
2019-07-10  本文已影响0人  英语学习社


The one where WarnerMedia takes ‘Friends’ back from Netflix

Financial Times


The popular 1990s sitcom Friends will move from Netflix to WarnerMedia's upcoming streaming service next year, in the latest move by legacy media companies to fight back against the tech group that has ravaged their business.



situation comedy的缩写,表示“(每周播出一集的)情景喜剧”,英文解释为“a funny television programme in which the same characters appear in different situations each week”。


表示“严重毁坏,摧毁;重创”,英文解释为“to damage something very badly”举个🌰:

The country has been ravaged by civil war.



WarnerMedia is an American multinational mass media and entertainment conglomerate owned by AT&T and headquartered in New York City. 华纳媒体,前称时代华纳股份有限公司(Time Warner, Inc.)是AT&T旗下一家总部位于美国纽约市的跨国媒体娱乐集团。它是仅次于康卡斯特集团与华特迪士尼公司的全球收入第三高的娱乐公司,也曾经是全球规模最大的媒体集团。

Netflix, Inc. (/nɛtflɪks/) is an American media-services provider headquartered in Los Gatos, California, founded in 1997 by Reed Hastings and Marc Randolph in Scotts Valley, California. The company's primary business is its subscription-based streaming OTT service which offers online streaming of a library of films and television programs, including those produced in-house. Netflix(官方中文名:网飞,民间翻译:奈飞)是一间在世界多国提供网络视频点播的OTT服务公司,并同时在美国经营单一费率邮寄DVD出租服务。(维基百科)

AT&T-owned WarnerMedia on Tuesday revealed details about its own streaming service, which aims to win back customers from Netflix.


The service, called HBO Max, is set to launch in the spring of 2020 with the exclusive rights to HBO’s full library, Time Warner’s television classics such as Friends and The Fresh Prince of Bel Air, as well as new films produced by Hollywood heavyweights Greg Berlanti and Reese Witherspoon.

这项名为HBO Max的服务将于2020年春季上线,它将拥有以下内容的独家流媒体播放权:HBO的全部片库,《老友记》、《新鲜王子妙事多》(The Fresh Prince of Bel Air)等时代华纳(Time Warner)经典电视剧集,以及格雷格•伯兰蒂(Greg Berlanti)和瑞茜•威瑟斯彭(Reese Witherspoon)等好莱坞重量级人物制作的新片。


表示“独家的(新闻报道)”,英文解释为“If a newspaper, magazine, or broadcasting organization describes one of its reports as exclusive, they mean it is a special report that does not appear in any other publication or on any other channel.举个🌰:

He told the magazine in an exclusive interview: "All my problems stem from drinking."



表示“极具影响力的人(或组织)”,英文解释为“If you refer to a person or organization as a heavyweight, you mean that they have a lot of influence, experience, and importance in a particular field, subject, or activity.举个🌰:

He was a political heavyweight.


After years of watching consumers shift their attention away from traditional television and towards Netflix, traditional media companies are fighting back. Walt Disney and AT&T have between them spent more than $150bn on megadeals to build up their arsenals of content, and are working to launch their own streaming services within the next year.

多年来看着消费者将注意力从传统电视转移到Netflix的传统媒体公司正在反击。为了建立内容库,华特迪士尼公司(Walt Disney)和AT&T总共斥资逾1500亿美元进行大额交易,并致力于在明年内上线各自的流媒体服务。


arsenal /ˈɑːsənəl/ 本义表示“武器库,军火库”,英文解释为“a building where weapons are stored”,也可以指“储备的大批武器”(a large group of weapons that someone has),如:an arsenal of guns 大批枪支;

此处含义为“(设备、方法等的)宝库,珍藏”,英文解释为“the equipment, methods etc that someone can use to help them achieve something”,举个🌰:

He has a whole arsenal of cameras.


Media companies must choose what content to restrict to their own streaming services, and what to keep available on platforms like Netflix where hundreds of millions of people might watch it. This will not only determine how valuable their streaming services might be — it will also directly impact revenues. MoffettNathanson analysts predict Disney's streaming push will slice revenues for its film studio and media networks units by $1.4bn in fiscal 2020.


push & pull

互联网相关用语,pull指的是“通过询问和搜索在互联网上找到信息,获取信息”,英文解释为“to get information from the internet, after asking or searching for it”举个🌰:


Companies should encourage customers to pull information from their website, thus putting the customer in control.

push表示“(互联网上)发送(信息)”,即推送,英文解释为“to send information over the internet without receiving a request for it first”。

As the streaming battle heats up, some fan favourites will be pulled from Netflix. Last month Comcast-owned NBCUniversal announced it had taken the rights back for The Office starting in 2021. The Office and Friends are the two most-watched programmes on Netflix, according to Nielsen.

随着流媒体大战不断升温,粉丝最爱的一些节目将从Netflix下架。上月,康卡斯特集团(Comcast)旗下的NBC环球(NBCUniversal)宣布,将从2021年起收回情景喜剧《办公室》(The Office)的版权。尼尔森(Nielsen)的数据显示,《办公室》和《老友记》是Netflix上收视率最高的两档节目。

Last year Netflix warned customers Friends could be taken down from its platform soon, sparking fury among fans. However Netflix struck a deal with AT&T to extend its rights to the sitcom for another year, paying nearly $100m for it.


strike a bargain/deal

表示“达成协议/交易,制定协议”,英文解释为“to agree to do something for someone if they do something for you举个🌰:

There are rumors that the president struck a private deal with the corporation's chairman.


Netflix said in a tweet it was “sorry to see Friends go to Warner's streaming service at the beginning of 2020 (in The US)”.



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