
2020-10-18  本文已影响0人  羊皮卷的味道
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Steven Lee 李司提反
1 Peter 5:10–14 彼得前书5:10-14
10 And after you have suffered a little while, the God of all grace, who has called you to his eternal glory in Christ, will himself restore, confirm, strengthen, and establish you. 11 To him be the dominion forever and ever. Amen. 12 By Silvanus, a faithful brother as I regard him, I have written briefly to you, exhorting and declaring that this is the true grace of God. Stand firm in it. 13 She who is at Babylon, who is likewise chosen, sends you greetings, and so does Mark, my son. 14 Greet one another with the kiss of love. Peace to all of you who are in Christ. 10 但满有恩典的 神,就是在基督里召你们进入他永远荣耀的那一位,在你们受了短暂的苦难之后,必定亲自成全你们,坚固你们,赐力量给你们,建立你们。11 愿权能归给他,直到永远。 阿们。12 我藉着我认为忠心的弟兄西拉,简略地写了这封信劝勉你们,又向你们证实这是 神真正的恩典;要在这恩典上站立得住。 13 在巴比伦与你们同蒙拣选的,和我儿子马可都问候你们。14 你们要用爱心彼此亲吻问安。愿平安归与你们所有在基督里的人。
[Next Few Weeks] We finish our series in 1 Peter today. I want to tell you what to expect in the next couple of months. [接下来几周的讲道]今天我们要结束彼得前书系列讲道。我想告诉大家未来几个月的计划。
• As you know, next two weeks will be Global Focus. • 众所周知,接下来的两周将是全球宣教聚焦。
• The following three weeks we’ll be studying the book of Habakkuk, an amazing book that helps us to understand God’s goodness in a world of chaos. • 接下来的三周,我们将学习哈巴谷书,这本神奇的书帮助我们在混乱的世界中理解神的恩典。
• Then we have four weeks of Advent, our January focus on prayer, the Word of God, ethnic harmony, and sanctity of life. • 然后我们有四个星期的降临节,我们一月份的重点是祈祷、神的话语、民族和谐和生命的神圣性。
• Then we’ll begin a new series in the book of Acts that will take us through summer. • 然后,我们将开始一个新的讲道系列,使徒行传,带我们度过整个夏天。
[Prayer] Heavenly Father, pour out your lavish grace this morning through your word, so that we would be nourished, strengthened, and built up as your people. Help us to love the Lord our God with all of our heart, mind, soul, and strength, and to love our neighbors as ourselves. Do this for the sake of your glory, in Jesus’ name we pray, amen. [祷告]天父,求你今早藉着你的话语,将你丰盛的恩典倾倒出来,使我们得到滋养,增强力量,得建立成为你的子民。帮助我们全心、全意、全力爱主我们的神,爱邻如己。为了你的荣耀,我们奉耶稣的名祷告,阿门。
[Introduction] As we end our series in First Peter, what is the note that Peter wants to strike in his closing words? When we write letters or emails, our final words function to tell the recipient this is what I want you to know, this is how I want you to feel, and this is how I feel about you. So how does Peter end this letter? What is the final note that he rings? Peter rings a note of grace. His entire letter has been a letter of hope and salvation. Yes the letter is about suffering and perseverance, but the final note he strikes is one of grace. [引言]当我们结束彼得前书的系列讲道时,彼得在结尾的话中想表达的是什么?当我们写信或电子邮件时,我们结束语的功能是告诉收信人这是我想让你知道的,这是我想让你感觉到的,这是我对你的感觉。那么彼得如何结束这封信?他奏响的最后一个音符是什么?彼得奏响的是恩典的音符。他的整封信都是关于盼望和救赎的信。是的,信中说的是苦难和坚忍,但他最后敲响的是恩典的音符。
[Main Point] Our main point is very simply stand firm in the true grace of God. He wants them to endure and persevere in their faith, reminding them of key truths that will help them remain faithful until they enter into glory. [要点]我们的要点是​要在神的真恩典中站立得住。祂希望他们在信仰上忍耐和坚持,提醒他们关键的真理,帮助他们保持忠诚,直到进入荣耀。
[Plan] As we conclude this letter we see three things in these final verses: [计划]当我们结束这封信时,我们在这最后的经文中看到了三件事:
1. Promise: God Will Bring Us Home (10–11) 1. 应许:神会带我们回家(10-11节)
2. Exhortation: Stand Firm in the True Grace of God (12b) 2. 劝勉:在神的真恩典中站稳(12b节)
3. Closing Word: Greet One Another in Love (12–14) 3. 结束语:在爱中互相问候(12-14节)
1. Promise: God Will Bring Us Home (10–11) 1. 应许:神会带我们回家(10-11节)
1 Peter 5:10–11 “10 And after you have suffered a little while, the God of all grace, who has called you to his eternal glory in Christ, will himself restore, confirm, strengthen, and establish you. 11 To him be the dominion forever and ever. Amen.” 彼得前书5:10-11 “10 但满有恩典的 神,就是在基督里召你们进入他永远荣耀的那一位,在你们受了短暂的苦难之后,必定亲自成全你们,坚固你们,赐力量给你们,建立你们。11 愿权能归给他,直到永远。 阿们。”
