Good work habits are vastly unde
b. Good work habits are vastly underrated. People who push through successfully have to-do lists that are reasonably prioritized, and they make certain each item is ticked off in order.
良好工作习惯的重要性常被大大低估。成功执行方案的人都拥有合理排序的应做事项列 表,并确保每一项都有井然有序的标记。
c. Establish clear metrics to make certain that you are following your plan. Ideally, someone other than you should be objectively measuring and reporting on your progress. If you’re not hitting your targets, that’s another problem that needs to be diagnosed and solved. There are many successful, creative people who aren’t good at execution. They succeed because they forge symbiotic relationships with highly reliable task-doers.
建立清晰的衡量标准来确保你在严格执行 方案。理想的做法是让其他人客观评估并报告你 的进度。如果你未能实现目标,这就是另一个需 要诊断和解决的问题。很多成功、有创造力的人 士都不善于执行,他们因和高度可信赖的任务执 行者建立互助互利的关系而取得了成功。