C 笔记七 单词计数

2019-03-21  本文已影响0人  吃柠檬的鸮


/* wordcnt.c */
#include <stdio.h>

#define IN      1    /* 正在读入单词 */
#define OUT     0    /* 结束读入单词 */

int main() {
    int c;
    long wordcnt;
    long linecnt;
    long charcnt;
    int inword;

    wordcnt = linecnt = charcnt = 0;
    inword = OUT;

    while ((c = getchar()) != EOF) {
        if (c == '\n') {
        if (c == ' ' || c == '\n' || c == '\t') {
            if (inword) {
                inword = OUT;
        } else {
            inword = IN;
    printf("wordcnt = %ld;\nlinecnt = %ld;\ncharcnt = %ld.\n", 
          wordcnt, linecnt, charcnt);

    return 0;

程序定义了两个符号常量 INOUT 而不是直接使用对应的 1 和 0(幻数),在较大的程序中(不是指上面的小程序),符号常量替代幻数有利于提高程序的可读性,如果需要对数值进行修改,也会相对容易很多。


wordcnt = linecnt = charcnt = 0;

/* 等价于 */
wordcnt = (linecnt = (charcnt = 0));

编译运行结果如下:需要留意的是,行数是依据换行符 \n 来统计的,因此输入最后一行之后,必须再键入一次换行,否则统计出来的行数将会少 1 。

$ ./wordcnt.out 
april is a dog's dream
the soft grass is growing
the sweet breeze is blowing
the air all full of singing feels just right
wordcnt = 24;
linecnt = 4;
charcnt = 122.

顺便说一下,Linux 下用 wc (word count)命令从标准输入流或者文件读取数据,用以统计行数、单词和字符数。

比如说当前文件目录下有一个 april.log 的文件,它里面的内容如下:

$ cat -n april.log 
     1  april is a dog's dream
     2  the soft grass is growing
     3  the sweet breeze is blowing
     4  the air all full of singing feels just right
     5  so no excuses now
     6  we're going to the park
     7  to chase and charge and chew
     8  and I will make you see
     9  what spring is all about

调用 wc 命令:

$ wc april.log 
 10  50 243 april.log
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