One way for building a good habi
Now I want to share with you one of my ways for building a good habit.
If we think about learning to code, it requires daily, almost constant effort, right?
Ideally if you spend 100 days and you spent one hour a day learning to code, then you are going to become so much better than if you just did it one weekend and then forgot about it. Right?
So the difference between these 2 scenarios is if you are able to build a habit.
Once we have a habit, we almost don't have to think about it anymore.
You don't think about in the morning like do I want to brush my teeth or not.
You don't think about that because it's a habit.
You just wake up, and you just do it.
So how can you make coding or learning or writing or learning English a habit?
One of the things that really helps me is to mark a complete line in my things3's to do list.
I just like seeing the things in my to do list completed.
By continuing doing something, at some point when I am not going to do that, I may ask myself,"Hey! I have done so many days! How hard is it just to do one more day?"
Then I continuing.
Once one thing become a habit, such as practicing English every day, if I don't do it one day, I may feel bad, It seems like something is missing.
The most important thing for building a good habit is to just keep going.
I think you‘re doing great and you’re going to do even better.
2020.07.19 afternoon
Shanghai Pudong