素食活出我最好的模样护肤 美妆 美容 养生 化妆


2019-03-15  本文已影响4人  三木水儿





1- 蛋白质 Protein

涉及人群:纯素食主义者 (Vegan)

对于仍然食用鸡蛋、乳制品和鱼类的素食者来说,缺乏蛋白质的风险会降低不少。 而严格吃非动物产品的朋友要小心了,植物性蛋白质来源丰富,但含量和质量实在不比肉类。


蛋白质由不同的氨基酸组成,高品质蛋白质含有我们身体所需氨基酸的种类和比例。肉类中的蛋白质和人体所需求的氨基酸相似,所以吃肉是获取完整蛋白质的最佳方式。 相比之下,植物蛋白的质量低于动物性蛋白,因为没有单一的植物可以提供人体所需的全部氨基酸,也就是说要食用多种富含蛋白质的植物才可以达到完整需求。打个比方,肉类就像一盒口味齐全的巧克力,而植物类则像不同口味的小型包装,需要打开好几包才能吃上一遍。


For those who still eat egg, dairy product, and fish, the risk of protein deficiency is lower. For those who are vegan, you should be more cautious with protein intake. Protein can be found in various plant sources, but the quantity and the quality is lower than meat.

Protein is a very important building block of human body. Protein deficiency can lead to tiredness, weakness during exercise, losing hair, difficulty to concentrate and sleep.Protein is composed of amino acids. High-quality protein provides the type and ratio of amino acids that our body needs, and meat is the best source of high-quality protein. In comparison, protein from plant source has lower quality than that from meat source. To obtain the complete amino acids, various plant foods containing protein must be consumed.

You could find enough and complete protein from plant source! Food like soy products (tofu, tempeh, soymilk), lentils, nuts, and seeds are all great sources of protein. Vegetarian meat, which mimics the taste of meat, are made by soybeans. It’s a great meat replacer.

2-铁 Iron

涉及人群:所有素食者 (All vegetarians)



富含铁的素食包括强化麦圈和面粉(源于人工添加, 多见与进口食品),扁豆,南瓜子,杏仁,豆腐,绿叶蔬菜,带皮土豆和李子


- 在同一餐中食入富含维生素C的食物,如甜椒,柑橘类水果,西红柿,草莓,猕猴桃,哈密瓜和卷心菜家族的蔬菜。

- 咖啡,茶和富含钙的食物会减少铁的吸收,尽量在两餐之间食用。

- 用铁质炒菜锅 #不要炒高酸性食物比如西红柿,会溶解# 同理,“幸运铁鱼” (Lucky Iron Fish)是提供补铁的小型鱼形产品。做饭时把“鱼”放进锅里一起煮,元素铁可以浸入水和食物中。价格实惠,而且质量可以持续长达五年。

There are 2 types of Iron, heme iron and nonheme iron. Heme iron is absorbed and utilized by our body easier, but it is usually found in meat and fish sources. Vegetables only contain nonheme iron, which is less absorbed by our body.

Anemia can be caused by iron deficiency. Girls have a higher iron need due to menstruation. The symptoms of anemia include tiredness, pale face, shortness of breath, cold hands and feet. However, none of these symptoms are easily noticeable at the early stage of anemia.

Foods that are high in iron include fortified cereals and flour, beans, pumpkin seeds, almonds, tofu, green vegetables, potatoes with skin, and plums.

Vegetarians can increase their iron absorption using various ways:

- Add vitamin C rich foods into meals: bell peppers, citrus fruits, tomatoes, strawberries, kiwi, honey melon and cabbages.

- Consume coffee, tea and calcium-rich foods between meals since they can decrease the absorption of iron.

- Cook your meal with cast iron pan.

3-维他命B12  Vitamin B12

涉及人群:纯素食主义者 Vegan




This is the most important nutrient for vegans. Vitamin B12 only can be found naturally in animal products. Vegans have a high risk of deficiency.

Low intake of vitamin B12 can lead to anemia, heart disease, and damage in the nervous system.

Dairy products, egg, fortified cereal and nutrition yeast are all great sources of vitamin B12. You could also buy supplements to get vitamin B12.

4-钙 Calcium

涉及人群:纯素食主义者 (Vegan),蛋素食者 (Ovo-vegetarian)


For ovo-vegetarian, dairy product is enough for their calcium needs if they take dairy every day. NutriPro suggests you eating more green leafy vegetables, pumpkin seeds, beans and pulses, whey protein and fortified foods. If you are vegan or you are still worried, you could get some calcium supplements.

5-维生素D Vitamin D

涉及人群:纯素食主义者 (Vegan)

这种阳光维生素通过帮助钙吸收来促进骨骼健康。 与维生素B12一样,维生素D很少天然存在于植物性食物中。 这是一种不需要吃就可以得到的营养素,知道为什么多晒太阳就会开心吗?因为你的皮肤会利用“光合作用”生成维他命D哦!阳光在北方地区 #比如加拿大# 并不是一个很靠谱的来源,素食者特别需要注意以增强骨骼和肌肉。

由于加拿大的牛奶添加有维生素D,所以它也是最好的来源之一。 蛋黄也是不错的选择。 对于纯素食者,蘑菇,强化过的杏仁奶、豆浆和麦圈都非常有帮助。

Vitamin D works together with calcium to enhance bone health. Same as vitamin B12, it is rarely found in natural plant sources. Your skin could make vitamin D under the sun! In northern regions where does not have that much sunlight, vegetarians need to be aware of this nutrient. Milk from Canada is fortified with vitamin D. Egg yolk is also a great source. For vegans, mushroom, fortified almond milk, soymilk, and cereal are all very helpful.

6-锌 Zinc


这个营养素很少被提及,但对于素食者来说非常重要。 植酸,一种植物中常见的成分,会减少锌的吸收。 因此,应该食用更多的蔬菜来保障锌的需求。

即使这种矿物质需求量不高,但在身体中还是起着非常重要的作用。 锌支持生长、发育和增强免疫系统。 伤口愈合不良,容易生病和皮肤发炎都是缺锌的典型症状

良好的锌来源来源包括扁豆,坚果,豆制品和麦麸谷物。 此外,发过酵的面包和豆制品(豆豉和味噌)可以增加吸收。

This is an important nutrient rarely known by people. Folic acid, a common component of vegetables, reduces the absorption of Zinc. Therefore, eating more vegetables is necessary to get an adequate amount.

Zinc has important functions in the human body: support growth and immune system. If you are lacking Zinc, slow wound healing, getting sick easily, and skin infections are all common symptoms.

Good sources of Zinc: lentils, beans, nuts, wheat bran products. Fermented bread and soy products (tofu, miso, tempeh) could enhance our zinc absorption.

// References //

The Journal of Nutrition, Volume 130, Issue 5, 1 May 2000, Pages 1378S–1383S,https://doi.org/10.1093/jn/130.5.1378S


文案 | Emily&绵绵冰  排版 | Lisa  图片 | Tatsuya Tanaka
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