真正的朋友是永远的朋友。 A friend is a friend forever,
他们会激起友情的火花, They will ignite a flame of love,
温暖你的心房, And set your heart aglow,
点亮你的生活, And light up your life,
把你从头到脚照亮。 From you head down to your toel.
忠实的朋友总是会及时出现,。 A faithful friend is always there,
向你伸出援助之手。 To lend a helping hand,
他们总会处处为你维护声誉, They will be there to defend your honor,
他们的立场要么温和,要么坚定。 And take a firm or gental stand,
在你最不经意的时候, When you least expect it,
他们会突然光临而只为对你说声, They may drop in to say,
“喂,过得还好吗? “Hello ,how have you been ?
我真心实意地关爱着你呢, I love you with all my heart,
你是我真正的挚友。” My sure and special friend.”
朋友就像芬芳怡人的鲜花, A friend will add beauty to your life,
总会为你的生活增光添彩。 Like a sweet scented flower,
愉快的交谈持续到深夜, A good conversation may last into the night,
或者持续多时仍然不能尽兴。 Or for many,many,hours,
他们会找时间驻足聆听你诉说, They will take time to stop and listen,
你生活中的忧虑烦恼, When your life is in doubt,
这便是对友谊最好的诠释。 That’s what a good friend’s love is all about.