
2017-01-17  本文已影响0人  Maei

1. conform an appointment确认预约

2. Details of your incompetence do not interest me.你无能的细节我没兴趣

3. I ask for clean, athletic, smiling. She sent me dirty, tired and paunchy.我要的是干净运动爱微笑的女孩,她挑的是又脏又疲惫的肥婆

paunchy: (男子)大腹便便的 A man who is paunchy has a fat stomach.

4. R. S. V. P. yes to sb

RSVP:(请柬用语)敬请赐复 RSVP is an abbreviation for (缩略=) 'répondez s'il vous plaît', which means 'please reply'. It is written on the bottom of a card inviting you to a party or special occasion.

5. drop sb off   pick sb up

I want my driver to drop me off at9:30 and pick me up at 9:45 sharp .

6. dacquoise: A cake made of ground almond or hazelnut meringue layers with fruit or variously flavored cream fillings between the layers. 蛋白酥皮奶油卷:一种蛋糕,由底层为杏仁或榛子的蛋白酥皮卷和夹层之间有水果或各种风味奶油的馅制成

7. tortes: a large cake filled with a mixture of cream, chocolate, fruit, etc. 奶油巧克力水果大蛋糕

8. rhubarb: a plant which has long sour-tasting red and green stems that can be cooked and eaten as a fruit (可食用的)大黄

9. compote: fruit that has been cooked in sugar and water and is eaten cold 糖水水果〔用糖和水烹制的水果,通常冷食〕

10. parent-teacher conference家长会

11. feature:  (报刊或杂志的)特写,专题;(电台或电视台的)特别节目 A feature is a special article in a newspaper or magazine, or a special programme on radio or television.

feature(on sb/sth): a special feature on education 关于教育的专题文章

12. paratrooper: 伞兵;空降兵 Paratroopers are soldiers who are trained to be dropped by parachute (降落伞 ) into battle or into enemy territory.

13. they are all so deeply untractive.


14. Is it impossible to find a lovely, slender female paratrooper?就不能找一个可人又苗条的跳伞女兵吗?

slender: 苗条的;纤细的;修长的 A slender person is attractively thin and graceful.

15. cover try 试镜

16. she is hopeless and totally wrong for it. 她根本不行,完全不适合这里。

17. Certainly I'm going to have to do that myself because......


18. completely inadequate全部不合格


