2017-01-23  本文已影响17人  冰封钻石

How did it go?
There were a few tears here and there and some anger, but nothing unexpected.
I'm going to need you to leave us today, too, Evelyn. I'm sorry. I just can't have any doubt about the direction I'm taking.
You just had me fire 18 people.
I know.
I sat across from them in this room, and I had to tell each and every one of--
I know.
I am 59 years old. Nobody hires anybody my age.
I will write you any kind of recommenda--
To do what, bag groceries? What am I supposed to tell my daughter?
I'm sorry, Evelyn. I truly am.
No, you're not. You don't give a fuck. Eighteen people, Claire. Nineteen, if you count me. I have to... I have to call my daughter.
I know today has been tough. A lot of your colleagues have left, and I owe you an explanation. Many of those who left us today helped build the CWI from the ground up, and I'm grateful to them. But it is time for us to evolve, and to accomplish this, we had to make hard choices and bring in new people. That's what today was about. You have any questions, my door is always open.

I'm all good for national and metro. We've got space for political if we need it.
Janine, anything new on Michael Kern?
The White House is dodging.
You can't get anyone on record?
Not just me. They're shutting all of us down in the briefings. No one is giving an inch, even on background. In the meantime, I'm working on a feature about the administration's foreign policy agenda. How it shifted from the start of the campaign, - increased D.O.D. spending, And-- -
We see You, Zoe.
I can link Kern directly to the Williams editorial.
I've got a guy named Roy Kapeniak who was on the editorial staff when Kern was there.
Hey, Twitter twat, W.T.F.?
Wait, Wait, wait. Roy
Kapeniak. A classmate of Kern's. I have him on record saying Kern wrote every word of the editorial.
Let's move this into my office.
Zoe, Lucas. Janine.

Let me-- let me, once and for all, say this definitively: I didn't author that editorial. Not a single sentence, word, comma, or period. If memory serves me, it was Mr. Kapeniak who wrote it. Why on earth he's trying to claim that I did is beyond me. Let me further say that I'm a strong supporter of the State of Israel. As the most stable country in the region and our strongest ally
It's Frank Underwood for Cathy.
...in any peace process, because without the stability of Israel, there can be no Palestine.
CNN right now.
Without Israel there can be no Palestine?
I've got it on.
I would remind Senator Kern that there was a Palestine long before there was an Israel. His comments are not only ignorant, they are racist.
Get ready, Cathy. Things are about to move very quickly.
...his understanding of the Middle East-- -
...is so out of sync with reality...
I'm ready.

Peter? No. Stop. -
Uh, Not now.
Hey. Hey, where have you been? Oh, God, you're fucking high.
No. I-- -
Yes, You are. Look at your eyes.
Oh, please, just lay off.
You promised me it wouldn't be like this.
Cancel whatever I have for the rest of the day.

Kern is out.
They're tossing him?
Technically, he'd withdraw himself, but yes.
Can I say "A source close to the White House"?
No. You let this story play out on its own time. They'll announce in the morning.
I'm sorry. If not that, what story are we talking about?
Catherine Durant. As soon as Kern withdraws, you say she'll be the replacement.
is That true?
it Will be after You write it.
Roy Kapeniak was you.
You might very well think that. I couldn't possibly comment.
You found him. You had him call me.
Kapeniak and Kern were appetizers, Miss Barnes. Catherine Durant is the meal. Say that name: Catherine Durant. Say it over and over. Tomorrow afternoon, write it down, and then watch that name come out of the mouth of the President of the United States. This is where we get to create. Don't miss your train, Miss Barnes. It's the last one tonight.

Zoe Barnes with the Washington Herald now reporting, quoting a source close to the president, as saying that Senator Catherine Durant will likely be the new nominee for Secretary of State after Michael Kern's withdrawal earlier this week.
The White House has remained silent on whether the president will tap Durant for a nomination, but a national Zogby Poll shows wide support for Durant across party lines.
Catherine Durant has served ten years on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, made numerous diplomatic missions to South America...
We can place our faith in her, knowing that we have a responsible, experienced, brilliant woman representing our interests abroad.
Middle of the road, team player, strong in defense. If there's a woman that can work with the joint chiefs, she's the one.
Durant is the way to go. It's a no-brainer.
The president should stop this pageant and simply make the call.
Why are we still talking about, if they're going to nominate Durant? Why don't they just do it already so we can all stop talking about ifs and start talking about when and what and how Durant's going to shape up foreign policy...

appetizers 开胃小菜
no-brainer n. 无需用脑的事;容易的事
pageant 【美】 选美(竞赛)

here and there 各处,到处
have sb do sth 动用某人做某事
across from 在...对面
each and every one of 每一个和所有的...
from the ground up 从头开始;彻底;从一无所有开始
bring in 请来
give an inch 让步
once and for all 一劳永逸地;彻底地;最后一次
Why ... is beyond me 至于为什么...就非我所知了
out of sync with 与...完全不同步
lay off 停止,休息
Middle of the road 中庸
shape up 开始形成; 酝酿

If memory serves me 如果我没记错的话
Things are about to move very quickly 事态要发生急剧变化了
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