英语段落 | 减少屏幕时间

2023-01-14  本文已影响0人  西瓜加酸奶

    Presenter, chef and writer Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall says "a scientific theory called 'mutual competition' shows that a strong smell can distract our brain from the food we're thinking about."If your addiction to your smartphone is getting you down, it's suggested that turning your phone screen grey helps you reduce screen time because a black and white screen becomes less attractive to look at.

    主持人、厨师兼作家休·费恩利-惠廷斯托尔(Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall)说:"一种名为'相互竞争'的科学理论表明,强烈的气味会分散我们的大脑对我们正在思考的事物的注意力。如果您对智能手机的上瘾正在让您失望,建议将手机屏幕变为灰色可以帮助您减少屏幕时间,因为黑白屏幕变得不那么吸引人。


