
2021-03-03  本文已影响0人  陆满庭

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* 本篇文章难度系数7.2,由《小仙英语伴读》人工智能难度分析系统提供评分。


How do flies constantly fly into hard objects at high speeds(walls, doors, windows, etc) but never manage to get hurt?


【解析】manage to do sth.这里不是通常的“(经过努力和克服困难之后)将某事做成”地意思,而是“做到”、“处理”、“控制”的意思

【单词】flies 复数形式,原型:fly [flahy][flaɪ] n. 苍蝇;两翼昆虫

【单词】constantly ['kon-stuhnt]['kɒnstəntli] adv. 不断地;经常地

【单词】object ['ob-jikt, -jekt] n. 物体

【单词】etc ['etk] abbr. 及其他;等等(=Et cetera)

【单词】hurt [hurt][hɜːt] vi. 疼痛;造成损失 n. 创伤;伤害;打击

Arthropods that fly have very low mass.


【单词】arthropod ['ɑrθrəˌpɑdz] n. 节肢动物

【单词】mass [mas][mæs] n. 质量(重量)

They also have a lightweight armour made largely of chitin.


【单词】lightweight ['lahyt-weyt]['laɪtweɪt] adj. 轻量级的;无足轻重的;比较轻的

【单词】armour ['ahr-mer]['ɑːmə] n. 甲胄;铁甲;防护具 =armor

【单词】largely ['lahrj-lee]['lɑːdʒli] adv. 大部分;主要地

【单词】chitin ['kahy-tin]['kaɪtɪn] n. 几丁质;角质素。几丁质一般指壳多糖。壳多糖广泛存在于甲壳类动物的外壳、昆虫的甲壳和真菌的胞壁中,也存在于一些绿藻中,主要是用来作为支撑身体骨架以及对身体起保护的作用。

This exoskeleton protects their nervous system (brain) organs and muscles.


【单词】exoskeleton [ek-soh-'skel-i-tn]['eksəʊskelɪtn] n. [动]外骨骼;皮骨骼

【单词】protects 原型:protect [pruh-'tekt][prə'tekt] v. 保护

【单词】nervous ['nur-vuhs]['nɜːvəs] adj. 神经的,神经细胞的,神经性的

【单词】brain [breyn][breɪn] n. 脑

【单词】organs 原型:organ ['awr-guhn]['ɔːɡən] n. 器官

【单词】muscle ['muhs-uhl]['mʌsl] n. 肌肉

It's like a body helmet.


【单词】helmet ['hel-mit]['helmɪt] n. 头盔;安全帽

Lastly, they have an open circulatory system that prevents them from inflammation damage, i.e., bruising.


【单词】lastly ['last-lee, 'lahst-]['lɑːstli] adv. 最后;终于

【单词】circulatory [ˌsɜːkjə'leɪtəri] adj. 循环的;循环系统的

【单词】prevents 原型:prevent [pri-'vent][prɪ'vent] v. 预防;防止,阻止;挡住

【单词】inflammation [in-fluh-'mey-shuhn][ˌɪnflə'meɪʃn] n. 发炎;炎症

【单词】damage ['dam-ij]['dæmɪdʒ] n. 损害;损失;毁坏

【单词】bruising 原型:bruise [brooz][bruːz] n. 瘀青;擦伤;挫伤 vi. 碰伤;擦伤

An open circulatory system, unlike in mammals and reptiles, has no high pressure blood vessels such as arteries.


【短语】such as 比如,例如;例句:I know many of them, such as John, Peter, and Tom. 我认识他们当中的很多人,例如约翰、彼得和汤姆。

【单词】unlike [uhn-'lahyk][ˌʌn'laɪk] adj. 不同的,不相似的 prep. 不像,与…不同

【单词】mammals 原型:mammal ['mam-uhl]['mæml] n. 哺乳动物

【单词】reptiles ['reptaɪlz] n. 爬行动物;爬虫类

【单词】vessels 原型:vessel ['ves-uhl]['vesl] n. 脉管,血管

【单词】arteries 原型:artery ['ahr-tuh-ree]['ɑːtəri] n. 动脉

Instead, there is a mixture of blood and lymph cells, that white-ish goop inside bugs, which sloshes around cavities.


【单词】mixture ['miks-cher]['mɪkstʃə] n. 混合;混合物

【单词】lymph [limf][lɪmf] n. 淋巴液;淋巴

【单词】cells 原型:cell [sel][sel] n. 细胞

【单词】goop [goop][guːp] n. 粘性物质

【单词】bugs 原型:bug [buhg][bʌɡ] n.臭虫,小虫

【单词】sloshes 原型 slosh  [slosh][slɒʃ] v. 泼溅;搅动

【单词】cavities 原型:cavity ['kav-i-tee]['kævəti] n. 洞;空穴;腔

The benefit is that bugs do not easily/cannot internally "bleed" like mammals.


【单词】internally [in-'tur-nl][ɪn'tɜːnəli] adv. 内部地

【单词】bleed [bleed][bliːd] v. 流血

The downside is that this lack of high pressure blood is one aspect that prevents them from being too large.


【单词】downside ['doun-sahyd]['daʊnsaɪd] n. 下降趋势(价格方面);消极面;负面

【单词】aspect ['as-pekt]['æspekt] n. 方面;方位;外观;外貌

There is an old expression that goes something to the effect of 'Insects float, cats land, humans break, and horses splash'.


【单词】expression [ik-'spresh-uhn][ɪk'spreʃn] n. 表达;词句;措辞

【单词】Insects 原型:insect ['in-sekt]['ɪnsekt] n. 昆虫;虫子

【单词】float [floht][fləʊt] v. 漂浮;浮现;飘动

【单词】break [breyk][breɪk] v. 打碎;折断

【单词】splash [splash][splæʃ] v. 溅(湿);飞溅

Basically gravity becomes much more lethal as your mass goes up.


【单词】basically ['bey-sik-lee]['beɪsɪkli] adv. 基本上;主要地

【单词】gravity ['grav-i-tee]['ɡrævəti] n. 重力

【单词】lethal ['lee-thuhl]['liːθl] adj. 致命的;危险的;有效的

The phrase, "The bigger they are, the harder they fall," really makes sense now.


【短语】make sense 表示“有意义;讲得通;言之有理”。如:I try to make each song make sense for itself. 我试图让每首歌都体现出它自己的意义。

【固定用法】the more..., the more ..., 越...,就越...;注意这里的more可以是形容词或副词的比较级;例句:The more he eats, the fatter he gets. 他吃得越多,人越发胖。The more of the masses we unite with, the better. 我们联合起来的群众越多,就越有利。

【单词】phrase [freyz][freɪz] n. 短语;习语;措辞


