L12 U2 Corporate culture
Module 1 Describing your company's culture
1. Corporate culture 企业文化和价值观
大多数大型公司都有一套core values(核心价值观),他们将其传达给员工来塑造corporate culture(企业文化)。
- My company believes strongly in corporate social responsibility. We have a strong focus on ethics. 我们公司坚信企业的社会责任感。我们非常注重道德。
- One of our core values is to be adventurous. We're not afraid to try new things. 我们的一个核心价值观是富有冒险精神。我们不怕尝试新事物。
- We are determined to succeed. Nothing is impossible. 我们决心要成功。 一切皆有可能。
- Open communication is a key core value. Anyone can talk to the executives at any time. 开放的沟通是一个关键的企业价值观。任何人都可以在任何时间跟我们的高管谈话。
- We are a passionate company. We really believe in what we're doing. 我们是一个充满激情的公司。 我们坚信我们所做的事情。
- Honesty and quality are two important core values. 诚信和质量是两个重要的核心价值观。
- Creativity is highly valued. We're very innovative. 创意在我们公司是得到重视的。我们是很有创意的。
- Humility is important. We do the best we can, and we try never to be arrogant. 谦逊是重要的。我们尽力而为,并且尝试绝不傲慢。
- My company has a strong focus on ethics. 我的公司非常注重道德。
- One of our core values is to be passionate. 我们的核心价值观之一是富有热情。
- Creativity and honesty are core values for us. 创意和诚信是我们的核心价值观。
- We are an adventurous company. 我们是一家富有冒险精神的公司。
- We believe in corporate social responsibility. 我们相信企业社会责任感。
- In my company, we have open communication. 在我的公司,我们能开放地交流。
2. Confusable verbs 易混淆动词
Lie 可以指 'to recline',不直接后接宾语。Lay 可指 'to place' 或 'to put',始终后接宾语。以下是它们的现在时和过去式形式:
现在时 过去式 过去分词
lie lay lain
lay laid laid
- You can lie on the couch in the break room if you're not feeling well. 要是你感觉身体不适,可以躺在休息室里的沙发上。
- When I arrived at the office, I laid my jacket on the couch. 我到办公室后,把外套放在沙发上。
注意,lay off 一词源于动词 lay,意思是 'to put someone out of employment'。
- During the recession, they were forced to lay off employees. 在经济衰退时期,他们被迫裁员。
动词 rise 和 raise 也常常被混淆。Rise 意为 'to go higher',从不后接直接宾语。raise 意为 'to lift higher',几乎始终后接宾语。以下是它们的现在时和过去式形式:
现在时 过去式 过去分词
rise rose risen
raise raised raised
- When profits rose, the company rewarded everyone. 利润上升时,这家公司给所有人发奖金。
- We encourage everyone to express their opinions. Just raise your hands. 我们鼓励大家表达自己的观点。举手就行。
3. Describing corporate values 强调什么是重要的
- We are strongly influenced by the needs of our community. 我们受到我们社会需求的强烈影响。
- The number one thing for us is producing innovative products. 对我们来说首要的事情是生产创新产品。
- We focus strongly on ethics. 我们十分注重道德。
- It all boils down to helping the community. 这一切都归结为帮助社会。
- Profits come first. 利润为先。
- We have a strong sense of ethics. 我们有强烈的道德感。
- We practice what we preach. Our core values are really implemented in our daily activities. 我们说到做到。我们的核心价值观在我们的日常活动中得到真正的落实。
- Core values at my old company were just for signs on the wall. It was just lip service. 在我以前的公司核心价值观只是在墙上的招牌。它只是口头上的。
- Talk about values is just lip service. 谈论价值观只是口头上的。
- We have a strong sense of ethics. 我们有很强的道德感。
- We practice what we preach. 我们说到做到。
- We focus strongly on quality. 我们重点强调质量。
- Profits come first. 利润为先。
- It all boils down to helping the community. 这一切都归结为帮助社会。
- The number one thing is to be passionate. 首要的事情是富有热情。
Module 2 Explaining your company's structure
1. Company structure
- The current hierarchy is the problem. 当前层次结构存在问题。
- needs to be flattened 需要把它压平
- The company is top-heavy. 公司有些头重脚轻。
- The existing vertical structure … 现行的垂直结构...
- planning to reorganize the teams 计划重组团队
- The new structure has … 新的结构有
- cross-functional teams focused on 跨职能团队专注于
- Our headquarters are in London, but we have large branch offices in Hong Kong and New York. 我们的总部在伦敦,但是在香港和纽约我们有大型的分支办公室。
- Our main factory is located in Seoul. 我们主要的工厂位于首尔。
- My company has a vertical structure. Communication comes from the top and moves downward. It's rather rigid, if you ask me.