[Closing Promise] Verses 10–11 concludes the body of his letter. What does Peter want us to know? Answer: God’s glorious grace in Christ is what will enable believers to persevere until the very end. He give us a promise of what God is going to do. See that? He just exhorted believers to resist the devil, but he wants them to know that God is going to do it. [结尾的应许]第10-11节结束了这封信的正文。彼得想要我们知道什么?答案:神在基督里荣耀的恩典,是使信徒能够坚忍到最后的原因。他给我们一个神将要做什么的应许。看到了吗?他只是劝告信徒要抵挡魔鬼,但他要他们知道,这正是神要做的事。
[Why Significant?] Why is this significant? In some circles of Christianity, you could preach the whole letter of First Peter with the wrong tone or accent. We could teach it as if everything is precarious, uncertain, and hanging in the balance. And what’s really needed is for you to muster up enough willpower and strength to endure. But Peter strikes the balance to emphasize “you must stand firm” by mainly looking to and trusting in what God has accomplished in Christ. Receive the grace of God—that’s how you endure. It’s not mainly “go do,” but believe, trust, receive, and cleave to Christ. [为什么重要?]为什么这个意义重大?在基督教的某些圈子里,你可以用错误的语气或强调宣讲整封彼得前书。我们可以把它教导成一切都是岌岌可危、飘忽不定、悬而未决。而真正需要的是你拿出足够的意志力和力量来承受。但彼得打破平衡,强调“你们要站立得住”,主要是仰望和相信神在基督里所成就的。接受神的恩典—这就是你忍耐的方法。主要不是“去做”,而是相信、信靠、接受、与基督联合。
[“Little While”] This is going to happen “after you have suffered a little while.” We saw the same phrase in 1 Peter 1:6 where believers are to be grieved by various trials for a “little while.” Peter is answering perhaps an unstated or implicit question coming from his readers: How long will we have to endure suffering? How long O Lord? When will the fiery trials end? We saw last week as well that God will exalt his children “at the proper time” (5:6). [“短暂”]这一切的发生是要“在你们受了短暂的苦难之后。”我们在彼得前书1:6中也看到了同样的片语,信徒要在各种试炼中或许“暂时”会难过。彼得回答的也许是一个来自他的读者没有说出来或隐含的问题:我们还要忍受多长时间的苦难?耶和华啊,这要到几时呢?这如火的试炼什么时候才会结束呢?上周我们也看到,“到了时候”神要高举祂的儿女(5:6)。
[Peter’s Answer] Peter gives an answer, but perhaps not the one his readers want. They want a specific timeline. When will God judge Nero and when will this suffering and persecution will end? Peter doesn’t say. He does not give them date, but tells them the final result. Suffering will be for a “little while,” but it will pale in comparison to the eternal glory that you have in Jesus Christ. [彼得的回答]彼得给出了一个答案,但也许不是他的读者想要的答案。他们想要一个具体的时间表。上帝何时才会审判尼禄,这苦难和迫害何时才能结束呢?彼得没有说。他没有给他们日期,而是告诉他们最后的结果。苦难将是“短暂的”,与你们在耶稣基督里将要拥有的永恒的荣耀相比,就显得微不足道了。
[Illustrate with Rope] Our lives are like this six inches of rope. All 60, 70, 80, or 90 years of our life represented by this section. And the other 99.5 feet of rope signifies eternity. It’s only a “little while” of suffering, but it will result in eternal glory in Christ. Just like 2 Corinthians 4:17 that says, “For this light momentary affliction is preparing for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison.” [绳子的比方]我们的生命就好比一根六英寸长的绳子。我们一生中的70年、80年、90年,用这一小段绳子来代表。而另一段99.5英尺长的绳子则代表着永恒。虽然只是“短暂”的苦难,但会在基督里得到永远的荣耀。正如哥林多后书4:17所说:“因为我们短暂轻微的患难,是要为我们成就极大无比、永远的荣耀。”
[Application: Adopt an Eternal Perspective] Whether your trials and suffering is 5 minutes, 5 years, or 5 decades, it’s still a little while that will ultimately result in eternal glory. Throughout this letter we have been challenged to adopt an eternal perspective on life. Lift your heads above the clouds to see that the sun still shines. Go from a ground level view of life to a 50,000 foot perspective on life, and you’ll recognize that there is no comparison. [应用:采用永恒的观点]无论你的试炼和苦难是5分钟、5年、还是50年,这都只是短暂,最终会带来永恒的荣耀。在这封信中,我们一直受到挑战,要对生命采取永恒的观点。把头伸到云层之上,看看太阳还在照耀。从地面的人生观到五万英尺高空的人生观,你会认识到,这之间无法比拟。
[Dissect the Promise] So what does Peter specifically promise? We read two things about the Promise Maker, namely he is “the God of all grace,” and “[he] has called you to his eternal glory in Christ.” And then the promise itself, this Promise Maker (3) “will himself restore, confirm, strengthen, and establish you.” [剖析应许]那么彼得具体承诺了什么呢?我们读到关于应许者的两件事,即祂是“满有恩典的神”,以及“[祂]在基督里召你们进入祂的永远荣耀”。然后是应许本身,这位应许者(3)“必定亲自成全你们,坚固你们,赐力量给你们,建立你们”。
