
学习词根---Unit 4.6 总结篇

2018-04-01  本文已影响0人  英语英语英语


1. b   2. c   3. f   4. a   5. d   6. e   7. h   8. g


VOR. 源自拉丁动词vorare,意为"to eat"

carnivorous. Meat-eating or flesh-eating.

herbivorous. Plant-eating.

insectivorous. Feeding on insects.

voracious. Having a huge appetite.

CARN. 源自拉丁语,意为"flesh"或"meat".

carnage. Great destruction of life (as in a battle); slaughter.

carnal. Having to do with bodily pleasure.

incarnate. 形容词读作 /ɪn'kɑːnɪt/,动词读作 /'ɪnkɑːneɪt/  Given bodily or actual form; especially, having human body.

reincarnation. (1) Rebirth in new bodies or forms of life. (2) Someone who has been born again with a new body after death.

CRED. 源自拉丁动词,credere,意为“to believe"或"to entrust"

credence. Mental acceptance of something as true or real; belief.

credible. (1) Able to be believed; reasonable to trust or believe. (2) Good enough to be effective.

credulity. Readiness and willingness to believe on the basis of little evidence.

credo. (1) A statement of the basic beliefs of a religious faith. (2) A set of guiding principles or beliefs.

FID. 源自拉丁词语fides,  "faith" or "trust." 

affidavit. A sworn statement made in writing.

diffident. Lacking confidence; timid, cautious.

fiduciary. (1) Having to do with a confidence or trust. (2) Held in trust for another.

perfidy. Faithlessness, disloyalty, or treachery.

CURR/CURS. 源自拉丁动词currere,意为"to run."

concurrent. Happening or operating at the same time.

cursory. Hastily and often carelessly done.

discursive. Passing from one topic to another.

precursor. One that goes before and indicates the coming of another.

PED. 源自拉丁词语,意为"foot".

quadruped. An animal having four feet.

pedigree. The line of ancestors of a person or animal.

impediment. Something that interferes(妨碍) with movement or progress.

pedestrian. Commonplace, ordinary, or unimaginative.

FLECT. 源自拉丁动词flectere, 意为"to bend." 

deflect. To turn aside, especially from a straight or fixed course.

reflective. (1) Capable of reflecting light, images, or sound waves. (2) Thoughtful.

genuflect. To kneel on one knee and then rise as an act of respect.

inflection. (1) A change in the pitch, tone, or loudness of the voice. (2) The change in form of a word showing its case, gender, number, person, tense, mood, voice, or comparison.

POST. 源自拉丁词语,意为"after"或"behind."

posterior. Situated toward or on the back; rear.

posthumous. (1) Published after the death of the author. (2) Following or happening after one's death.

postmodern.(后现代主义的) Having to do with a movement in architecture, art, or literature that is a reaction against modernism and that reintroduces traditional elements and techniques in odd contexts as well as elements from popular culture.

postmortem. (1) Occurring after death. (2) Following the event. 

Words from Mythology 

calypso. A folk song or style of singing of West India origin that has a lively rhythm and words that are often made up by the singer.

odyssey. (1) A long, wandering journey full of trials and adventures. (2) A spiritual journey or quest.

palladium.(钯) A precious, silver-white metal related to platinum(铂) that is used in electrical contacts and as an alloy with gold to form white gold.

Penelope. A modest domestic wife.

procrustean.(【希腊神话】普罗克拉斯提斯的。〔比喻〕用暴力使人就范的;强求一致的) Ruthlessly disregarding individual differences or special circumstances.

protean. (1) Displaying great versatility or variety. (2) Able to take on many different forms or natures.

sibyl. A female prophet or fortune-teller.

siren. A woman who tempts men with bewitching sweetness.


Choose the closest definition:

1. carnage      a. meat   b. slaughter   c. flesh   d. battle

2. precursor      a. shadow   b. forerunner   c. follower   d. oath

3. diffident      a. angry   b. different   c. aggressive   d. shy

4. pedestrian      a. useless   b. footlike   c. unusual d. boring

5. credence      a. creation   b. belief   c. doubt   d. destruction

6. credible      a. believable   b. acceptable   c. praiseworthy   d. remarkable

7. pedigree      a. wealth   b. education   c. breeding   d. purity

8. impediment      a. help   b. obstacle   c. footpath   d. obligation

9. voracious      a. vast   b. hungry   c. fierce   d. unsatisfied

10. protean      a. meaty   b. powerful   c. changeable   d. professional 

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