
Never surrender

2019-09-28  本文已影响0人  紫罗兰Shirley

Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. ----Matthew 11:29

“He, whom God loves, must be disciplined.” Why do we complain so often? The Lord takes us to a point, call us to intersect with him, but we say with sigh and lament: “Lord, let me like others!” Jesus wants us to bear one end of the yoke. As he said: “My yoke is easy, come to me, and let us bear together.” Do you agree with the Lord Jesus? If so, you will thank God for the pressure he has put on you.

“For People who are weak, he adds strength.” When God comes, he releases us from our emotional bonds and turns our complaints into praise. And the only way to know God’s power is to take the Lord’s yoke upon you and learn from him.

“Their Joy in the Lord is their strength.” Where does the joy of the saints come from? If we don’t know some saints, we think: “He (she) has no burden.” When the veil is lifted, and the peace and joy of God are upon him, the burden is there.

The burden of God crushes the grapes into wine, but most of the people only see the wine crushed. There is no power in heaven or earth to conquer the spirit that dwells in the human heart, because that is the inner winner. If you have resentment inside sigh, unmercifully to kick it away. It is a sin to be weak in God’s power.

Dear God, in front of you, I am like a human figure, but inside is ugly and hairless wilderness. However, praise your name, you can make “the wilderness and the dry lad rejoice; … and open like a rose.”(20190927)


