use your noodle

2017-05-13  本文已影响31人  shammgod_code

01.bring home the bacon 赚钱养家
We have to make a living and bring home the bacon.

02.butter someone up 讨好巴结某人
We'll have to butter Emily up before we tell her about the broken vase. as a cucumber(黄瓜、胡瓜) 沉着冷静
He is as cool as a cucumber about the accident.

04.egg someone on 怂恿某人
He tried to egg us on but we didn't want to fight.

05.full of beans 神采奕奕
Don't worry about her,she was rather ill this morning,but now she 's full of beans.

06.use your noodle 动脑经
U know the answer.Just use your noodle!

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