with all his desh and verve and insoucianve.(P178)

With his fellow officials he wrote lines that delighted them in their gaiety.(P185)

Because women were excluded from the social parties of men, the desire for female company made the men seek gaiety in the company of the professional artists.(P193)


Sometimes when I felt tired for self-discipline, I tended to plunge myself into some entertainments to seek gaiety and have a relax.

Committing suicide



When he died, a courtesan committed suicide for love of him.(P230)

There are several stories that Su Tungpo thought of committing suicide while on the way.(P241)


Hearing the current affair that Jiang Ge was killed on account of Liu Xin, I think that Jiang Ge’s mother must have had the thought of committing suicide, but she was so brave a woman that insisting on struggling with the devil.

On account of



In the testimony, Tseyu had not been charged with receiving any seriously slanderous poems from his brother, but on account of the family connection he was degraded and sent to kao-an. (P254)

On account of the funeral for the Empress Dowagar, the case hung fire for a long time.

In the years later, Su kept referring to Wang Kung as one who suffered on his account.


On account of leisure at the weekend, I had better accomplish all the tasks I need to do as fast as I can.



There are certain things which used to shame me, but of which I am no longer ashamed now.(P183)

At first Su Tungpo acknowledged responsibility only for those poems he had written when he was visiting the villages near Hangchow, those in which he complained of the farmers eating without salt and the abuse of the farmer’s loans, and certain others mentioned in the impeachment.

Once the human mind reaches that purified stage, sense perceptions fall away, because there is nothing to which these thoughts can attach themselves.(P262)

The question of salvation is, after all, only the achievement of spiritual harmony in which the baser instincts of man can be brought under control of his higher nature.(P263)

There are two interesting letters that he wrote to friends to whom he revealed his innermost convictions.(P263)



Tungpo arrived at Huangchow on February I, the family not coming until May 29.


Tsanliao was too great a poet himself and had too much moral elevation to be a celebrity hunter.



  不过这仍旧是一种效率较低的方式。每周末分配大量时间做笔记是不可持续的,因为不可能每个周末都没有其他安排。下周要注意工作日尽量跟上,weekly note应该是作为既有笔记的进一步归纳分析,把日笔记的共性挑出来,总结出一些知识进行沉淀。要继续加油哦~↖(^ω^)↗

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