[Promise Maker: God of All Grace] Peter is ending his letter the same way he began it: “May grace and peace be multiplied to you” (1 Peter 1:2). What does it mean that God is the “God of all grace”? We saw earlier in verse 5 that “God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble,” and Peter is suggesting that God lavishes his grace upon his children. He gives us everything that we need to endure. Spurgeon says that we get “quickening grace, convincing grace, pardoning grace, believing grace … [and] sustaining grace. … If He is the God, not of one grace, or of two graces, but of all graces; [and] if in Him there is stored up an infinite, boundless, limitless supply, how can we ask too much…”1 The point is that God is the God of all grace because he gives all the grace that is needed to his children. [应许者:满有恩典的神]彼得的结尾与他的开头相呼应:“愿恩惠平安多多地加给你们。”(彼得前书1:2)“满有恩典的神”是什么意思? 我们在前面的第5节看到,“神敌挡骄傲的人,赐恩给谦卑的人”,彼得是在暗示神将祂的恩典赐给祂的儿女。祂赐给了我们坚忍时所需要的一切。 司布真说,我们得到“复苏的恩典,信服的恩典,赦免的恩典,相信的恩典......[和]维持的恩典。……如果祂是神,就不是只有一种恩典的神,也不是只有两种恩典的神,而是所有恩典的神;[而且]如果在祂里面储存了无穷的、无边的、无限的供应,我们求再多也不过份……”他的意思是神是满有恩典的神,因为祂把一切需要的恩典都赐给祂的儿女。
[Promise Maker: Called to Eternal Glory] The second thing we see about this Promise Maker is that he has “called you to his eternal glory in Christ.” Our election is once again front and center: we are elect exiles, called by God to his eternal glory in Christ. Our glorification will surely come to pass. We will take hold of salvation. We will be exalted at that proper time. We will get our inheritance. [应许者:呼召进入永恒的荣耀]关于这位应许者,我们看到的第二件事是,祂已经 “在基督里召你们进入祂永远的荣耀”。我们的拣选再次成为焦点:我们是蒙拣选的寄居者,在基督里蒙神呼召进入祂永远的荣耀中。我们的荣耀一定会实现。我们将抓住救恩。我们将在那个适当的时候被升高。我们会得到我们的基业。
[Illustration: Buying a House] Someone I know just sold his house, but there was two days between when they moved out and when contract was finalized. So he has this empty house in a checkered part of town where some people might be inclined to steal all of your copper piping. So what did he do? He slept in his empty house until it closed and was someone else problem. Every contract is a precarious contract until it is finalized. You can’t exhale until everything is signed, money is exchanged, and it’s finished. Prior to that, it can still fall through. But when it comes to eternal glory, our future salvation, and our heavenly inheritance, it’s as good as done. The buyer in this case is God, and he isn’t going to back out. In fact, he will do whatever it takes to make sure that he reach eternal glory. He lavishes all grace upon you, he’s called you to eternal glory, and he will see it through. It’s not questionable and uncertain, but it’s a promise you can take to the bank. [示例:买房]我认识的一个人刚刚卖掉了他的房子,但是从他们搬出去到合同定下来有两天的时间。所以,他留下这座空房子在城里治安不佳的地段,有些人可能会想要偷光你所有的铜管。那么他做了什么?他在空荡荡的房子里睡到移交手续办完,成为别人的问题。每一份合同在最终完成之前都是一份不确定的合同。要等到一切都签了字,交了钱,手续都弄完了,才能松一口气。在此之前,它仍然可以落空。但是,当涉及到永恒的荣耀,我们未来的救赎,以及我们的天国基业,那就一切都是现成的。这桩生意的买家是神,祂绝不会爽约。事实上,祂将不惜一切代价确保自己达到永恒的荣耀。祂把所有的恩典都倾注给你,祂呼召你到永恒的荣耀中去,祂将从始至终看顾这一切。这不是可疑或不确定的,而是你可以完全依赖的应许。
[Promise] God promises that he “will himself restore, confirm, strengthen, and establish you.” Each of these four verbs overlap in meaning, and all point to the main idea that God will bring to completion what he has begun. He will surely bring us all the way home. God is going to restore us and confirm us after we’ve suffered a little while, and then strengthen and establish us to endure until the very end. Paul writes in Philippians 1:6, “And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ.” God is going to make sure that all his children get all the way home! [应许]神应许说祂“必定亲自成全你们,坚固你们,赐力量给你们,建立你们。”这四个动词在意义上都有重合,都指向同一个主旨,就是神要把祂所开始的事情完成。祂一定会带我们一路回家。神要在我们受了短暂的苦难之后,成全我们、坚固我们,然后赐力量、建立我们,使我们能忍耐到最后。保罗在腓立比书1:6中写道:“我深信那在你们中间开始了美好工作的,到了基督耶稣的日子,必成全这工作。”神要确保祂所有的孩子都能回家!