我们公司使用垂直框架。沟通从上向下移动。如果你问我的话,它很死板。 - I'm in a company that's organized horizontally. I work with a team to make decisions. 我在一个水平组织的公司。我和一个团队一起做决定。
- We're restructuring our company so teams will be cross-functional. Designers, developers and production will be on the same team.
我们正在重组我们的公司以便团队具有交叉功能。设计师,开发者和生产部都在同一个团队。 - The company is top-heavy. There are just too many executives. 公司头重脚轻。有太多的高层。
- We're going to flatten our company's structure because there are too many levels in the hierarchy.
- We're going to flatten our company's structure. 我们将扁平化我们公司的结构。
- My company is restructuring to be more horizontal. 我们的公司正在重组以变得更加水平。
- Our headquarters are located in Rome. 我们的总部位于罗马。
- My company is really top-heavy. 我的公司是真正的头重脚轻。
- The company has a traditional vertical structure. 公司采用传统的垂直结构。
- We have a large branch office in Beijing. 我们在北京有一个大的分支办公室。
- I work on a cross-functional team. 我在一个跨职能团队工作。
2. Proposing management strategies 提出管理策略的建议
使用含有 be、need 或 say 等词的表达,提出你坚信或确信的建议。
- Mutual trust is a key element. 相互信任是关键因素。
- An easy solution would be to hire a new project manager. 一种简单的办法是聘请一位新的项目经理。
- We need to be sure managers are on the same page. 我们需要确认各位经理达成共识。
- I say we require that departments communicate more frequently. 我认为,我们应该要求部门之间的交流更加频繁。
- My thought is to encourage expansion by creating a richer corporate culture. 我的想法是通过建设更加丰富的公司文化来推动扩展。
- We could maybe even have a forum. 也许我们甚至还可以举办一次讨论会。
- What if we carry out an analysis? 要是我们开展一次分析会怎么样?
- I'd like to analyze the internal and external threats first. 我想先分析一下受到的内部和外部威胁。
你可以使用含有 propose 和 suggest 的表达来提出建议。
- I propose that, just one day a week, we don't have any meetings. 我提议,每周空出一天不开会。
- What I'm proposing is that we incorporate employee feedback. 我建议我们应该采纳员工的反馈。
- I say we use instant messaging more often – just a suggestion. 我认为我们多多使用即时讯息,只是提议一下。
- I say we look at the internal and external threats. 我认为,我们应该考虑内部和外部威胁。
- We need to make sure everyone's on the same page. 我们必须确保所有人意见一致。
- What I'm proposing is that we use instant messaging. 我提议我们使用即时通讯。
- How about no meetings on Thursdays? Just a suggestion. 星期四不开会怎么样?只是提议一下。
- I'd like to carry out a complete analysis. 我想开展一项彻底的分析。
3. Supporting an opinion
- I couldn't agree more. 我完全同意。
- It's apparent … 很明显…
- It goes without saying that … 不用说...
- Does that make sense? 那有意义吗?
- Just look at the facts. 只要看看事实。
- You and I both know … 你和我都知道 …
- Can you say more? 你能多说一些吗?
- We'll discuss the details next meeting. 我们会在下次会议中讨论细节。
- A: It goes without saying that our company is too top-heavy. 不用说,我们的公司过于头重脚轻。
- B: I know exactly what you mean. 我完全理解你的意思。
- A: You and I both know that we have to restructure the company. 你和我都知道我们一定得重组公司。
- B: I couldn't agree more. 我完全赞同。
- A: Our company is really vertical. Does that kind of structure make sense to you? 我们的公司是非常垂直的。那种结构你认为合乎情理吗?
