Spring Annotation
1. Special Annotation to mark beans provided by Spring.
@Component: To mark a class of ordinary Spring bean.
@Controller: To mark a class of controller component.
@Service: To mark a class of logic service. (usually under service package.)
@Repository: To mark a class of DAO component. (Usually under xxxDAO package.)
@Scope: To assign the scope for bean. @Scope("prototype") @Scope("singleton")
So you do not need to configurate them in Spring config file of applicationContext.xml.
But you should designate the path to search the beans in applicationContext.xml.
<!-- auto to san all the beans of the package and son-packages. -->
<context:conponent-scan base-package="com.bupt.huang"/>
Or you can also add elements like<include-filter>, <exclude-filter>.
<context:component-scan base-package="com.bupt.huang">
<!-- All the classes end with Chinese will be included. -->
<context:include-filter type="regex" expression=".*Chinese"/>
<!-- All the classes end with Axe will be excluded. -->
<context:exclude-filter type="regex" expression=".*Axe"/>
type: to point out the filter type. There 4 kind of types:
annotation, regex, assignable(to specify a class name), aspectj.
4 kinds of Annotation.
//Or you can mark the name of the bean instance. @Component("chinese")
public class Chinese implements Person{
private int year; // class attributes.
private Axe axe; // IoC, or dependency injection. Set way. Anther way is by constructor.
public void setAxe(Axe axe){
this.axe = axe;
/** skip other methods. */
public class UseDAO{
/** skip. */
public class UserService{
/** skip. */
public class LoginController {
/** skip. */
public class Chinese implements Person {
// If you use @Resource annotation, then you don't need to realize setXXX() method.
private Axe axe;
public void useAxe(){
public void init(){
System.out.println("method before init bean..");
public void close(){
System.out.println("method before destroy bean.");
@DependsOn({"aBean", "bBean"}) //to modify a class or method.
@Lazy(true) //true to not pre-init a bean class when Spring container inits.
@AutoWired // auto search and load to setXXX().
@Qualifer("student") // student is the name of bean instance.