
2018-04-09  本文已影响6人  快樂很簡單



Such a nice day! I have so much things to appreciate lol!

Front he morning, we went to Camp91, a quite special touristic place in Lampung for the scenery and view etc. When we reach their, the entrance is closed! And we can only get down from the bus and enter the camp through a side shortcut.

Today I am wearing Nepal shirt and pant! (Very styloooo)

So basically Camp91, nothing so special but it’s a place for people to take picture only lahhh. The decoration all from Bamboo and it’s quite similar to Tandem. Typical touristic place.

After that we went to Myom Buk for roasted chicken rice again, hahaha. A while after we reach there, it started raining and the power is cut off @@ Until we finished the meal, the electricity still havnt recover. Hahahahha

After that, when we come back to UniMal, we go out again to DD kedaton. We had a info session there.


Initially it’s schedule on 1.30pn, but we reached around 2.45pm lol. Luckily the potential EP still havnt reach yet.

And yeah, it’s a random sharing of my experience before we go to project introduction. After ward, we straight interview the EPs and we decided to pass them. They are a very smart indonesia girl with clear objective to volunteer. It’s my first time to interview EP, and it’s very good to see how Ameerul give relevant example and expectations setting during the interview.

Talking about DD, it’s a big place and a lot of AIESECer and organisation use it to have meeting and discussion. I saw quite a lot of them study there also.

For the AIESECer there, they are very active and very interested with our aiesec value stickers. They are a huge LC with enough goals!

Ratih, the LCP is super talkative and same goes to their EBs lah hahahah.

There’s a AIESECer thought I am from China, but I am Malaysia Chinese!! ( feeling proud)

After that, we had a dinner @ Bakso. I’m the chicken mie is very very nice!!


Things to appreciate today

1. The conversation with Ameerul after back from info session.

2. Almaas for waiting for us in Dunkin Donut for 1.5 hours. So paiseh!

3. AIESECer in UniLa for accompany is for dinner.

4. Ameerul for borrow me the money to pay lol.

5. Aiman’s and Mirza’s bawang!

6. Dr Din for bringing and bought us the box of mineral water!

7. UniMal peep for bringing us to Camp91.

8. Bus driver to fetch 20+ of us to go Camp91 <3

9. Peeps for waiting me and Ameerul for the breakfast hahahah

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