Predixy 安装

2021-03-21  本文已影响0人  watermountain

Mac 环境:

  1. 下载源码
git clone
  1. 执行make 命令
cd predixy
  1. 拷贝predixy可执行二进制文件到/usr/local/sbin文件夹
cp src/predixy /usr/local/sbin
  1. 设置环境变量
export PATH=/usr/local/sbin:$PATH
添加到~/.bash_profile 文件中
source ~/.bash_profile 
  1. 使用缺省的predixy.conf配置文件,启动predixy
predixy conf/predixy.conf
  1. 使用redis-cli 连接
    Predixy默认将监听0.0.0.0:7617 和 Redis Cluster。
redis-cli -p 7617
  1. 查看predixy 的命令行参数
$ predixy -h
   predixy <conf-file> [options]
   predixy -h or --help
   predixy -v or --version

   --Name=name        set current service name
   --Bind=addr        set bind address, eg:, /tmp/predixy
   --WorkerThreads=N  set worker threads
   --LocalDC=dc       set local dc

. 附录
conf/predixy.conf 配置文件的内容

################################### GENERAL ####################################
## Predixy configuration file example

## Specify a name for this predixy service
## redis command INFO can get this
Name PredixyExample

## Specify listen address, support IPV4, IPV6, Unix socket
## Examples:
# Bind
# Bind
# Bind /tmp/predixy

## Default is
# Bind

## Worker threads
WorkerThreads 1

## Memory limit, 0 means unlimited

## Examples:
# MaxMemory 100M
# MaxMemory 1G
# MaxMemory 0

## MaxMemory can change online by CONFIG SET MaxMemory xxx
## Default is 0
# MaxMemory 0

## Close the connection after a client is idle for N seconds (0 to disable)
## ClientTimeout can change online by CONFIG SET ClientTimeout N
## Default is 0
ClientTimeout 300

## IO buffer size
## Default is 4096
# BufSize 4096

################################### LOG ########################################
## Log file path
## Unspecify will log to stdout
## Default is Unspecified
# Log ./predixy.log

## LogRotate support

## 1d rotate log every day
## nh rotate log every n hours   1 <= n <= 24
## nm rotate log every n minutes 1 <= n <= 1440
## nG rotate log evenry nG bytes
## nM rotate log evenry nM bytes
## time rotate and size rotate can combine eg 1h 2G, means 1h or 2G roate a time

## Examples:
# LogRotate 1d 2G
# LogRotate 1d

## Default is disable LogRotate

## In multi-threads, worker thread log need lock,
## AllowMissLog can reduce lock time for improve performance
## AllowMissLog can change online by CONFIG SET AllowMissLog true|false
## Default is true
# AllowMissLog false

## LogLevelSample, output a log every N
## all level sample can change online by CONFIG SET LogXXXSample N
LogVerbSample 0
LogDebugSample 0
LogInfoSample 10000
LogNoticeSample 1
LogWarnSample 1
LogErrorSample 1

################################### AUTHORITY ##################################
Include auth.conf

################################### SERVERS ####################################
# Include cluster.conf
# Include sentinel.conf
Include try.conf

################################### DATACENTER #################################
## LocalDC specify current machine dc
# LocalDC bj

## see dc.conf
# Include dc.conf

################################### COMMAND ####################################
## Custom command define, see command.conf
#Include command.conf

################################### LATENCY ####################################
## Latency monitor define, see latency.conf
Include latency.conf

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