Day1 10/07/2017
释义:adj. bad or poor; of poor quality; not happy 极坏的
近义词:bad, dirty 搭配:lousy cliches 陈词滥调 lousy things 讨厌的事
造句:What a lousy day I've had!
释义:n. a person who controls play and makes sure that players act according to the rules in a sports event 裁判员;仲裁人 v. 仲裁;裁判
近义词:n. official v. judge 词组:deputy umpire
造句:The boys had an altercation over the umpire's decision.
3】live up
释义:v. fulfil the requirements; expectations of synonymous 实践;不辜负
近义词:meet; fit 搭配:live up to v./n. live up to my potential 竭尽所能
造句:I'm sorry I failed to live up your expectation.
1】And every time the van came to a stop, I had to pray I didn't get my head taken off by one of Rodrick's drums.
仿写:Every time the taxi went through, I had to pray that there's nobody in it.
Today, there are two things that make me happy. First of all, I went to an interview which is applied to magazines that I loved for years. The interviewer was not as strict as my expected. But the position which I applied for was more tiring than my expected. I went into the next round. And second of all, I received an invitation to the WeChat public original application, so hard work is essential for anyone to achieve their goals.