1. 战略伙伴关系 strategic partnership
中阿合作论坛 China-Arab States Cooperation Forum
人民大会堂 the Great Hall of the People
establish a "future-oriented strategic partnership of comprehensive cooperation and common development."
“一带一路”倡议 the Belt and Road Initiative
高新技术领域 high-tech fields
产能合作 industrial cooperation
自由贸易区谈判 FTA talks
天然合作伙伴 natural partner
金融平台 financial platform
数字经济 digital economy
2. 贸易霸凌主义 trade hegemony and bullying
美国贸易代表办公室 Office of the US Trade Representative
征收关税 impose tariffs
电子元件 electronic components
消费电子产品 consumer electronics
以加速升级的方式公布征税清单publish a tariff list in a way that escalates tensions
特例笔记:①escalate 逐步升级、逐步上升 =rapidly update=rapidly accelerate
②tension紧张,不安; 紧张气氛; [物] 张力,拉力;矛盾
维护国家核心利益和人民根本利益 defend the core interests of the nation and its people
呼吁共同努力 call on mutual efforts
自由贸易规则 the practice of free trade 规则这里用了practice,同时也可以使用rule
多边贸易制度 multilateral trading system
世界贸易组织 the World Trade Organization
贸易战 trade war
贸易保护主义 trade protectionism
反倾销 anti-dumping
反补贴 anti-subsidy
市场情绪 market sentiment
3. 自助游产品self-guided tour products
在线旅游企业和平台 online travel agencies and platforms
紧急通知urgent circular
开展安全隐患排查治理carry out security checks against hidden risks
产品供应商 product suppliers / product provider
应急机制 emergency response mechanisms
相关责任 clarify responsibilities / relevant responsibilities
散客 individual traveler
自由行 independent travel
跟团游 package tour
深度游 in-depth travel
自驾游 self-driving tour
旅游保证金 travel deposit
4. 通信账单管理 management of telecommunication charges
nuisance phone calls "骚扰电话",也可以简写成nuisance calls或用unwanted calls表示。
Spam就是"垃圾短信",意为unwanted e-mail(usually of a commercial nature sent out in bulk) ,即(出于商业目的批量发送的)收件人不想要的邮件,也就是"垃圾邮件"。垃圾短信也可以用nuisance texts表示
纠正错收费行为 correct mistaken charges
详细账单信息 detailed billing information
短信端口 SMS portals
群发短信 mass texting
短信诈骗 SMS phishing
伪基站 pseudo base station
电信诈骗 telecom fraud
响一声就挂的电话 abandoned calls
5. 转会 join
转会费transfer fee
国际足联金球奖FIFA Ballons d'Or
金靴奖 Golden Boots
世界杯 World Cup
意大利足球甲级联赛 Serie A
欧洲冠军联赛 UEFA Champions League
顽强拼搏的精神 the spirit of indomitable struggle
中国足协 Chinese Football Association
足球改革 soccer reform