英语原创纪实与文学作品English BootCamp英语训练营


2019-06-06  本文已影响11人  疏桐0071


1.It's cold today. You must _____the coat.

A. take off B. put on C. take down D. put in

2.I have two pencils. One is green, and _____is red.

A. one B. other C. the other D. others

3.How many eggs _____in the bag?

A. has B. have C. is there D. are there

4.____me, please.

A. Listen B. say C. Listen to D. talk

5.---______day is tomorrow? ---It's Tuesday.

A. Whose B. What C. Which D. When

6.Would you like _____tea?

A. some B. a C. any D. many

7.______morning she gets up at six.

A. Every day B. On every C. In every D. Every

8.Don't _____late next time!

A. is B. are C. be D./

9.Oh, it's ____. How are you?

A. you B. your C. yours D. he

10.Mary doesn't _____her homework after lunch.

A. does B./ C. do D. doing

11.---How do you _____Tuesday? ---Er, T-U-E-S-D-A-Y.

A. say B. speak C. talk D. spell

12.Write _____ your exercise-books.

A. down it in B. it down in C. down it on D. it down on

13.The shop___ "Closed".

A. writes B. talks C. says D. speaks

14.My favourite school days ___Friday and Saturday.

A. is B. am C. are D. be

15.Do you have any coloure pens?

Sorry, I don't have_____. I think he has_____.

A. any, any B. some, some C. some, any D. any, some

16.Where is London? It’s in_____.

A. America B. Japan C. English D. England

17.Are they from ____?

A. Australian B. English C. American D. Canada

18.One of my _____from Hangzhou.

A. friends are B. friend is C. friends is D. friend are

19.You can _____she likes bananas a lot.

A. look B. watch C. see D. to see

20.You are a teacher. What about ____?

A. she B. Li Pin brother C. her D. your

21.There____much_____ on the table.

A. is, bread B. is, breads C. are, bread D. are, breads

22.What ______his friends ______doing?

A. do, likes B. does, like C. do, like D. does, likes

23.His son goes to a different school______.

A. to his B. from him C. from he D. from his

24.One of the boys is English. All ______are Chinese.

A. the others boy B. the other boy

C. the other boys D. other boys

25.I can't _____ the words(单词).They are too small.

A. look B. see C. watch D. say

26.______Alice's brother.

A. His B. He's C. Her D. She's

27.The map _____China is _____the wall.

A. on...of B. of...on C. of...in D. of...at

28.Some postcards ______in the box.

A. is B. are C. there is D. there are

29.Mr John is working ______Jack.

A. with B. to C. at D. and

30.Our teacher often talks _____ us ____ English.

A. to...on B. with...on C. with...in D. to...at

31.Who______hard in your class?

A. works B. studys C. working D. studying

32.It's very nice ______meet you.

A. to B. for C. of D./

33.Is the blue cup yours ______ mine?

A. and B. but C. for D. or

34.______are good friends.

A. Mike and I BI and Mike C. Mike and me D. Me and Mike

35.It's _____bus.

A. red's B. green C. a blue D. yellow a

36.Are ______here today?

A. all we B. all of we C. we all D. all of boys

37.Could I have_______?

A. full one B. a full ones

C. full one bottle D. a full one

38.Please give ___ a bottle of___.

A. me...oranges B. she...orange

C. him...orange D. her...oranges

39.I want to put ______in the basket.

A. this things B. these things

C. that things D. those thing

40.The car is ______full ______ move.

A. too...too B. to...too

C. too...to D. to...to

41.Jim, please come______.

A. there B. to here C. to home D. here

42.It's time to ______games. We all like ______ games.

A. playing...playing B. play...play

C. playing...play D. play...playing

43.Let______. He must go to school.

A. he go B. him go C. he to go D. him to go

44.I'd like ______ a cup of tea.

A. to eat B. to drink C. eat D. drink

45.---Thanks very much.---______.

A. No thanks B. All right C. You're welcome D. you, too

46.Linlin, what's that ______ English?

A. in B. at C. for D. with

47.Can he ______a bike?

A. to ride B. rides C. riding D. ride

48.______are they? They are at home.

A. What B. How C. Who D. Where

49.She often gets ______ late.

A. to home B. home C. to here D. to there

50.I go to school ______bike every day.

