2020.12.5 Eating at home-Paying
2020-12-05 本文已影响0人
- How did you like the food?
- It was great. You're quite a good cook.
How did you like sth ?你觉得xxx怎么样?
- Thank you. I always follow my mom's recipes.
- I can't help adding extra ingredients when cooking according to a recipe.
can' help doing sth 忍不住做...
according to 按照
- There's nothing wrong with being inventive, would you like some more pasta?
- No, thanks, I'm full.
There's nothing wrong with sth/doing sth 什么/做什么没什么不对
- How about dessert?
- I'd like some ice cream, please.
I'd like sth 我想要xx
- Sure, I'll get it for you.
- Thank you