
2019-03-12  本文已影响0人  西贝_贾

This process calculates the residence time of water in a computational cell. The process only takes into account the advective transport — i.e. flows in [m^3 \cdot s^{-1}] — as derived from SOBEK, Delft3D or another hydrodynamic model. Dispersion is not taken into account. 

Delft3D 中的水龄计算表示某个计算网格中水的停留时间,计算过程只考虑对流作用,dispersion作用不考虑。类似于计算水力停留时间。

在D quality 中的设置可以从 Water Quality -> Processes -> ECO | WAQ -> Tracer and temperature -> Continuity -> Residence time 中打开

residual time 计算要打开continuity,water age计算要打开Decayable tracer source。

计算原理在 chapter 15.7, Processes Library User Manual 中。

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