meteor showers
All year long as Earth revolves around the sun,
it passes through streams of cosmic debris.
The resulting meteor showers can light up night skies from dusk to dawn,
and if you're lucky you might be able to catch one.
Comets are sort of like dirty snowballs: As they travel through the solar system,
they leave behind a dusty trail of rocks and ice that lingers in space long
after they leave.When Earth passes through these cascades of comet waste,
the bits of debris pierce the sky at such speeds that they burst,
creating a celestial fireworks display.
The best way to see a meteor shower is to get to a location that has
a clear view of the entire night sky.It is best to use your naked eye to
spot a meteor shower.Binoculars or telescopes tend to limit your field of view.
Below you'll find the showers that are most likely to be visible in the sky this year.
The Lyrids
Active from April 14 to April 30.Peaks around April 21-22.
There are records from ancient Chinese astronomers spotting these
bursts of light more than 2, 700 years ago.
They blaze through the sky at about 107, 000 mph and
explode about 55 miles up in the planet's atmosphere.
This shower comes from Comet Thatcher,
which journeys around the sun about every 415 years.
The Eta Aquariids
Active from April 19 to May 28.Peaks around May 4-5.
The Eta Aquariids, also sometimes known as the Eta Aquarids,
are one of two meteor showers from Halley's comet.
Specks from the Eta Aquariids streak through the sky at about 148, 000 mph,
making it one of the fastest meteor showers.
revolves around;revolve环绕围绕,围绕着
streams of cosmic debris;宇宙残骸流
meteor showers ;流行,自然界中阵雨, 流星雨
shuting star;流星雨
light up;点亮照亮,兴奋喜悦
All year long;全年,全...
a dusty trail of;尘土的痕迹
lingers in space long ;逗留
cascade ;小瀑布 像瀑布流下, 数量非常多
the bits of;
pierce the sky;刺穿 刺破 (突出速度)
celestial;天空的 极美的 美妙的
celestial fireworks display;美轮美奂的天体烟花秀
get to a location;找个地方
the entire night sky;完整的视野
Binoculars;双眼的 双筒望远镜
field of view.;视野
the Lyrids;天琴座流星雨lyrics歌词诗词,源自lyre里尔琴, Lyra天琴座
bursts of light;迸发的光速
They blaze through the sky;点亮(燃亮)天空,灿烂炫目闪耀熊熊燃烧
explode about 55 miles up in the planet's atmosphere;
Comet Thatcher;撒切尔彗星
The Eta Aquariids;水瓶座艾塔流行
Specks from;碎片 小点
streak through the sky ;飞速 奔驰