Day 009 Wish You a Good Life of
Rock n Roll
Good news come in the first place. I was discharged today, getting myself out of that little box ward with three other patients and their families two days ahead. And don't get me wrong. I like wards, however, I am not a big fan of making friends with my roommates there. It's really hard to run into some congenial painsharers in the world.
Doctors, nursers are just like teachers to me, all of which are a mystery. When I was a kid, I was seldom a guest to the hospitals or even clinics in the neighborhood. At that time, doctors were more like some kind of NPCs that stationed in online games. Their lives left me no imagination. Maybe they didn't even drink and eat and have friends I was thinking. Teachers' situation in my mind back then was much the same as theirs. I did know that every teacher had their own family and a life, I just simply couldn't picture what kind of life that would be in my mind. They were like NPCs as well, only more flexible that can tag you along while you were on a mission or something.
More than ten years passed by, things changed a bit but not much. I still find it difficult to picture a white coated man or woman who is nimble-fingered and meticulous in a real life, interrogating their nephews or nieces with the question - you are almost over your thirties, when are you gonna marry?
Anyway, normally, I do have a good impression with those no-nonsense doctors and nursers who plays a angle role in our time of emergency and weakness. To most people who are suffering from illness and diseases, they are the very last straw they can struggle to grip.
My writing program is still on the on mode, only being interrupted by those no-wifi days at hospital. I am, in every way, not a man of phone typing. It rattles my nerves when I do so. It just makes me feel not right, not in a proper position and atmosphere to get something substantial out of my little head.
So far as the program runs, so good. I have put in 9 entries by now. The average character is 606.9 with the min of 337 and the max of 819.
When the moment comes where I am reluctant and resistant to click Jianshu open and put my piece of brain into it, I'd convince myself of starting doing so by cosplay myself mentally as an astronaut, a scientist or just Sheldon. I type LOG into the interface first and tell myself that it is a must thing to keep all things in track by inputting them into this encrypted PC. Hold your impulse to laugh. It works 8 out of 10 times. I guess this would be hell of a great proof of that famous saying - fake it until you make it, but just with a tad of variation - fake it and you can put your hands on it.
500 characters mission of today is reached. I'll just stop here though there's still a lot of thoughts in my mind, struggling to find a way out.
Because, after all, overindulgence is never a good thing, I need to keep the appetite for those days waiting in line.
Nighty-night. Bees. Wish you a good life of a lifetime.