UCP 党纲政策制定流程

2018-01-09  本文已影响0人  Wevoteca



2017年7月,前阿省两个保守政党PC党和Wildrose联合组成了阿省联合保守党 UCP,成立之后的新政党需要新的党的纲领与政策。12月份,UCP成员对整个党纲政策制定流程进行了一次网上投票,大部分成员同意由政策委员会起草的框架草案为基础,来进一步补充和完善。目前框架草案已经基本就绪,整个党纲政策的制定流程也已经确认如下。



1。UCP 党员阅读所有框架草案文件后,在网上进行投票,请见以下链接。如果其中一个文件得到大多数的支持,将会进入到下一轮。如果有很多意见,那么会做出修改或者被废弃。投票日期截至在18年1月31日下午5点。

-Member Policy Declaration and Statement of Principles Survey

-Bylaws and Governance Survey


-Governance Proposals

-Policy Proposals

2。从2月中到4月中,UCP 将在Calgary, Edmonton, Red Deer, Medicine Hat and Grande Prairie分别举行区域大会。会上,所有的草案和修改补充意见都将被参加会议的党员投票。同时,如果没有时间参加会议的党员也有机会在网上进行第2轮投票。所有党员投票后,获得设定门槛支持的草案和修改补充意见将进入下一轮。

3。18年5月4-6日,UCP将在Red Deer召开第一届年会及成立大会,有时间参加的朋友可以点击这里报名参加:报名 。这次会议将进行辩论,投票和批准最终的政策和纲领文件。



1。已经加入UCP的党员,请检查入党时曾收到的email所附的UCP membership card,存放在手机里。这半年的活动都需要卡号。(没收到的,请与UCP办公室确认,电话1-888-465-2660, 联系人Narj)。同时也欢迎未参加的朋友加入,得到UCP卡号后,即可参与到此次的纲领政策制定中来。





6。报名参加5月4日在Red Deer的UCP年会,为UCP政纲投上自己一票。不过这个需要自己购买门票,$325/人,个人酌情决定参与与否。


Last month, our Leader Jason Kenney sent an email to you regarding the policy development process. The vast majority of members who responded supported the proposed policy development process and agreed with the release of a non-binding policy declaration as a starting point. 

It is now time to start the process. 

When members of both legacy parties voted in favour of the Agreement in Principle, we agreed to the creation of the Policy Committee to accomplish the following:

a. Develop founding policies to be considered by members at the first convention and general meeting

b. Review the bylaws and provide members the opportunity to amend them at the founding meeting

c. Develop proposed constitutional documents for members to review, amend and ratify at the founding general meeting

The Policy Committee has created a process to involve all party members and constituency associations in all aspects of the development of our new party's policy and governance documents. 

Phase 1 - Develop the Process - COMPLETE

Phase 2 - Develop Initial Proposals, Surveys and Proposal Submissions

This phase starts today. 

It begins with surveys and a call for member submissions for both policy and governance documents to be voted on at the founding meeting.

The Policy Committee has composed framework document proposals as a starting point to facilitate member discussion. The framework proposals were based on common themes between the legacy parties, common governance best practices and common relevant issues. Please ensure you read these documents prior to responding to the surveys. The documents are not intended to be complete or comprehensive and we expect amendments and new proposals.

 - United Conservative Association Bylaws

 - Constitutional Document 1: Statement of Principles

 - Constitutional Document 2: Member Policy Declaration

 - Constitutional Document 3: Constituency Association Rules

 - Constitutional Document 4: Leadership Rules

 - Constitutional Document 5: Code of Conduct

 - Constitutional Document 6: Standing Committee List

 - Constitutional Document 7: Dispute Resolution Process

The Nominations Committee created under the Agreement in Principle is now working on Candidate Selection Rules and you can expect more information on that process soon.

Survey 1: This survey allows members to comment on what they would like to see in the founding documents, using the framework documents as outlined above as a starting point. You will rate each proposal on a scale of 1 - 5 and provide comments.

Member Policy Declaration and Statement of Principles Survey

Bylaws and Governance Survey

You will need your UCP membership number to complete the surveys.

Your membership number is: UCP-xxxxxxxx

The deadline to complete the survey is 5 pm on January 31, 2018.

Proposals receiving very favourable survey responses will progress to the next phase of the process. Proposals with poor survey responses will be revised in line with amendments and new submissions received from members or discarded.

Call for Submissions: Any group of 10 or more members or a Constituency Association may make submissions on either policy or governance items not in the survey, or make amendments to any item in the framework documents. Submissions may be made here:

Governance Proposals

Policy Proposals

The deadline to submit proposals is 5 pm on February 16, 2018.

After the deadline has passed, submitters can expect to hear back from either the Policy or Governance Sub-Committees for follow up.

Phase 3 - Regional Conferences and 2nd Online Survey

Regional Conferences will be held in Calgary, Edmonton, Red Deer, Medicine Hat and Grande Prairie. At these conferences, all proposals and amendments submitted by members will be presented and voted on. 

A second online survey will also be available for those members unable to attend a regional conference. Members will only be able to participate in either a regional conference or the second survey to ensure integrity of the process.

Proposals receiving a certain threshold of support from the regional conferences and second survey will progress to the founding meeting. 

This phase will take place between mid-February and mid-April. Regional conference dates and rules of order will be released in the coming weeks. 

Phase 4 - Founding General Meeting and Convention

The final phase of the process will be the debate, voting and ratification of policy and governance documents at the UCP's Founding General Meeting and Convention on May 4-6, 2018. You can register to attend now by clicking here.

The process and rules of order for this General Meeting will be determined after the final regional conference and will depend on the number of proposals receiving a high level of agreement among members through the regional conferences and surveys. 

If you have questions or feedback regarding this process, feel free to reach out to us. We can be reached at policy@unitedconservative.ca.


UCP Policy Committee

Jason Copping (Co-Chair)

Tim Dyck (Co-Chair)

Clyde Corser

Margitta Dziwenka

Peter McCaffrey

Steven McLeod

Bettina Pierre-Gilles

David Price

Trevor Shelley

Jason West