[Illustration: Peter Himself] Who’s a perfect example of this? Our author the apostle Peter. He suffered a little while, even denied Christ, but then Jesus restored him (John 21), confirm his faith and love, and then strengthen him and established him to be a pillar of the early church. God will complete what he has begun. He will bring us all the way home. [示例:彼得本人]谁是最好的例子?我们的作者,使徒彼得。他受了短暂的苦,甚至不认基督,但后来耶稣挽回他(约翰福音21章),肯定他的信和爱,然后坚固他,建立他成为早期教会的柱石。神会完成祂所开始的事。祂将带我们一路回家。
[Not Try Harder] If you walk away from this series thinking, “Suffering is coming, so I need to work hard and muster up more faith to endure,” I think you will have missed it. Warnings and exhortations are used by Peter to ensure that God’s people will persevere and enter into eternal glory. Warnings don’t undermine God’s effectual calling and our new identity, but provoke true believers to remain faithful until the end. Peter is not trying to tell us to do more, try harder, and to not screw up. This is a book that calls us to look at what God is doing in and through us. He is working through our present sufferings so that we will endure. [不是更努力]如果你听完了这个系列讲道,然后说:“苦难就要来了,所以我需要努力,鼓起更多的信心来忍耐”,我想你就没有领会精义。彼得用警告和劝告来确保神的子民能坚持到底,进入永恒的荣耀。警告不会破坏神有效的呼召和我们的新身份,而是激发真信徒保持忠诚,直到最后。彼得并不是想告诉我们要做得更多,更努力,不要搞砸了。这是一本呼唤我们看神在我们里面和透过我们做什么的书。祂正在透过我们现在的苦难作工,使我们能忍耐到底。
[Doxology (v11)] Peter ends with a word of doxology in verse 11: “To him be the dominion forever and ever. Amen.” Why? In response to God’s promise, we worship. God promises to restore, confirm, strengthen, and establish us, so we can sing his praises, and rejoice in what he is doing. The word “dominion” calls to mind God’s sovereignty and power. We are humble ourselves under the “mighty hand of God,” yet this powerful hand will restore, confirm, strengthen, and establish us. This is a reminder that it will surely come to pass, because God is sovereign. There will be a day when suffering, trials, and hardships will be no more. [颂歌(第11节)]彼得在第11节中以颂词结束:“愿权能归给他,直到永远。 阿们。”为什么?为回应神的应许,我们来敬拜。神应许成全、坚固、赐力量、建立我们,所以我们可以歌颂祂,并在祂所做的事上欢喜。“权能”一词,使人想到神的主权和权力。我们在”神大能的手“下谦卑自己,然而这大能的手也会成全、坚固、赐力量、建立我们。这是在提醒我们,它一定会实现,因为神是主宰。总有一天,苦难、试炼、艰辛将不复存在。
[Application: Confidence & Comfort] Why does Peter end on this note? To give us confidence and comfort. If you’re suffering, be comforted that God is powerful, and will cause his sovereign will to come to pass. If you are doubting, fearful, and anxious about persevering, take heart and have confidence that God will bring you all the way home. [应用:信心与安慰]为什么彼得以这个音符结束?要给我们信心和安慰。如果你在受苦,要安慰自己:神是大能的,祂一定会使主权的旨意实现。如果你对坚忍有怀疑、恐惧、焦虑,请你放心,要有信心,神会带你一路回家。
[God Makes It All Work Out] Confidence in the future and comfort in the present seem severely lacking. The future feels so uncertain: what will the election mean, what will all of this polarization, unrest, and increased violence mean, and what does this pandemic mean for the future? But what does Peter remind us? We know how it all ends. Despite the hardships you’re facing or will face, it’s all going to work out in the end. And it will unfold according to God’s sovereign hand, as he rules in power and dispenses his lavish grace. [神会让一切完成]对未来的信心和对现在的安慰似乎严重不足。对未来的感觉是如此的不确定:今年大选将意味着什么,所有这些两极分化、动荡和暴力的增加将意味着什么,这种流行病对未来意味着什么?但彼得提醒我们什么呢?我们知道这一切的结局是什么。无论你正面临或将要面临什么样的困难,最终都会解决的。而这一切都将按照上帝的主权之手展开,因为祂在权能中统治,并赐下祂丰盛的恩典。
[Transition] That was the promise, and we now turn to Peter’s final exhortation. [过渡]这就是应许,现在我们来看看彼得最后的劝告。
2. Exhortation: Stand Firm in the True Grace of God (12) 2. 劝勉:在神的真恩典中站稳(第12节)
1 Peter 5:12 “By Silvanus, a faithful brother as I regard him, I have written briefly to you, exhorting and declaring that this is the true grace of God. Stand firm in it.” 彼得前书5:12 “我藉着我认为忠心的弟兄西拉,简略地写了这封信劝勉你们,又向你们证实这是 神真正的恩典;要在这恩典上站立得住。 ”
