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5 Ways To Make Smarter New Year&

2018-01-02  本文已影响6人  SundayYan

5 Ways To Make Smarter New Year's Resolutions

New Year's resolutions do not fail because they are inherently doomed, they fail because people tend not to know how to address them, and to not quit, even when they fail certain weeks and certain months. It's not about your goal, it's all about the approach, and your plan to accomplish it. Here are five ways to make smarter, more specific New Year's resolutions:

Inherent /ɪnˈhɪərənt/: a quality that is inherent in something is a natural part of it and cannot be separated from it.

Doom /duːm/: to make someone or something certain to fail, be destroyed etc.

Approach /əˈprəʊtʃ/: a method of doing something or dealing with a problem.

Be Specific 

Saying you want to "lose weight" or "save money" aren't setting down concrete goals, they are wishes. Giving your goals details give them life, and makes them real. You want to lose 15 pounds in 6 months, and you want to save $5,000 more dollars this year. That's 2.5 pounds a month, so .63 of a pound a week following a diet or dietician's meal plan, and saving $416.67 a month, so $104.17 a week by only eating out once a week, etc. These numbers allow you to examine your diet and exercise and expenses, and look for where you can cut back. These are tangible steps that make achieving your goal real, and not just something you say will do every new year, and never do. The sooner you quantify your goals, the sooner you begin to wrap your arms around them, and get to work achieving them.

Concrete /ˈkɒŋkriːt/: definite and specific.

Dietician /ˌdaɪəˈtɪʃən/: someone who is trained to give people advice about what it is healthy for them to eat and drink.

Tangible /ˈtændʒəbəl/: clear enough or definite enough to be easily seen or noticed.

Break A Big Goal Into Smaller Increments  

Bill Gates once said, "Most people overestimate what they can do in one year, and underestimate what they can do in 10 years." The downfall of most New Year's Resolutions is the the fact that people tend to dive head first into a big goal, they fail, so they give up. Break you goal down into attainable increments. If you want to lose weight, then set your goal as one to two pounds a week, and you will go to the gym three times a week for at least 30 minutes. If you want to save money, start with saving $200 a month, so $50 a week, and build from there. Starting small is not failing, it is easing into sustainable habits that will change how you eat or how you save or how you work.

Overestimate  /ˌəʊvərˈestɪmeɪt/:  to think something is better, more important etc than it really is.

Increment  /ˈɪŋkrəmənt/: a regular increase in the amount of money someone is paid.

It's OK To Set Big Goals If You Forgive Yourself For Not Achieving Them In A Year 

If you have a big goal, and as I wrote in the previous point, if you break it down into smaller increments, chances are you will succeed some days, weeks and months, and others you will fail- that is OK. Everyone fails. You will fail. Probably over and over again. The difference between people who create big changes in their lives and those who don't are those who refuse to quit, even when they fail, even when people tell them they're crazy and can't possibly do accomplish your goal.

Increment  /ˈɪŋkrəmənt/: a regular increase in the amount of money someone is paid.

Set Deadlines

Setting deadlines is the key to success, especially with big goals. It's all wishy washy wishful thinking until you make a plan, then set a deadline for the implementation of that plan. You can only successfully break a goal down into increments if you set deadlines for each increment, and major milestones. It makes your goals more concrete and creates the urgency for you to begin.

Implement  /ˈɪmpləment/: to take action or make changes that you have officially decided should happen.

Increment  /ˈɪŋkrəmənt/: a regular increase in the amount of money someone is paid.

Concrete /ˈkɒŋkriːt/: definite and specific.

Celebrate Success  

If you did not buy a coat you really wanted but do not need, that is cause for celebration. If you passed on a burger and ordered a salad instead, that is cause for celebration. If you got a raise, a promotion, made a concrete step, large or small to achieving your goals, that is cause for celebration. Did you dodge a bullet? The vast majority of you life is in the every day, and the little moments. The grand moments go by quickly and ultimately make up a small percentage of your life, so celebrate the small steps and achievements, and be proud of who you are, your work and who you are striving to be.

Dodge /dɒdʒ/:  to move quickly to avoid someone or something.

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