The Music Box
Listening to the music of music box is a kind of relaxation. I always wish to have a unique music box which is made and design on my own, so Mum bought me a DIY music box as my birthday present last year.
When I received the present last year, I was as happy as a lark. But when I opened the package and found that there were a lot of components, I wanted to give up immediately. This year, Mum took it out again and I decided to start making my tailor-made music box. All of a sudden, I felt full of power and strength. I started making the music box again with confidence.
Today, I finally finished making the music box. This music box was not easy to make because there were many difficult steps and the components were mini. Therefore, I put a lot of time and efforts on it. When I cut and pasted the components together, I was very careful and patient. Otherwise, the whole piece of artwork would be ruined.
My music box was very delicate. It looked gorgeous. I added some light bulbs to make it shine so as to decorate it. It included three tiny buildings. There were a beautiful Ferris Wheel which shines brightly with its light, a bakery which sold tasty bun and a food truck which sold sweet cupcakes. A couple who were holding a “Heart” balloon sat in front of the buildings romantically. The scene of the music box was as marvelous as the fairy tale.
The stunning and amazing artwork was successfully born after a long afternoon. I put the music box in the centre of the living room. It is a perfect match with the sweet family photos that we took during our trips around the world. It brings out the happiness to everybody through the music, the “Laputa Castle in the Sky”