Pumas are large, cat-like animals which are found in America. When reports came into London Zoo that a wild puma had been spotted 45 miles south of London, they were not taken seriously. However, as the evidence began to accumulate, experts from the Zoo felt obliged to investigate, for the descriptions given by people who claimed to have seen the puma were extraordinarily similar. The hunt for the puma began in a small village where a woman picking blackberries saw 'a large cat' only five yards away from her. It immediately ran away when she saw it, and experts confirmed that a puma will not attack a human being unless it is cornered. The search proved difficult, for the puma was often observed at one place in the morning and at another place 20 miles away in the evening.
/ˈpjuːməz/ /ɑː/ /lɑːʤ/, /kæt/-/laɪk/ /ˈænɪməlz/ /wɪʧ/ /ɑː/ /faʊnd/ /ɪn/ /əˈmɛrɪkə/. /wɛn/ /rɪˈpɔːts/ /keɪm/ /ˈɪntuː/ /ˈlʌndən/ /zuː/ /ðæt/ /ə/ /waɪld/ /ˈpjuːmə/ /hæd/ /biːn/ /ˈspɒtɪd/ 45 /maɪlz/ /saʊθ/ /ɒv/ /ˈlʌndən/, /ðeɪ/ /wɜː/ /nɒt/ /ˈteɪkən/ /ˈsɪərɪəsli/. /haʊˈɛvə/, /æz/ /ði/ /ˈɛvɪdəns/ /bɪˈgæn/ /tuː/ /əˈkjuːmjʊleɪt/, /ˈɛkspɜːts/ /frɒm/ /ðə/ /zuː/ /fɛlt/ /əˈblaɪʤd/ /tuː/ /ɪnˈvɛstɪgeɪt/, /fɔː/ /ðə/ /dɪsˈkrɪpʃənz/ /ˈgɪvn/ /baɪ/ /ˈpiːpl/ /huː/ /kleɪmd/ /tuː/ /hæv/ /siːn/ /ðə/ /ˈpjuːmə/ /wɜːr/ /ɪksˈtrɔːdnrɪli/ /ˈsɪmɪlə/. /ðə/ /hʌnt/ /fɔː/ /ðə/ /ˈpjuːmə/ /bɪˈgæn/ /ɪn/ /ə/ /smɔːl/ /ˈvɪlɪʤ/ /weər/ /ə/ /ˈwʊmən/ /ˈpɪkɪŋ/ /ˈblækbəriz/ /sɔː/ /ə/ /lɑːʤ/ /kæt/ /ˈəʊnli/ /faɪv/ /jɑːdz/ /əˈweɪ/ /frɒm/ /hɜː/. /ɪt/ /ɪˈmiːdiətli/ /ræn/ /əˈweɪ/ /wɛn/ /ʃiː/ /sɔː/ /ɪt/, /ænd/ /ˈɛkspɜːts/ /kənˈfɜːmd/ /ðæt/ /ə/ /ˈpjuːmə/ /wɪl/ /nɒt/ /əˈtæk/ /ə/ /ˈhjuːmən/ /ˈbiːɪŋ/ /ənˈlɛs/ /ɪt/ /ɪz/ /ˈkɔːnəd/. /ðə/ /sɜːʧ/ /pruːvd/ /ˈdɪfɪkəlt/, /fɔː/ /ðə/ /ˈpjuːmə/ /wɒz/ /ˈɒf(ə)n/ /əbˈzɜːvd/ /æt/ /wʌn/ /pleɪs/ /ɪn/ /ðə/ /ˈmɔːnɪŋ/ /ænd/ /æt/ /əˈnʌðə/ /pleɪs/ 20 /maɪlz/ /əˈweɪ/ /ɪn/ /ði/ /ˈiːvnɪŋ/.
Puma 美洲豹
Oblige /əˈblaɪʤd/ v. 要求、约束 obliged adj.有责任的,必须的
Corner 把……逼入绝境
Extraordinarily 非常;格外地