
Stave them, not stuff them!

2018-11-29  本文已影响7人  亲爱的毛毛同学

Its mission was to make education a force to unite people, nations and cultures for peace and a sustainable future.--by United World College


Actually teacher more than just teachers, they were mentors, they were guide and they were friends. They told us that we could be everything we wanted, we could do anything in our lives, if we believe we can do it, if we had a plan and if we acted on it.

Do we know what we are looking for? What is purpose of education? What is education for?

What is education was for: education was created for making factory workers. See at the end of 18th century, industrialization has the problem. They really had a hard time convincing people to leave the open fields and come to work at a factory. At that time, public education placed you at where you are stricty separated by a year, where you have to follow orders, never question authority and do just what you're told.


So are we preparing children for the uncertain future that lies ahead?

We only know one thing for certain that the only constant is change!

No matter the supposed expert would like to tell you, nobody really knows what the future is going to look like 5 years from now and let alone 10 or 20 years which is when a child who's now in kindergarten will graduate and will have to find a job.

Change will always come and most likely at an increasing pace!


Whenever you was afraid to do something, you didn't want to change. Those are the most depressing moments of your life. Being afraid is not good, it's paralyzing. When you are afraid, you're afraid to fail.


We must move away from the idea that "teaching is for adults, and learning is for kids." Learning is a lifelong experience, and nobody can be a mentor, a teacher, a guide, or a friend to someone else.

We need time to experimed, to make mistakes, to teach yourself, to teach others, maybe with interesting problems that have many solutions or no optional solutions or no one know what the answer is.


Discovery learning is a process that happens when you're interested and engaged. Not when you're receiving. You will foster an innate curiosity that is in inside all of us.

We must develop a stronger culture of grid. Grid means passion、perseverance、never giving up.

Technological tools to bring about a revolution in education. But it won't come by itself, we need people too and also we need the right mindset. That's esplori.The esplori means"Imagine if the sum of human knowledge were available to everyone, anywhere on earth, in any language, on video."

If you can inspire somebody, to follow their passion; if you can give them a chance, and make them feel special. You will have saved a life!

So off you go!

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