I'm sorry we're late. 不同的语调代表不同的情感,这里一定要表现出歉意。
I’m sorry, I didn't catch your names. 这里的I'm sorry只是一种礼貌,千万不要读的特别郑重其事,特别歉意。
There was a pile-up on the highway involving three cars. 这居中,pile-up是最主要的信息,读的最重,involving three cars后置定语,修饰pile-up。在英语中,一定要注意说话的层次,区别信息的主次及重要程度
one son won pun bun ton
You name it, we've got it. name 语调上扬
Harco Insurance 都有重音,但是Insurance更重
What have you been up to? what have you been 读为whaddaya been up to
Your name rings a bell. your这里重读了,因为有上下文语境,跟前面形成对比
I'll take a vodka on the rocks.
take vodka rocks要重
Do you drink?你喝酒吗? 千万不要回答:I drink vodka,beer等等。
pork ban 肉夹馍
we got held up in traffic = we're stuck in traffic =we're sitting in traffic
we would been better off walking here.我们应该走着来
better off: 两个意思:1、give advice to someone 提建议 2、say what should be done 应该做 上句取之
chill out=relax 放松一下
This is a little something for your son.这是给您儿子的小礼物。 调侃的语气:小意思
别人送你礼物,你可以回答:Oh, how kind of you! You shouldn't have.
You shouldn't have.客套话,可理解为:买啥礼物啊,不该买
别人感谢你送礼物,可以进一步回复:It's our pleasure./ It's a little something./ It's a small gesture.
A drink would hit the spot 正合我意 I could use a drink. 我正想喝点东西。 / I'd love to.
spot 拓展:
put someone on the spot 使某人处于尴尬的境地,让某人为难
get hold up in in traffic=be sitting in traffic
a pile-up invovling three caes=a three-car pile-up
You shouldn't have 客套话 不该买呀,回答是:It's a small thing/little gesture. My pleasure.
you name it 拓展:
You name it.应有尽有。可在举例子的时候用。
stuff like that/ and whatnot
Stuff like that:之类的
Like shirs, pants. Stuff like that.
and whatnot:
whatnot: noun
[uncountable] and ~ (informal)
used when you are referring to sth, but are not being exact and do not mention its name
It's a new firm. They make toys and whatnot
It's a New firm. They make toys and stuff like that.
Make that a virgin Bloody Mary. Hold the vodka. virgin指不含酒精的, hold此处是别放的意义
形容词(尤指酒精饮料)纯的,不掺水的 A straight drink, especially an alcoholic drink, has not had another liquid such as water added to it.
【搭配模式】:ADJ n
...a large straight whiskey without ice...
Children should not drink fruit juices straight.
make that two 来两份/ make that spicy 做得辣点儿
I'll take a vodka on the rocks. on the rocks表示加冰,
on the rocks 拓展:
Your marriage is on the rocks. 婚姻触礁。 / The company is on the rocks. 公司岌岌可危。
Coming right up. 马上来。
美国人小聚,一定要介绍朋友,多半介绍名字。 中国人是介绍应该喊什么,
I didn't catch your names. (Can you say it again?/ Can you spell it?)
Sorry, your name again.
My name is Deng Ming. I go by Emma.
You guys have a lot in common, so I'm sure you'll hit off. 背下来
hit it off一拍即合,一见如故,介绍朋友等=click immediately
click也可表示一见钟情,心心相印We clicked.
You look familiar, but I can't quite place you.眼熟,一时想不起来了
Your name rings a bell. 你名字也有点儿耳熟。
insurance plan 保险方案
It's a small world. 世界很小啊
It sure is. I'm glad we've crossed paths again. cross paths 偶遇
I hope our paths will cross again.
Our paths would cross although we're thousands of miles away.
What have you been up to since you left Comtek? = How's your post-Comtek life?离开Comtek后怎么样啊?
Let's grab some drinks, and I'll fill you in. 让我们拿点酒,边喝边聊
I hear you've been to Beijing. Fill me in. 跟我说说都怎么样。