A. in the B. on my C. by the D. by my

51.School______over at four in the afternoon.

A. are B. be C. is D./

52.On______way to school she often helps the old man.

A. his B. she C. my D. her

53.Don't______late for class.

A. to be B./ C. can't D. be

54.What time _____you and Jim _____up?

A. does...get B. do...gets C. does...gets D. do...get

55.He is _____ us. We all like him.

A. friend B. friendly C. friend to D. friendly to

56.There______only bread and rice. We must go to buy some meat.

A. are B. is C. be D. have

57.Linlin, get the ______basket!

A. shop B. shoping C. shopping D. big shoping

58._______is this pen?

A. How much B. How many C. What D. Who's

59.He doesn't want to ______late for school.

A. is B. does C. be D. goes

60.The first class ______at eight o'clock.

A. begin B. is beginning C. beginning D. begins

61.Miss Gao ______lunch at school.

A. has, not B. doesn't, has C. don't, has D. doesn't, have

62.She can ______ a little Japanese.

A. speak B. say C. speaks D. says

63._______bread would you like?

A. Many B. Much C. How many D. How much

64.There are _______old men over there.

A. an B. much C. a lot D. a lot of

65.I often buy something to eat on my way_____.

A. school B. to school C. to home D. to shop

66.Is this ______ watch? Yes, it's_____.

A. your, mine B. yours, mine C. yours, my D. your, my

67.Let him ______the kite.

A. to fly B. flying C. flies D. fly

68.I have ____to do.

A. many, work B. much, works C. much, work D. many, works

69.She is _______English girl.

A. a B. an C. the D./

70.How old _______you? I _______ten.

A. are...is B. is...am C. are...am D. am...are

71.What's that?______.

A. It is desk B. It is a desk

C. This is desk D. That is a desk

72.----What does your father do?---____.

A. work B. docter C. He is working D. He’s a worker

73.______. Are you Miss Sue? ——______,I'm mot.

A. Sorry, Excuse me B. Excuse me, Sorry C. Sorry, Sorry D. Excuse me...Excuse me

74.________? I'm in Class Three.

A. Are you in Class Three B. What class you are in?

C. What class are you in D. in what class

75.These are_______.

A. an egg B. a egg C. their egg D. eggs

76.I'm in_______.

A. Class Three, Grade Two B. Grade Two, Class Three

C. class three, grade two D. grade two, class three

77.Is this _______ ruler?

A. he B. his C. you D./

78.Sorry, I _______ know.

A. am not B. am C. do D. do not

79.Is this a car? No, _______.

A. it isn't B. it is C. it's D. this is not


A. What...is B. What...are C. How...is D. How...are

81.This is a bird. ______ name is Polly.

A. It's B. Its C. its D. It

82._______this?This is Wang Lin.

A. Who is B. Who are C. What is D. What are

83.Is this a ______pencil-box?

A. she B. her C. your D./

84.They are_______.

A.banana tree B.banana trees

C.bananas tree D.bananas trees

85.---Is the ship _____ now?---No, it's_____.

A. open, close B. open, closed

C. opened, closed D. opened, close

86.Is this ______ruler or ______ eraser?

A. an...a B. a...an C. a...a D. an...an

87.Are these ______ boxes?

A. you B.I C. me D. your

88._______everyone here?

A. Is B. Are C. Am D./

89.There aren't many people in the shop _____Mondays.

A. in B. on C. at D. by

90._______she have breakfast at school?

A. Do B. Has C. Does D. Is

91.Look, the boy ______ near the house.

A. is siting B. sit C. sits D. is sitting

92.Where_______your father_______?

A. does, from B. come, from C. are, from D. is, from

93.Would you give ______ to me, please?

A. them B. they C. their D. they're

94.Do you like _______ basketball?

A. play B. playing C. plays D. is playing

95.Her sister ______ Japanese at school.

A. study B. studying C. studies D. is study

96.Does Wang Kai go to bed _______ten in the evening?

A. at B. in C. for D. on

97.Tom______every morning.

A. cleans his bike B. cleans bike

C. clean a bike D. clean bike

98.It's time _______ morning exercises.

A. do B. does C. to do D. doing

99.Do you want to ______ English with me?

A. ask B. speak C. talk D. say

100.Who_______your good friend?

A. am B. are C. is D. does