[Silvanus] First Peter commends Silvanus, who likely carried and delivered the letter, who is also known as Silas. He was also a traveling companion of Paul. He commends Silas as a “faithful brother” so that the church would be hospitable and provide for his traveling needs. [西尔瓦努斯]彼得首先称赞西尔瓦努斯,他很可能是送信的人,他也叫西拉。他也是保罗的旅伴。他称赞西拉是“忠心的弟兄”,让教会热情接待,供应他旅行的需要。
[Stand Firm (12)] Then Peter explains what this entire letter has been about: an exhortation and declaration of “the true grace of God. Stand firm in it.” We aren’t going to spend a lot of time on this particular exhortation lest we rehearse the entire book once again. When Peter says “that this is the true grace of God,” he is referring to everything he has written up to this point is God’s revealed grace. Peter has rehearsed for us God’s gracious work in Christ to save, sustain, purify, and ultimately glorify his children. And what are we to do? We are to “stand firm in it.” We don’t run from it, we don’t shift away from it, we don’t hide it, but we stand firm in it. [站立得住(第12节)]然后,彼得解释了这整封信的内容:劝勉并宣告“神真正的恩典要在这恩典上站立得住。 ”我们不会花很多时间在这个特别的劝告上,免得我们再次重复整本书。当彼得说“这就是神真正的恩典”时,他指的是他到现在为止所写的一切,都是神所启示的恩典。彼得为我们复述了神在基督里的恩典工作,拯救,维持,洁净,并最终荣耀祂的儿女。那我们该做什么呢?我们要“站立得住”。我们不逃避,不转移,不隐藏,而是站立得住。
[Word for Unbelievers] For those who are not yet trusting in Jesus this morning, there is nothing to stand on. And in a world of uncertainty, with shift sands, and precarious footholds, I would call you to surrender to the Lord Jesus Christ and to build your life upon the finished work of Christ. In world where no one will stand for anything, Christians stand firm in the gospel of Christ. But we do not stand alone. Let’s turn to Peter’s closing words. [给不信者的话]对于那些今天早上还没有信靠耶稣的人来说,没有什么可以立足的。在这个不确定的世界上,风云变幻,立足不稳,我要呼召你们向主耶稣基督降服,把你们的生命建立在基督已完成的工作上。在这个没有人愿意坚持忍耐的世界上,基督徒坚定地站立在基督的福音中。但我们并不是茕茕独立。现在我们来看看彼得的结束语。
3. Closing: Greet One Another in Love (13–14) 3. 结束语:在爱中互相问候(第12-14节)
1 Peter 5:13–14 “13 She who is at Babylon, who is likewise chosen, sends you greetings, and so does Mark, my son. 14 Greet one another with the kiss of love. Peace to all of you who are in Christ.” 彼得前书5:13-14 “13 在巴比伦与你们同蒙拣选的,和我儿子马可都问候你们。14 你们要用爱心彼此亲吻问安。愿平安归与你们所有在基督里的人。”
[She in Babylon] Peter sends greetings from “she who is at Babylon.” Who is Peter talking about? It could be referring to an unnamed woman, but it’s rather unlikely that the Christians in Asia Minor would know the identity of this unnamed woman. Some think Peter is talking about his wife, but there is no other supporting evidence, and Peter would have no reason to mention that she was at Babylon. Third, some think it refers to the historical city of Babylon in the Old Testament, which was a city in ruins. There is no evidence that Peter ever traveled there. The fourth and most likely option is that he is referring to the church in Rome. [巴比伦的她]彼得从“巴比伦”发出问候。彼得在说谁?这可能是指一个无名女子,但小亚细亚的基督徒不太可能知道这个无名女子的身份。有人认为彼得说的是他的妻子,但这缺乏证据,彼得也没有理由提到她在巴比伦。第三,有人认为是指旧约中的历史名城巴比伦,但那时已成一片废墟。没有证据表明彼得曾经到过那里。第四种也是最有可能的选择是,他指的是在罗马的教会。
[Church as a Lady] First, the church is often referred to as a woman, like the bride of Christ, or in 2 [教会是夫人]首先,教会常被称为妇女,如基督的新妇,或如
John, where he writes to the church and opens with: “The elder to the elect lady and her children” (2 John 1). It would be a little like if I said our daughter Emmaus is doing well. I would not be talking about my daughter—I don’t have one named Emmaus—nor would I be talking about a literal girl with an odd name, but rather our church plant in White Bear Lake. 约翰二书中,他写信给教会,这样开头:“我这作长老的,写信给蒙拣选的夫人和她的儿女。”(约翰二书1)这就有点像我说我们的女儿以马忤斯过得很好。我不会谈论我的女儿—我没有一个叫“以马忤斯”的女儿—一个真的女孩也不会起这个奇怪的名字,我是在谈论我们在白熊湖新植的教会。