- B: No, it doesn't make sense. 不,不合乎情理。
- A: I reckon a horizontal structure would be more efficient. 我认为一个水平框架会更有效。
- B: That's becoming really obvious to me. 对我来说那变得真的很明显。
- A: It's apparent to me that we need to move our headquarters. 对我来说显而易见的是我们需要将我们的总部搬走。
- B: Yeah, just look at the facts. 是啊,只要看看事实。
- It doesn't make sense. 它不合乎情理。
- I couldn't agree more. 我完全同意。
- I know exactly what you mean. 我完全理解你的意思。
- It's obvious that you need a new job. 很明显你需要一个新工作。
- Just look at the facts. 只要看看这些事实。
Module 3 Building an effective team
1. Teamwork
- incorporate 合并
- system 系统
- task 任务
- excel 擅长
- promote 促进
- individual 个人
- teamwork 团队合作
- principles 原则
- mission statement 宗旨
- commitment 承诺
使用含有 team 的复合词谈论团队协作。
- Each team member excels in different areas. 每一位团队成员各擅其长。
- Teamwork creates better results. 团队协作创造更好的成果。
- We should organize weekend team-building activities. 我们应该在周末组织一些团队建设活动。
- I need employees who are good team players. 我需要具有团队精神的员工。
使用 incorporate 和 promote 谈论建设高效团队的策略。
- Get ideas from your team, and incorporate the ideas into your project. 在团队中集思广益,然后在你的项目中加以采纳。
- We need to promote the team's creativity. 我们需要提高团队的创造能力。
mission statement 传达了一家公司的主要目标,并且在其 principles 或 values 总结了公司信奉的原则或价值观。
- To achieve our goals, we need to write a mission statement that clearly outlines our principles. 为了实现目标,我们需要制订公司宗旨,明确列出我们的原则。
- One critical principle is that each employee has to make a commitment to the company. 每位员工都必须为公司作出贡献,这是一项关键的原则。
goal 可分成以一系列为实现目标而设立的 tasks。
- Before we hire a new manager, the first task is to write a job description. 在聘请新经理前,我们的第一项工作是撰写职务说明。
- Organize a weekend of team-building activities. 安排周末团队建设活动。
- Try to incorporate your employees' best ideas. 尝试采纳手下员工提出的好点子。
- We promote the principles of teamwork. 我们提倡团队协作的原则。
- Our mission statement shows our commitment to quality. 我们的宗旨表明了我们对质量的追求。
- Create tasks that allow individuals to excel. 创建让人各展所长的任务。
2. Describing ways to achieve a goal
- The first thing you have to do is ... 你首先要做的是 ……
- That's the most important thing. 那是最重要的事。
- You always want to look for ... 你总要寻找……
- I think it's good to ... 我认为…… 很好
- They need to be encouraged to ... 他们……需要鼓励
- It's a good idea to ... …… 的想法很好
- It's like a baseball team. 就像一支棒球队。
- You have to have principles. 你必须要有原则。
使用 way、method、strategy、approach 和 technique 等词描述实现目标的方法。注意,这些词的意思大致相同。
- One way to build an effective team is to allow members to brainstorm project ideas. 一种建设高效团队的方法是让所有成员集思广益。
- The best method for building a strong team is to develop trust among its members. 建设一支坚强团队的最佳办法是培养团员之间的互信。
- Here's another good technique: Celebrate smaller achievements as you work toward the larger goal. 此外还有一种好办法:在努力实现更大目标的过程中,庆祝一路取得的较小成绩。
使用含有 you 和 it 的表达,建议他人如何实现目标。
- The first thing you should do is establish good communication. 你头一件要做的事是建立良好的沟通。
- You never want to give people tasks that don't match their skills. 你永远都不希望给人分配与其能力不符的工作。
- It's a good idea to have short, daily meetings. 举行简短的每日例会是个不错的主意。
- It's important to socialize with your team members. 与你的团队成员交往是很重要的。
你也可以使用比喻来描述实现目标的方法。在第一例中,同事被比作棒球运动员。在第二例中,团队协作被比作园艺。习语 Plant the seed 的意思是 'do something that will develop in the future'。
- Your colleagues are like players on a baseball team. Each team member has a unique skill that helps the entire team get the job done.
你的同事好比棒球队的运动员。每一位团队成员都具有一项独特的技能,可以帮助整个团队完成工作。 - You have to plant the seed of excitement to motivate people to work together. 你必须播撒下兴奋的种子,鼓励人们共同努力。
- It's critical to promote each individual's skills. 提升每个人的技能至关重要。
- On that note, it's important that each task is clear. 就此来说,每项工作清楚明了很重要。
- One of the ways to do that is incorporate their ideas. 其中一种办法是采纳他们的点子。
- Employees should be encouraged to do jobs they like. 应该鼓舞员工做他们喜欢的工作。
- They need to be invited to comment. I like that method. 一定得要求他们发言。我喜欢那种方法。
3. Team-building strategies
Erin Medina
Tips for Success at Work
Seven Tips to Build an Effective Team
You probably either lead a team or work on a team, but do you know how to build an effective team? Too often, a team is weak and a project fails because each individual thinks only about himself or herself. If you build an effective team instead of working individually, more innovative, satisfying results can be achieved.
Here are seven tips for building an effective team:
- Select a Good Leader
Choose someone who is an impressive manager and an excellent communicator, as well as someone who has strong skills appropriate to the project. - Just Say 'Yes!' to the Project
Discuss the project together as a team. Allow the team to brainstorm and ask questions. Try to incorporate their ideas into the project, and then ask team members to sign a contract saying they are committed to the success of the project. - Make Goals Clear
Write them down. Email them. Post them on the wall. Text, blog and talk about them throughout the project. Establish a contest, and reward people for showing how they've achieved a task. - Promote Skills
Each project has many different tasks; each team member has a different and unique set of skills. Discover what each team member can do, assigning them to the appropriate task. Together, you'll have a full skill set that can be used to expertly complete every task on the project. - Work Together
Although each person has unique skills, everyone should cooperate on the project. Encourage people to work with one another, instead of solely on their own, by pairing them and requiring that they accomplish a specific task together. Teamwork pays off! - Communicate
Did I mention team members should talk to one another? As the project continues, discuss what's already been accomplished. Describe problems you're experiencing and how to solve them; you can always find a better idea, a better way of doing things. Use project management software to keep everyone informed. - Work Hard, Play Hard
Find ways after work to socialize, such as eating dinner together or a week away for team-building activities and games. Socializing helps team members get to know one another better so they can anticipate everyone's actions and needs on the project.
