2020-01-09 学习sql
2020-01-09 本文已影响0人
select DATA_DT,count (distinct id),sum (SY),sum (RY) from P_DETAIL group by DATA_DT
2. NVL函数是一个空值转换函数 NVL( comm,0); preceding 代表前置
unbounded preceding and 1 preceding ----代表无前置到自己的前一个
last_value 这个最后的值 unbounded preceding and 1 preceding 是
SELECT a.id,a.data_dt,a.DKDYE, a.DKDYE-a.HJ as c ,nvl(last_value(a.DKDYE) over(partition by a.id order by a.DATA_DT rows between unbounded preceding and 1 preceding),0) as lastDKDYE FROM P_LCZB a
select month,
2 sum(tot_sales) month_sales,
3 sum(sum(tot_sales)) over(order by month
4 rows between unbounded preceding and current row) current_total_sales
5 from orders
6 group by month;