[Church in Rome] Second, there is good evidence that Peter was writing from Rome, and Babylon would be a reference to Rome, just like in Revelation 16:19; 17:5; 18:2. Why does Peter say Babylon instead of Rome? He is using the imagery of the church as the new people of God, the new Israel. So while Babylon in the Old Testament was a great and wicked city, opposed to God and his people, full of power, wealth, violence, and sensuality, Rome is now the center of power and wickedness, opposing God’s people. So Peter is saying you know that “brotherhood throughout the world” that is suffering, we’ll the church in Rome sends you its greetings. You are not alone. [在罗马的教会]其次,有充分的证据表明,彼得是从罗马写的,巴比伦应该是指罗马,就像启示录16:19;17:5;18:2一样。为什么彼得要说巴比伦而不是罗马?他用的是教会是神的新子民、新以色列的意象。所以,旧约中的巴比伦是一座巨大而邪恶的城市,与神和祂的子民对立,充满了权力、财富、暴力和情欲,而现在的罗马则是权力和邪恶的中心,与神的子民对立。所以彼得是说,你们知道“在世上的弟兄”也正在经历同样的苦难,我们罗马的教会向你们问安。你不是独自一人受苦。
[Mark, my son] Then he sends greetings from Mark, who is also known as John Mark, the writer of the Gospel of Mark. He is not literally Peter’s biological son, but rather Peter’s spiritual son and indicates Peter’s fatherly love for Mark. [我的儿子马可]然后他送来了马可的问候,马可也就是马可福音的作者约翰-马可。马可并不是字面上彼得的亲生儿子,而是彼得属灵的儿子,表明彼得对马可的父爱。
[Greet One Another with the Kiss of Love] Finally, Peter calls for greeting one another with the kiss of love. This would have meant touching cheeks, not lips, as an expression of love within the family of God. Christians are to allow their faith in God overflow into expressions of love within the body of Christ. We saw this throughout the letter: be humble towards one another, love one another earnestly, show hospitality without grumbling, and use your gifts to serve one another. What this suggests is that we are not a business, we are not a country club where you pay your dues and get your benefits, we are not a political party, and we are not consumers who join the church mainly to get something for myself. We are a family, and family that has been redeemed by the precious blood of Christ. [用爱心彼此亲吻问安]最后,彼得呼吁用爱的亲吻彼此问候。这意味着脸颊贴脸颊,而不是嘴唇贴嘴唇,作为上帝家庭中爱的表达。基督徒要让自己对神的信心在基督的身体里溢出爱的表达。我们在信中看到:对人要谦卑,要真诚相爱,要热情好客不报怨,要用自己的恩赐彼此服侍。这说明我们不是一个企业,我们不是一个乡村俱乐部,你交了会费就能享受福利,我们不是一个政党,我们也不是作为消费者加入教会主要是为了让我自己得到一些东西。我们是一个家庭,而且是被基督的宝血所救赎的家庭。
[Final Words: Peace to All of You Who are in Christ] Peter ends with peace, just like he began: “May grace and peace be multiplied to you.” In essence, the book is bookended by peace. This is not a throw away phrase. If you’re experiencing maligning, slander, fiery trials, and suffering, what are you likely not experiencing much of? Peace! And here Peter prays and wishes for their peace in Christ. Peace would allow them to endure and persevere until the end, and then take hold of the crown of life. [最后一句话:愿平安归与你们所有在基督里的人]彼得以平安结束,正如他的开头:“愿恩惠平安多多地加给你们。”实质上,这本书是以平安首尾呼应。这不是多余的话。如果你正在经历恶意、诽谤、如火的试炼和苦难,什么东西是你最可能没有体会到的?平安!在这里,彼得为他们在基督里的平安祈祷和祝愿。平安会让他们忍耐和坚持到最后,然后握住生命的冠冕。
Application & Conclusion 应用与结语
[Elect Exiles] With an election on the horizon, we remember that we are not mainly Americans—Democrats or Republicans—nor we are not mainly fighting for the advance and establishment of this earthly kingdom. Rather, we serve the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. And he is the one who is establishing us as a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, and a people for his own possession (1 Peter 2:9). Why? So that we may proclaim the excellencies of him who called us out of darkness into his marvelous light. We are elect exiles, but we’re not just waiting to get out of here. We exist to preach the good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ. We do it with words and back it up with our lives, even in suffering. We know that America, like Rome and like Babylon before it, will ultimately fall. What will remain is the Kingdom of the Lord Jesus Christ that will reign forever and forever. [蒙拣选的寄居者]大选在即,我们必须记住,我们主要不是美国人,我们不是民主党人或共和党人,我们主要不是为这个人间国度的进步和建立而战;而是事奉万王之王,万主之主。祂亲自建立我们作为蒙拣选的族类、君尊的祭司、圣洁的国度和祂自己的子民(彼得前书2:9)。为什么?为要叫你们宣扬那召你们出黑暗入奇妙光明者的美德。我们是蒙拣选的寄居者,但我们不是只被动地等着离开这里。我们的存在是为了传扬耶稣基督的福音。我们用语言去做,用生命去支撑,甚至在苦难中。我们知道,美国就像罗马及之前的巴比伦一样,最终会沦陷。长存的是主耶稣基督的国度,祂将永远作王,直到永远。