Put these seven top tips into practice, and you'll find your team is functioning more effectively and working together more happily. Good luck!
4. Infinitives
- You want to always look for ... 你要始终寻找……
- It's good to listen. 倾听是好事。
- It's good for people to work together. 大家一起工作是好事。
- They need to be encouraged to work. 他们工作需要鼓励。
- to accomplish a specific task 完成一件特定的任务
- They were allowed to excel in that area. 他们可以在那个领域胜出。
- It's a good idea to see ... 看到……很好
- in order to get a good, effective team 为了得到一个优良高效的团队
- make a commitment to follow 承诺委身
用 to + 动词原形构成不定式结构,例如,to make。不定式结构可用于多种结构,表示功能或目的。例如,你可以用名词搭配不定式:
- Employees need to make a commitment to succeed. 员工需要致力于成功。
- It's a good idea to identify each person's skills. 确定每个人的技能,这是不错的想法。
- It's good to try to incorporate everyone's ideas. 试图采纳每个人的想法,这非常好。
- It’s important to develop trust among team members. 在团队成员中建立信任是很重要的。
用 to + be + 过去分词构成不定式结构,例如 to be encouraged。
- He needs to be encouraged, not criticized. 他需要被鼓励,而不是被批评。
- It's helpful to be engaged in the process. 融入整个过程是有好处的。
- Some people need to be encouraged to work in teams. 有的人需要受到鼓励与团队合作。
- It's important to work together to accomplish goals. 重要的是,共同努力实现目标。
To + 动词起到与用于表达目的的结构 in order to + 动词一样的功能。To + 动词这种结构更常见,尤其是在英语口语中。
- Pull all the skills together in order to build an effective team. 集合所有人的技能,从而建设一支高效的团队。
- To better understand your goals, you should write a mission statement. 为了更好理解你们的目标,你们应该制订宗旨声明。
Module 4 Giving advice about office politics
1. Office politics
保持好的关系:处理office politics(办公室政治)常常是和大家保持良好关系的问题。
- Office politics? It all boils down to good relationships with the higher-ups and your coworkers. 办公室政治?归根结底就是和上层以及你的同事都保持好的关系。
- Part of maintaining good relationships is participating in office activities. 保持良好关系的一部分是参加集体活动。
- Don't express annoyance, or there may be repercussions. 不要表达不满,否则可能会有不良影响。
- Notice how things get done in the office so that you can become an important part of daily processes. 注意办公室里事情是怎样做的以便你能成为日常流程中的重要一部分。
- Update your job-related skills constantly so that you remain valuable. 经常更新你的与工作相关的技能以便你能保留价值。
- It all boils down to good relationships. 这一切都归结为良好的关系。
- Update your job-related skills often. 经常更新你的与工作有关的技能。
- Notice how things get done in the office. 注意观察办公室里大家是如何做事情的。
- Be careful about expressing annoyance. 要小心表达烦恼。
- It's advisable to participate in activities. 建议参加活动。
- Office politics is an important part of work. 办公室政治是工作的一个重要组成部分。
2. Giving advice with 'if' 用if给建议
- If it's possible, find a mentor: a more experienced colleague. 如果可能的话,找一个导师:一个更有经验的同事。
- If you're respectful to your colleagues, you're less likely to get stabbed in the back. 如果你尊重你的同事,你不太可能会在背后被陷害。
- Notice how things get done in the office. 注意办公室里事情是怎样做的。
- Don't express annoyance at your coworkers. 不要表现出对你同事的不满。
- Constantly update your job-related skills. 经常更新你的与工作相关的技能。
- Participate in office activities. 参加办公室活动。
- If possible, find a mentor. 如果可能的话,找一个导师。
- Show that you understand how the company works. 表现出你了解公司是如何工作的。
3. Using metaphors 在写作中使用比喻
- You can't hide from office politics, so don't stick your head in the sand. 你无法躲开办公室政治,因此不要自欺欺人。
- If you respect your coworkers, you probably won't get stabbed in the back. 如果你尊重你的同事,你很可能不会在背后被陷害。
- If you do something bad to someone, they'll get revenge. What goes around comes around. 如果你对某人做了坏事,他们会报复。一报还一报。
- The office is the modern jungle. 办公室是现代的热带丛林。