[Exhortation: Stand Firm in the True Grace of God] So what do we do? We stand firm. Peter writes so that we would receive it, believe it, and live according to it. These are the inspired words of the apostle Peter, written so that we would endure to the end. And it’s worth reflecting this final question, Is Peter to be trusted? Can we trust what he’s written? I would argue yes; here are five reasons. [劝勉:在神的真恩典中站稳]我们该怎么办?我们要站立得住。彼得写这信,是要我们接受它,相信它,并照着它生活。这些都是使徒彼得受启示的话语,是为了使我们能够忍耐到底而写的。而最后一个问题值得反思,彼得值得信任吗?我们能相信他写的东西吗?我认为是的,以下是五个理由:
#1 Firsthand Knowledge : Peter walked with Jesus firsthand. He was as close as one could be to Jesus. He saw him in the morning, walked with him all day, and saw him retire in the evening. He never saw any inconsistency in Jesus. Peter was asked by Jesus, “Who do you say that I am?” And what did Peter reply? “[You are] the Christ of God” (Luke 9:20). And Peter says now to us, these things are worth standing firm in, and never departing from. #第一手资料:彼得亲身与耶稣同行。他是耶稣最亲近的人。他天亮一睁眼就见到祂,整天陪着祂到处走,傍晚又看着祂休息。他从来没有在耶稣身上看到任何表里不一的地方。耶稣曾问彼得:“你说我是谁?”而彼得是怎么回答的呢?“[你是]神的基督”(路加福音9:20)。彼得现在对我们说,这些事值得我们站稳脚跟,永不偏离。
#2 Peter Saw Jesus’ Glory : Peter was there on the mount of transfiguration and saw Jesus in his glory. Peter was there at the crucifixion in all his agony. And then Peter was there to stick his fingers into the hands and side of the resurrected Lord Jesus. And Peter was there when Christ ascended to heaven. If there was any funny business, Peter, a grizzled fisherman, would have called it out. But Peter bows down in worship, because Jesus is Lord. #2 彼得见过耶稣的荣耀: 彼得在登山变相的山上目睹了耶稣的荣耀。耶稣在十字架上受苦的时候他也在那里。然后彼得在那里把手指伸进复活的主耶稣的手上和肋旁的伤痕里。基督升天的时候,彼得也在那里。如果有什么好笑的事情,彼得这个头发灰白的渔夫一定会大喊大叫。但彼得俯身敬拜,因为耶稣是主。
#3 Peter Knows Suffering : Peter doesn’t write about enduring suffering as one who hasn’t experienced it. He’s tasted of the pain, the blood, the bruises, and the open shame. Peter rejoiced in being beaten and being counted worthy to suffer with Christ. He’s either crazy and lost his mind, or he knows something better, namely, to live is Christ, and to die is gain (Philippians 1:21). #3 彼得懂得苦难: 彼得不是以一个没有经历过苦难的人来写忍受苦难。他尝到过痛苦、血腥、伤痕和公开的羞辱。彼得为自己被打,被算为配与基督一同受苦而欢喜。他要么是疯了,失去了理智,要么就是知道了一些更好的东西,即活着就是基督,死了就是有益(腓立比书1:21)。
#4 Peter Knows God’s Protection : Peter denied Christ on the night he was betrayed, wept bitterly, and Satan sought to sift him like wheat. But Jesus told him that he would pray that his faith would not fail (Luke 22:31–32). Peter knows what it’s like to be kept by God’s sovereign power. Peter knows what it feels likes to humble oneself under God’s mighty hand, and to come out the other side protected and preserved by God’s power. #4 彼得知道神的保护: 彼得在耶稣被出卖的当晚不认基督,然后痛哭,撒旦要把他像筛麦子一样筛掉。但耶稣告诉他,祂会祈祷他的信心不会失掉(路加福音22:31-32)。彼得知道蒙神主权大能所保守的滋味。彼得知道在神大能的手下谦卑自己,并在神的大能保护下从另一边出来是什么感觉。
#5 Peter Knows God’s Grace : Peter opens and closes his letter with grace. Why? Because he knows the stunning grace of God. When Peter writes about grace, it’s not some cheap, easy, or shallow grace. This is a man who denied Jesus three times, swearing that he did not even know him. Yet when Peter sought forgiveness and restoration, he received both from the gracious hand of Jesus. When Peter says that “God will surely restore, confirm, strengthen and establish you,” he speaks from firsthand knowledge, having put God to the test, and found him faithful, steadfast, true, and rock solid. Peter doesn’t teach wishfully, but knowledgably. So let’s receive his word as true, and stand firm in the true grace of God. #5 彼得知道神的恩典: 彼得以恩典开始和结束他的信。为什么?因为他知道神的惊人恩典。当彼得写到恩典的时候,那不是什么廉价的、容易的、浅薄的恩典。这个人曾经三次不认耶稣,发誓说自己根本不认识祂。然而,当彼得寻求饶恕和恢复时,他从耶稣的恩典之手得到了这两者。当彼得说“神必定会成全你们、坚固你们、赐力量给你们,建立你们”的时候,他是从第一手的知识中说出来的,他曾经将神置于试探之中,发现祂是信实的、坚定的、真实的、坚如磐石的。彼得的教导不是出于一厢情愿,而是知其所以然。所以让我们接受他的话语为真,在神的真恩典中站稳脚跟。
Sermon Discussion Questions 讲道讨论问题
Sermon Title: Stand Firm 讲道标题:你们要站立得住
Sermon Text: 1 Peter 5:10–14 讲道标题:彼得前书5:10-14
Main Point: Believers are to stand firm in the true grace of God. Peter’s aim is for believers to endure and persevere in their faith, not departing from the grace of God. 要点:信徒要在神的真恩典中站立得住。彼得的目的是要他们在信仰上忍耐和坚持,不要离开神的恩典。
Outline: 纲要:
1. Promise: God Will Bring Us Home (10–11) 1. 应许:神会带我们回家(10-11节)
2. Exhortation: Stand Firm in the True Grace of God (12b) 2. 劝勉:在神的真恩典中站稳(12b节)
3. Closing Word: Greet One Another in Love (12–14) 3. 结束语:在爱中互相问候(12-14节)
Intro Question: As you reflect on the Letter of First Peter, what elements, exhortations, commands, or encouragements stand out most? What is most encouraging? 引言中的问题:当你回想彼得前书的时候,哪些内容、劝告、命令或鼓励最突出?最令人鼓舞的是什么?
Discussion Questions: 讨论问题:
1. Why might Peter highlight that God is the “God of all grace, who has called you to his eternal glory in Christ” (5:10)? 1. 为什么彼得要强调神是“满有恩典的 神,就是在基督里召你们进入他永远荣耀的那一位”(5:10)?
2. What does it mean for God to “restore, confirm, strengthen, and establish” his children? What verses throughout the letter point to how God will make all things right? 2. 神“成全、坚固、赐力量、建立”祂的儿女是什么意思?整封信中有哪些经文指出了神会如何使一切都重归于正?
3. Why might Peter mention Silvanus, Mark, and she who is at Babylon? 3. 为什么彼得会提到西拉、马可和在巴比伦的她?
4. How are we to “stand firm in the true grace of God”? 4. 我们要如何“在神的真恩中站立得住”?
5. How is the church to relate to one another in Peter’s call to “Greet one another with the kiss of love”? How else does Peter command believers to relate to one another in his epistle? 5. 在彼得呼吁“用爱心彼此亲吻问安”中,教会如何彼此相处?彼得在他的书信中还命令信徒们如何彼此相处?
Application Questions: 应用问题:
6. As you think about suffering being “for a little while,” how does that help us endure, persevere, and stand firm? 6. 当你想到苦难是“短暂的”,这对我们忍耐、坚持、站立得住有什么帮助?
7. How does knowing that God will make all things right (by restoring, confirming, strengthening, and establishing us) encourage us to endure, persevere, and stand firm? 7. 知道神会使一切都重归于正(通过成全、坚固、赐力量和建立我们),如何鼓励我们忍耐、坚持和站稳?
8. As you look back throughout this letter, what fiery trials are you facing (if any), and what encouragements from this letter did you find most encouraging and timely? 8. 当你回顾整封信的内容时,你正面临着哪些如火的考验(如果有的话),你觉得这封信中哪些鼓励是最令人鼓舞和及时的?
9. As we consider how to relate to one another in love within the body of Christ, how are you challenged to love and deal graciously with fellow believers? 9. 当我们考虑如何在基督的身体里彼此相爱时,你如何受到挑战,去爱和慷慨地对待其他信徒?
10. As you seek to stand firm in the true grace of God, what verses or truths can you commit to memory in order to endure and persevere? 10. 当你寻求在神的真恩典中站稳时,你可以将哪些经文或真理牢记在心,以达到忍耐和坚持的目的?
Prayer Focus: 祷告焦点:
Thank God for his revelation of the good news of the gospel through Peter in this epistle. Confess any anxieties, fears, or failure to trust in God as you endure, persevere, and face hardship and trials. Thank God for your identity in Christ that he has revealed throughout this book that reorient our hearts and minds to an eternal perspective. Ask God specifically for grace in any areas of your life where you are struggling (marriage, work, relationships, election stress, unrest, anxiety, world events, etc.) and cast your anxieties on him. 感谢神在这封书信中通过彼得启示了福音的好消息。当你忍耐、坚持、面对困难和试炼时,承认任何焦虑、恐惧,或未能信靠神的罪。感谢神,为你在基督里的身份,祂在本书中所启示的,使我们的心思重新定位到永恒的角度。在你生命中任何挣扎的领域(婚姻、工作、人际关系、选举压力、不安、焦虑、世界事件等),特别向神祈求恩典,将你的忧虑卸在祂身上。

